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Machocruz's Comments - Page 81

Raging over a number: Game scores and the deeper issue

Posted on 09/22/2013 at 02:39 AM | Filed Under Blogs

If you confront  these people, they have no cogent arguments to make. They speak in buzzwords about how "revolutionary" the game they haven't played is and is deserving of 10/10 on principle, or how the reviewer is a fanboy of some sort or another and shouldn't have a job. It's like talking to children.  You're better off ignoring comments sections competely, at least at mainstream sites. There is nothing of value to be gleaned from that miserable soup of degenerate grey matter...besides lowered expectations for the intelligence of the average human.

WTF Escapist?

Posted on 09/17/2013 at 05:04 PM | Filed Under Blogs

1. GTA is good escapism. Just because Rockstar or Escapistman take it seriously doesn't mean I have to. It's still hijinks in a digital landscape to me. Gamers need to get a grip.

 2. And even serious business can be escapism. I love terror, satire, violence, foibles, unpleasantness in my escapism. Well, that's if... 

 3 . I believed in the concept of escapism and didn't play games to merely entertain myself.

 4. If people in the game media racket are fighting for games to be art, they're doing a terrible job of it by pushing every mind numbing, over produced AAA game to the forefront, and making critical darlings out of simple, shallow indie games, while remaining ignorant that ART HAS ALREADY BEEN ACCOMPLISHED IN THE MEDIUM. GO PLAY PLANESCAPE TORMENT,  CIVILIZATION, I HAVE NO MOUTH AND I MUST SCREAM, OR SILENT HILL 2, YOU FOOLS! THESE GAMES EITHER CONSIDER OR REFLECT LIFE OR ALLUDE TO OTHER WORKS OF ART!  But it's not about art or art history, it's about playing cheerleader for Rockstar/Naughty Dog/Take-Two/Ubisoft/etc. 

10 Most Important Games This Console Generation

Posted on 09/09/2013 at 01:36 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Well, even some AAA developers are talking about adding or have added hardcore and purist modes in their games. That could be in reaction to fan criticism of current gen iterations of those particular franchises though. 

I think things will come to a head with Dark Souls 2, then we'll really see if there is any lasting impact from the series.

10 Most Important Games This Console Generation

Posted on 09/08/2013 at 12:36 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Can't argue with your examples much, though I find several of them have been detrimental and/or having no value at all. I like that you point out the positive and negative of each game's influence.

Personal bias for them aside, I think the Souls games have been quite important to re-establishing semi-mainstream appreciation of challenging and cryptic games. I like to think it did its part in creating a welcoming environment for other hard game, like some of the indies, and for the various hardcore or old-school game Kickstarters.

I game because I'm a gamer: To impress other people? Not so much!

Posted on 09/08/2013 at 12:05 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Metal Gear is James Bond with a technology/military/magic realism skin.  Voyeurism and erociticism are part of the package. Quiet's design would be out of place in a military story and setting striving for versimilitude, but Metal Gear is not that. Do people not remember Sniper Wolf, Meryl's swishing bottom, and bathroom pervery in MGS? How about Eva and Boss's inexplicable cleavage exhibitionism in MGS3? The Beauties' sexy sashaying after you beat their mecha form, and the optional photo shoot and accompanying cheeky poses? 

I game because I'm a gamer: To impress other people? Not so much!

Posted on 09/07/2013 at 11:54 PM | Filed Under Blogs

ME2 was lucky to be released by a western critical-darling developer . The rules do not apply equally to everyone in game "journalism".

PC Is Better Than Consoles (prepare for a rant)

Posted on 09/05/2013 at 04:51 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The console exclusives argument is the most annoying. Let's face it, most modern console games are made for morons and people with crippled thumbs. PC gamers don't care about that, they want games that require some kind of thought to progress. And most of the PC gamers I come across seem to only care about Japanese console games like Demon's Souls, Dragon's Dogma, vanquish, Valkyria Chronicles, i.e. skill based games and RPGs.

Plus, I don't see Total War, Mount and Blade, STALKER, or Amnesia on console, so the point about exclusives cuts both ways.

Addicted to Persona IV

Posted on 09/04/2013 at 03:40 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Persona 4 beats PS2 Persona 3 just for the simple fact that the former lets you control each party member in battle. That 3 doesn't let you do this is a huge flaw. I'd go for the PSP version of 3, which does let you micro manage.

Women Making Games For Woman? INSANITY!

Posted on 08/29/2013 at 01:15 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Hopefully they rise above the romance novel, which is the equivalent of a mindless frag fest in video game terms, or it's really just a different side of the same coin.

Breaking Bad is The Greatest Show EVER!!!

Posted on 08/29/2013 at 01:03 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Like I said, insight into the time period is probably a big hook. And when you get past that, you find character development is complex and consistent, story threads that pay off in big ways. Humor, drama, unpredictability. Stylish. Good music choices at the right moments. It's honest about the issues it deals with.

It's enaging because it's really high quality and intelligent in every way a show can be. Really can't put it any other way. 

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