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Sick, Moved, and Lupin The Third

On 03/06/2015 at 06:32 PM by Nicoleb1989

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Well as the title implies I've officially moved and I'm sick. Last night my nose started running and it has since turned into a cold and sore throat. It would be my luck to get sick during the last days of winter. Since me and Dan decided to skip cable and use Hulu and Netflix I've been watching Lupin The Third. If your looking for a good old anime Lupin is definitely worth watching. It revolves around the crazy antics of a gentleman thief named Lupin and his 2 and sometimes 3 friends pulling heist or other law breaking stunts. There is also Zenigata or as Lupin calls him Pops who chases after Lupin and the gang. He is an interpol officer wanting to personally arrest and put away Lupin. The show is hilarious and if your not laughing your for damn sure smiling watching it. Again, if you have not seen this show, I highly recommend it. Over in the states we only got Part 2 and forward starting the first season. Part 1 never came over here apparently, atleast not dubbed. I also found out a new Lupin The Third anime is coming in April. I'm excited for it, I'm big Lupin fan. I wish I could get my hands on the manga. I doubt it though oh and there is a live action movie but it's only released in Japan so I have no clue if it's any good. Anywho I'm gonna go for now. I have one more blog I atleast would like to get posted today but I'll have to see how I feel about typing it up. It's an achievement I recently made and by recently I mean last night before my sinuses went to hell. 

I hope your all well, please forgive me for my lack of commenting and replying. The move has whooped my ass good. I'll be back in full force soon hopefully.



Super Step Contributing Writer

03/06/2015 at 07:02 PM

Congrats on moving! I've helped move a few people these past couple years and it can be stressful. Hate moving myself too. 

I'm curious what your achievement is. 

I watched the Lupin III movie Miyazaki directed a long time ago and it was a blast to watch. Very charming movie.


03/08/2015 at 04:51 PM

The move was definitely stressful, Dan thinks it's the reason I got sick in the first place which sucks. He is lucky...he didn't get sick.

I still need to watch that movie. I think Hulu has it. I'll have to check to make sure.

Blog coming soon on achievement, it's something I wish I could go out and celebrate on.


03/06/2015 at 07:23 PM

Cool, I was sick with a head cold for the last couple of days (hadn't left the bed till today), I need to live on my own, as old as I am.

Lupin as you know is one of my all-time favs. I watched Part 1 and a bit of part 3 it's goofy to say the least.

It was increasingly hard to find all the dubbed movies I think i'm only missing one (excluding the Conan crossover).

I highly recomend Woman Called Fugiko Mine. It has some very trippy visuals. And cool music to boot (but the series always had that.)

I'm anticipating the live action movie.


03/08/2015 at 04:57 PM

I don't know if Hulu has all the movies dubbed but I might try tracking them down myself with time. It's hard getting out on your own, believe me. Whenever you get the chance make sure you have a lot of money saved. I definitely plan to get a hold of the Fujiko Mine series. Idk when but I plan to,lol!

Cary Woodham

03/06/2015 at 07:51 PM

I like Inspector Zenigata.  Can't stand Fujiko.

What's really cool about Lupin III is that there is a Lupin movie called Castle of Cagliostro, and Miyazaki directed it.

Yes I do know a thing or two about anime.  Although my brother says the only ones I know about are the OLD ones! :)

Get well soon!

Captain N

03/06/2015 at 08:38 PM

My brother tells me the same thing too about anime.


03/08/2015 at 05:04 PM

That's where I am, I know about alot of the old anime. I used to watch alot of it on Toonami when I was a kid. Like Tenchi Muyo, Gundam Wing, and Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon, Outlaw Star, and Rurouni Kenshin.

I love all the Lupin characters! Lupin is my favorite of course. Thank you, I'm almost free of this illness!


03/06/2015 at 08:20 PM

Castle of Cagliostro is one of my all-time favourite movies, of all time.  There is something about the character of Lupin that I just love.


