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The Thanksgiving/Black Friday Recap

On 11/28/2014 at 02:01 PM by goaztecs

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Happy Black Friday Pixlbit…or what I like to call, eat as much food as possible and sleep. Yes this is how I am going to spend my day: eat, sleep, eat, sleep, eat, video game time, eat, and video game time while eating. Yes this is a good way to spend time. Happy Thanksgiving Pixlbit. What did you? Anything fun, exciting, boring, or the usual? Well since I am updating my blog I thought I’d share my experiences with you good people.



I made the big mistake of going to the local Costco the day before Thanksgiving. Yeah that place was a madhouse of people roaming around trying to fill their carts with everything imaginable. The parking lot was crazy because apparently during holidays normal rules go flying out the window. Let’s just say there were a couple of words flying.


This area of Costco was filled. Tons of people were poking around these turkeys and the other freezer case full of ham. Since I have no idea how to pick either I grabbed one of each and bounced. This was a hell of a lot easier than last year where I spent in hour in line at Honeybaked even though I reserved a ham. 

*Costco pro tip: When checking out always go to the checkout aisles to the far right because nobody sees them, and you are done in minutes. There were long lines in the middle lanes but the far right, nothing. Freaking Awesome!



Turkey Day, and I missed some things so back to the local grocery store where it was busy but not insanely crazy. I grabbed my couple of items and official Thanksgiving was on! Family started showing up with food, we ate, had fun, watched TV, talked the usual family time stuff. We also watched football


It’s a bad day when Butt fumble Sanchez outplays you.


Sorry turkey fans but prime rib is always better than some big bird.


At the end of the late lunch/early dinner for Thanksgiving it was time to visit Target because they opened at 6pm and all the crazy folks should be gone to hit up other stores. My cousins and I managed to waltz right in, find the stuff we were looking for, and leave within an hour.



Yay today! I slept in today which always feels good. This was breakfast


Prime Rib and some kind of soft corn dish. We ran out of Pancit (Filipino noodles) so the corn dish was the next best thing. I’m currently watching Bizarre Foods before I jump into some PS4 time. I think we are having another Thanksgiving either later on today or on Sunday with more family!


Black Friday Pickups!


Black Friday for me actually started last week when Walmart decided to start their Black Friday early and people were there buying iPhones, and TVs. I was there for games so naturally I was the weirdo.


I bought these two games and was out in 15 minutes (it would have been earlier but the folks in front of me were buying iPhones in bulk)


On Wednesday before I decided to jump into the craziness of the Costco I paid a visit to the Target in the next town and found some clearance games. There wasn’t a lot for me but I found this one, which I’m excited to play


Galaga is the game I loved to play growing up. I wasn’t any good at arcade games, but this one always interested me because it was simple and the parents knew that quarter wouldn’t last 30 sec and I’d be happy so that’s what I played. Next stop was the GameStop and Marshall’s on the way to the Costco.


Remember those Shaq Attaq’s I posted about in my last blog? Well I found a pair in Red/Black/Gray…and for $30. SOLD!


Man oh man high school Chris is excited but damn I didn’t realize how light shoes are. These seem like they weigh a ton in comparison but again I have a pair of Grandmama’s, Jordan’s, Pippen’s, Shaq’s, and Penny’s, I completed my favorite basketball players shoe collection.


Roaming around GameStop I picked up a game that I didn’t have and it had the Only On XBox stamp


I heard this is a tough game but I’ll give it a go anyways. While here I found out that Forza Horizon 2 was also released on the 360. I’m excited because I loved the first one and now I don’t have to buy an XBox 1. I’ll wait for a sale to pick this game up plus I have a ton of other stuff to play before hand.


After my trip to the Costco I remembered that Target was having a pre Black Friday sale so naturally I went there. I talked to one of the employees and he was telling me that the 50% off bin of games was stuff they were trying to get rid of. I’m happy to help them!


Again nothing fancy but LBP2 replaces the digital version that I have from PS+. I took a chance on Kingdom Hearts because everyone seems to like it so I’d give it a try. Turns out every game in the bin was $10. I wanted to find some Vita games but the only ones in the bin was Lego Marvel and I already own it.


I also picked up my favorite Bond Car


I love the Lotus Esprit especially when it turned into a submarine in The Spy Who Loved Me. Apparently I’m slowing building a Hot Wheels collection.


