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ActivisionStoleMy360's Comments - Page 5

What Gamers Want, and What We Don't Get.

Posted on 02/27/2013 at 05:42 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The problem is that they are pandering to the lowest level of intelligence. Not to say those games aren't fun, but I mean games used to challenge your mind, inspire you with their story and really make it a great adventure with as many choices as humanly possible in terms of customization of gear/looks and even different endings...I just crave that because I guess I see that potential and its just...not...reached!

What Gamers Want, and What We Don't Get.

Posted on 02/27/2013 at 05:40 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Actually, the original Mass Effect was a Microsoft published title by an independant Bioware...Mass Effect 2 & 3 were EA :-/

Just starting to unpack...need booze.

Posted on 02/27/2013 at 03:56 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I saw booze, who's got me covered? :p

What Gamers Want, and What We Don't Get.

Posted on 02/27/2013 at 03:38 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I have been saying and hope that for to long. A lot of these companies are run by bankers and hard numbers people! I can't say I blame them, because they are publically traded companies, and the shareholders demand such knowledge! I do think that they believe they are acting in their shareholders best interest, but these "cash scams," because thats what they are, just don't do it, and show a severe lack of understanding of those that they sell to. You need only look at  to see their stock prices dropping constantly...Until a real gamers gets in their, is the CEO and shows a promising direction, I think that problem will persist in both EA and Activision....I also think the shrinking landscape of companies releasing high quality products (i.e capitalism) is starting to crumble, leaving very few, meaning quality has dropped and there isn't a really suitable alternative to drive either of these companies to improve...

Societal damage: What female gamers still go through.

Posted on 02/27/2013 at 03:10 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I know a WoW story that started with a chance meeting in WoW and ended with an accidental pregnancy...ya those 2 were pretty messed up individuals *face palm* I still don't understand what they saw in each other...I was just sorta glad they didn't see it in anyone else lol

What Gamers Want, and What We Don't Get.

Posted on 02/27/2013 at 03:04 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Exactly, it takes away to much, it makes the game good, but removes the elements that make it unforgetable. I say that as I look at Mass Effect...I stood inline at mid night during mid-terms week outside of BestBuy to get Mass Effect 2...I played it through and picked up EVERY (52 of 52 of the original achievements) achievement there was...I enjoyed it immensely, but it took away the level of customization I really got into during the original...then 3 came along, and it made the series forgettable.  sadly.

Insert Coins to Continue: Micro transactions in gaming today

Posted on 02/27/2013 at 02:47 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Exactly! but new DLC should not be DLC at should either have been included or be saved to be a part of the next game! a good sequal if the game is a success...the other stuff...ya...i won't buy those games at all.

Insert Coins to Continue: Micro transactions in gaming today

Posted on 02/27/2013 at 02:46 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Its like a commercial or having shareware and having them nag the crap out of you every time you log you owe them more and the only way to get that popup to go away is to give them money...*sigh*...I feel it will get worst too.

What Gamers Want, and What We Don't Get.

Posted on 02/27/2013 at 02:45 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I certainly hope so, but I mean I look at games like Fable III for example! there is so much unrealized potential there! Then I look back at the original and it makes me crazy! Same with StarCraft(Broodwar's too) and Starcraft 2...seriously! I got 3 games for the price of 1 back then, and with only a few cinematic scenes the story held my attention! 

Games like World of Warcraft have been living off the blood of Warcraft III with their new content really failing because keeping the creative staff at a high price just isn't in activision's model...I guess you can go crazy doing that and looking at things that way, but I can't help it at times.

What Gamers Want, and What We Don't Get.

Posted on 02/27/2013 at 02:42 PM | Filed Under Blogs

It was hard, and fulfilling, you were like on top of the world though as you progressed! I mean it required a certain level of skill! Stuff just isn't like that anymore as standards for intelligent responses start to go makes me sad really.

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