03/08/2015 at 05:06 PM

I still need to watch that one, hopeing I can watch it on Hulu. Lupin is my favorite character on the show, it just cracks me up the crap he gets into.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

03/06/2015 at 08:31 PM

Sucks on being sick. Get better soon!

 Also, you prefer anime dubbed too? I usually get weird looks when I say that haha. I'll have to check out Lupin then at any rate.


03/06/2015 at 10:14 PM

I prefer dubbed, too, Blake.


03/08/2015 at 05:11 PM

Thank you! 

I definitely prefer dubbed. Whether it's anime or video games. It just can get headache inducing reading the texts so you know what's going on. Not to mention for Dan it's especially hard on since he isn't fast at reading stuff. 

Captain N

03/06/2015 at 08:37 PM

I remember watching Lupin on Toonami or Adult Swim a long time ago and it was a really great anime. Never finished it though. Sucks you got sick, hope you get well soon. Looking forward to the achievement.


03/08/2015 at 05:14 PM

Hulu has it if you happen to have the service. Its a good anime to binge watch. Thank you, I'm nearly back to myself. Blog on achievement is coming very soon.


03/06/2015 at 09:44 PM

I would like to see Lupin III one of these days, but sadly it isn't on Colombian netflix. Seems i'll have to look in good ol' free streaming sites or torrents.


03/08/2015 at 05:22 PM

Alex does Hulu come to your region? I'm not sure where it's all available or if the same stuff is on it but that's where I'm watching it. There was an anime site that a friend of mine used to watch, I'll see if I can get the site name. You could stream all sorts of anime free.


03/08/2015 at 06:12 PM

Nah, Hulu is only exclusive on the US, but I do have a legal Google extension that bypasses regio locks on websites. Besides that, I do know a few free anime streaming sites, but i'd be glad to know about the one your friend uses.


03/06/2015 at 10:14 PM

Glad you got moved, sorry you're sick. I have Lupin on my list of anime to check out. I'm currently in the middle of Claymore, and then Cowboy Bebop is up next.


03/08/2015 at 05:24 PM

Cowboy Bebop is amazing! I'm hopeing you enjoy it. I used to watch it with my dad. Never heard of Claymore, Google searching now!


03/07/2015 at 01:15 PM

I don't know about Lupin, (I'm planning on watching it) but a lot of times manga can be really expensive to collect. Some series just go on for forever lol. Sorry to hear that your sick, but at least the move is over with.


03/08/2015 at 05:28 PM

I actually do alot of manga buying from half price books. They normally have it for 3.99-5.99 depending on how big the book is. It might not be super cheaper that way but hey it works,lol! Some series do but I think they have gotten better about ending things recently.


03/07/2015 at 03:06 PM

I know a little about Lupin, need to actually settle down and watch more when I get the chance.

Feel better soon!


03/08/2015 at 05:38 PM

Thank you! I'm almost better now. I'm on season 2 of Lupin, I definitely encourage you to see it.


03/08/2015 at 07:26 PM

Congrats on completing the move! Hope you get to feeling better!

I've seen Castle of Cagliostro but I don't think I've watched any Lupin episodes since the censored versions were broadcast on Adult Swim. I'm not sure if they still are. Loved the movie but didn't get the appeal of the show (probably since they were censored and dubbed; put the on the list of people that hate dubbed anime or foreign films in general).


03/09/2015 at 07:39 PM

Lupin is awesome, one of my personal faves. I loved that Shin Chan did a parody episode called Poopin, The Turd. I remember reading a long time ago that Jakie Chan had wanted to do a live action version of Lupin. I don't think that ever happend although he did do a live action version of City Hunter.


03/12/2015 at 10:50 AM

I'm a bit late on replying but hopefully you've gotten over being sick and congrats on the move! I dig that more people are moving away from conventional cable and going with Netflix and Hulu. Hopefully this pushes cable companies to give more quality programing instead of packing one or two channels that I would want with a bunch of stuff I would never watch. 

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