I was working on a project: video footage! It has, fittingly, a few technical glitches, but it's watchable.
Ants and aphids: it's a real thing!
Yes. They're taking feedback from the forums, social media, and technical support channels to help patch what needs to be fixed. The players are literally acting as play testers, and the game's vital aspects are being added and modified every week.
Here are only a few examples of what's been fixed:
Added “Team Messages” VO & Text Hotkeys (Z + Number Keys)
Player Servers now correctly display numbers of players in games
Many doors have been closed in various locations
Named Loadouts “Recon, Assault, Breach, Sniper” [When I first started playing this game, the loadout choices were listed as "loadout 1, 2, 3, 4" before beginning a level. It didn't tell you what TYPE of guns you were going to be playing with until after you started! It was an unfun mystery.]
Increased Grenade Damage Range
Bomb in Biolab: Lab now properly lit
Team AI accuracy and response time increased
I didn't even mention the 3 squad members that follow you around, who are completely useless (or were, when I played). Every time you die you take over for the next one, so you basically get 4 tries. But since it doesn't transition instantaneously, you watch yourself die, and it leaves more than enough time for the enemy to shoot your next one or two teammates, which happened to me over and over and over.
I love this site, it has nowhere to go but up!
Four more years! Four more years!
Another win for gamers. I hope it turns out to be successful.
My body is ready but my wallet isn't.
It looks like it'll be a much more varied launch window than the Wii or Gamecube's. The tiered pricing is a nice gesture but I don't think I'll need a controller stand? Isn't that what the coffee table is for?
Me too, I like how the Rock Pikmin bounce back after getting thrown. I'm wondering if you can draw a 'flight path' on the touch screen for the pink ones to fly to, that'd be neat.
"I'm going into our game closet to play old games" haha. That about sums it up.