After Thanksgiving Dinner at 8pm my cousins and I went to the Target by my house. It was still busy but folks who wanted the super cheap TVs were gone, and the huge line at electronics were for the mountain of iDevices people were going nuts over. Target changed it up this year by just opening the cases and letting people just grab whatever they want. The most interesting part of this was that there were at least four cops just hanging out in the electronics section making sure people don’t go nuts. I found the stuff I wanted, and my cousin didn’t find his Diablo but bought points to download it so he was happy.


Second Son was $25, and Marvel is $15. Marvel was an impulse buy because it was super cheap and now I have it for the PS3, 360, Vita, and now PS4. I need to finish Lego Batman 3 so I can jump back into the this game and get frustrated with the flying through rings races.


This game was a pleasant surprise to find, and it was a shock to see it at $15 because Mario games always seem to stay at their normal retail prices. I thought about getting Super Mario Land 2, but I couldn’t remember if I had that one or the original and it didn’t occur to me to check my phone (I have the first one). Oh well I will pick it up later.


I bought a second controller so my brother and I can play UFC.


I bought some gifts for my baby cousins because all three are telling everyone they want Disney Infinity because they loved playing the set I have. They are getting a PS4, Infinity and a couple of other games so they are going to be excited on Christmas Day. My aunt asked me to pick up some figures for them, and I decided I’ll just buy them their new Infinity Figures


The Hulk and Tinkerbell


Thor and Hawkeye


And Jessie and Buzz Playset. They should be busy for the next year with this and their Mincraft obsession (they are always playing Minecraft or watching video on how to play Minecraft).


Ok Pixlbit I think there is a powernap calling my name. If you got any cool stuff for Black Friday let’s see it! Have a good weekend!


That’s all for now, more later!





11/28/2014 at 02:22 PM

None of that Black Friday bullshit for me. I'm broke this year, so everyone who didn't get something purchased before I got laid off gets something handmade. I meant to be stitching away today, but I had to get up and drive down and pick Jason up by 5:30 AM so I could get him to work by 6:00 AM, since he's a retail wage slave. Public transportation in Maine doesn't start that early, and he's never had a driver's license. I never got back to sleep, even though I tried, so I'm a little out of it today. Been watching Netflix for the most part.


12/03/2014 at 12:09 PM

Homemade gifts are awesome, and after Black Friday I'm in the broke club but I do need to grab a couple of items for gifts. That's interesting that Jason doesn't have a license. I have a couple of friends like that. 


12/03/2014 at 12:48 PM

He's never had a license, which has always boggled my mind, living in a state as rural as Maine. Our largest city has a population of about 65,000, the total population of the state is less than 1.5 million, spread out over a little under 35,000 square miles, with most of the population living on the coast.


11/28/2014 at 10:06 PM

Minecraft, Minecraft, Minecraft. That about all I heard from my neice and nephew this week. It's been years now like that. Amazing!


12/03/2014 at 12:10 PM

Whoever made that game is making a killing. If kids aren't playing it, they're watching videos about it, and now buying toys based off of it. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a cartoon in the works.


12/03/2014 at 02:39 PM

Now that Microsoft bought it for 2.5 BILLION dollars, anything could happen: cartoons, movies, I don't know what else.

Cary Woodham

11/29/2014 at 08:34 AM

Pac-Man and Galaga Dimensions has versions of Pac-Man: Championship Editiona and Galaga Legions, so it's worth the price right there.


12/03/2014 at 12:11 PM

I saw that there were different variations which is fun especially when I get tired of playing the original mode


11/29/2014 at 11:16 AM

I also went to Target yesterday (Black Friday) but way late morning. There were no crowds at all. I picked up The Evil Within for $25. I was so tempted to get inFamous: Second Son, but decided to hold off since I haven't played the first two yet (and I own them, lol).


12/03/2014 at 12:13 PM

Nice pickup! At first I thought inFamous sounded kind of cheesy but the game is actually fun. I do need to jump back into it, and I need to try the second one (its also sitting on my PS3 hard drive).

Matt Snee Staff Writer

11/29/2014 at 01:49 PM

ha ha, the butt fumble. he'll never live that down, poor bastard.  


12/03/2014 at 12:14 PM

Hahaha yup. That is one thing you can't escape from.


12/03/2014 at 02:43 PM

Oh this at minute 3:28. I never saw that before.

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