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5 Rare Franchises I Want to See Revived Most

On 06/09/2015 at 12:10 AM by Casey Curran

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There's been rumblings about Microsoft bringing back some classic Rare IP for E3. So I thought I'd talk about what I'd want that IP to be brought back is. Though it will probably be Battletoads as an XBLA game. 

5. Blast Corps

This would work pretty well as an indie game, but I think MS needs to look past that and put it on mobile platforms. The Blast Corps formula seems like a perfect fit for gaming on the go, especially if they can give it a touch screen interface. I'd play it.

4. Kameo

Kameo was not a great game, but it was a good jumping off point. Making a new one could give the Xbox One some much needed diversity both artistically and in terms of gameplay. The morphing character was a fun idea and so few games really go as far to take inspiration from Zelda as Kameo that I feel it deserves another shot at this.

3. Jet Force Gemini

I have not played the original N64 game, but what I have heard sounds pretty interesting. Many have compared it to Ratchet and Clank, a series I adore and would love to see more games like it. Plus, this game has the bonus of putting the original on XBLA, something which I am strongly in favor of.

2. Conker

3D platformers are already too rare (pun not intended) nowadays and when we get them, they're usually as friendly as Mario. So bringing in Conker for some platforming goodness with M rated humor would really stand out. Plus, Live and Reloaded could make it to XBLA and the online MP would be great to bring onto Xbox One.

1. Perfect Dark

I know, I know, why do we need another FPS? Well, because Perfect Dark and Goldeneye both had an FPS formula rarely seen today, yet could fit in very well in the current market. Rather than have you get through levels alive, it gave objectives and made you figure out how to accomplish them yourself. I get the feeling there's a lot of untapped potential there and would love to see more of it.

And many may be asking why no Banjo-Kazooie. Well, despite my love for Nuts and Bolts, I got pretty much everything I wanted out of that game. I don't need a sequel particularly. And while bringing back the original BK formula would be great, that's already happening with Yooka-Laylee. So I have no real desire for BK over these games.



Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/09/2015 at 12:40 AM

I really would love another game of the Perfect Dark formula. While I'd prefer Timesplitters, Perfect Dark would do fine. I wish we had more games where difficulty level meant you had more objectives. 

 And in general, we need more third person platformers that aren't Mario. Where did they all go? It's like in an attempt to prove how adult we are we've forgotten that part of healthy adulthood is embracing your inner child. We're like that 13 year old kid who only watches dark, violent films to prove how much of "mature" he is.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/09/2015 at 01:26 AM

I have at least seen someone else play Jet Force Gemini and remember it looking interesting and seeming to have some RPG elements, or at least a lot of NPCs in a village. My memory is really hazy, but I did like the art style.

Cary Woodham

06/09/2015 at 07:10 AM

I'm glad you didin't bash Nuts & Bolts.  While it's true I'd rather have a more traditional BK game, Nuts & Bolts was a great game in its own right.  If Rare made some of the games you mentioned, I might actually consider getting an Xbox One.  Maybe.


06/09/2015 at 09:01 AM

I've played, or played bits of all of the above and enjoyed them. My only comment would be that if there are sequels I hope they are released on the PC.

I am thankful for Yooka-Laylee and have already ponied up for the PC version but I will never play anything that comes out for the Xbone exclusively.


06/09/2015 at 11:03 AM

I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft brought back Kameo and Perfect Dark because they were on the 360 and they could be doing what Playstation does. Battletoads would be a fun game to play on a modern console. Heck I don't think I've played the NES version since college. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/10/2015 at 10:35 AM

loved JEt Force Gemini.  Was it perfect?  No.  Was it fun?  Yes!


06/11/2015 at 02:29 AM

This gen needs a good cartoony character platform game. Kameo was supposed to be that for last gen, but it didn't work out so well. Let Rare take another shot at it. Kameo had a lot of good ideas in it. 


06/11/2015 at 10:26 PM

Blast Corps would be cool with modern graphics and physics.

Other than Perfect Dark, I wasn't all that enamoured with Rare during my N64 days. I liked Nintendo EAD stuff a lot better and I even preferred a couple of Konami's games over the bulk of Rare's offerings. I guess Conker was cool for trying to bring crude humor to a console known for family friendly platformers.

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