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Patrick Kijek's Comments - Page 1

Episode 50: Holofoil Covers

Posted on 07/25/2014 at 09:26 PM | Filed Under Feature

Dat rut in ep 48 dough.

You're really good at complimenting, 117. I'm so glad that you like listening to our ideas. It makes me want to keep going and know that it's worthwhile.  I will unleash. We are still just learning to fly, so it's great to see that we are doing something. 

Your writing has truly improved. Not that it was bad before: I always enjoy a stream-of-consciousness. Gets us to the truths under all of a person's faces. You have refined your sentence structrue quite a bit tho. If you do that kind of work on game development, you may use our (my) ideas. You may also give us credit. 

Never missed an episode? Impressive. Even I think that I've missed one or two.

You're always welcome in the NWP.

Episode 35: Comic Book Men

Posted on 11/21/2013 at 01:23 AM | Filed Under Feature

Been a big fan of Vaughn since Ex Machina. Such a good writer at weaving current affairs into surreal or hyperreal stories.t

Assassin's Creed Black Flag: Why not?

Posted on 08/23/2013 at 02:16 AM | Filed Under Blogs

If I were you, I would definitely watch a synopsis of the story to Brotherhood and Revelations. They're all connected, although you don't need to burn yourself out with the gameplay. It'll give you a much better payoff if you know what's happening. Also, the story is the most important component that the game has to offer. 

In the more recent entries, I actually have felt more like an assassin. Shh: don't tell anyone.

Late to the Party: Assassin's Creed II

Posted on 08/23/2013 at 01:46 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Once you make this jump, it makes the whole series worth it. What a story, although most of it was kept secret from me. I have no idea what's true (the secret societies are probably reading this)!

Koala Versus Bald Eagle

Posted on 08/18/2013 at 10:13 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm glad that none of the kids thought that at my school! The eagle is shooting the koala in the belly, son! Who knows if the beam will bounce off? At this point, it hasn't penetrated the stomach, so it's anybody's ball game. 

Koala Versus Bald Eagle

Posted on 08/18/2013 at 10:12 PM | Filed Under Blogs

It also could have been an ewok, which is kind of what I wanted it to resemble, so it came out alright.

Koala Versus Bald Eagle

Posted on 08/18/2013 at 10:11 PM | Filed Under Blogs

By the look on his face, you can see that the koala regrets lifting his spear at the eagle. The eagle was retaliating, so you can't feel too sorry.

Koala Versus Bald Eagle

Posted on 08/18/2013 at 10:10 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The big ears have superpowers, too. I'm just not sure what they are. Supercuddlyness? 

Koala Versus Bald Eagle

Posted on 08/18/2013 at 10:09 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Thanks for the compliment! Any time you can be compared to Star Wars, you know you did something successful.

Koala Versus Bald Eagle

Posted on 08/18/2013 at 10:08 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The eagle represents America, so it's totally fair.

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