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The DC Video Game Universe

On 07/26/2015 at 03:22 AM by Casey Curran

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Right now superheroes are the big thing in movies. Most of the big studios have their own set of superheroes and are milking them for all their worth. Some have enough to justify this, others not so much. However, with the obvious exception of Batman and Legos, their presence is pretty small in video games. Sure, a few of them pop up every now and then, but they lack the polish and talent behind something like the Arkham games. They're usually tied into something like a movie or cartoon. In other words, these are products first, games second.

And that got me thinking of something else: What if DC's universe flops? Marvel has a good thing going, whether a movie is goes through development hell or stars a talking racoon, they can still make a hit out of it. But DC has made two successful superhero movie not starring Batman in the past ten years (both ironically directed by Zack Snyder) and can't afford a failure. But what if there's another way to cash in on the superhero craze? Another place where they can leech off the coattails of a successful Batman trilogy?

Yeah, I have an idea of this. But I feel like WB is just ignoring a gold mine from their cinematic universe. After all, video games can mine a lot more fangasms than a movie, just look at how many supervillains and callbacks were in the first Arkham game alone. So I thought I'd give a list of series and developers who could try to make DC a reality. 

Wonder Woman 

Developer: Gunfire Games

For those of you unfamiliar with this developer, they're a new studio whose employees mostly consist of those from the now defunct Vigil games. Aka the Darksiders developers. So, I feel that the mythology behind the DS series would make a them a good fit to handle Wonder Woman and her Amazonian people, especially if they structure it like Zelda too. 

Green Lantern

Developer: Platinum Games

Okay, I know that everyone is putting Platinum onto something, but can you really blame them? The company's on a role right now and this is actually a pretty amazing fit for them. If you doubt me, just imagine the way Bayonetta's specials work. Now imagine the way Green Lantern's ring works. Take away all the sex appeal and weird fetish stuff, and it's basically the same thing. So I think Green Lantern could work in a pretty great game. 

Teen Titans

Developer: Traveller's Tales 

Yeah, I'm gonna recommend the Lego guys for this one. WB uses them a lot for their Lego games, but I think this would be a neat idea for them to branch out of their comfort zone. This is a developer who is used to juggling a lot of characters with different abilities, but the lisence could give them a chance to set that to the next level, really make the characters feel different both with puzzle solving and combat.  I think a co-op focused game on this property could be pretty great, even if it were just a smaller game. 

Captain Marvel/Shazam

Developer: Avalanche Studio

This is a developer who makes games like Just Cause 2 about dicking around in a massive world where there's tons of stuff to do. You know what ties in perfectly with that? A ten year old boy who turns into a superhero! 

The Flash 

Developer: Monolith Productions 

Monolith proved last year they can make a great open world game, and I feel they could make a pretty sweet game based on The Flash. After all, the hero needs an open world to really let you have some fun with his signature power. 

An alternative would be Green Arrow for them, but I feel that would get too similar to the Arkham games. 

Justice League

Developer: Obsidian

Yeah, I feel Justice League would be best suited as an RPG. Have your heroes band together in Kotor-esque combat and base the leveling more on working together than getting stronger individually. Having Flash knock an enemy down quick then Wonder Woman lassos them before they can get up for instance. Just have it be party focused and I think Obsidian could do wonders with a great JL story.


Developer: ???

Honestly, this was the only one I couldn't figure out. How do you make a game about a guy who's essentially invincible? Do you make him younger and inexperienced? Do you take his powers away and make him find them again? Both interesting ideas to be sure, but I feel like the way to really do Superman is to take inspiration from Majora's Mask. Have there be someone bend time to make Superman relive the same day and move on when he has saved everyone.

This would obviously need to be done very carefully so this mechanic wouldn't get annoying, but that's how Superman would work for me. And honestly, I'm blanking on a developer who isn't owned by a big publisher and could do that. 



Matt Snee Staff Writer

07/26/2015 at 08:28 AM

huh, a "Majora Superman" is a brilliant idea.  Quite brilliant, actually.  

My only comment would be that the toughest superhero to do here (besides Superman), would be green lantern.  he can essentially create anything with his ring, and games just wouldn't allow that freedom -- there would be set of moves and that would be that.  But who knows, maybe it would have puzzles and stuff, I don't know.  

Otherwise, great blog!

Casey Curran Staff Writer

07/26/2015 at 06:14 PM

Eh, based around how much variety of Bayonetta had with her finishers, I don't think that would be an issue at all with GL if Platinum tackled him.

Cary Woodham

07/26/2015 at 11:18 AM

I think Travellers Tales should just change their name to "We Make LEGO Games Now Company."

The best Superman game would be one where you fly through rings in a foggy Metropolis. :)

I don't know, I am clueless when it comes to comic book super heroes.

Super Step Contributing Writer

07/26/2015 at 12:43 PM

I think these are all great ideas, but I dunno how long The Flash could keep my attention even in an open world. I'm sure a good developer like Monolith could find a way though. 

I do think a couple hints to a city in the two previous games of a certain developer mean we might be getting an answer to your Superman question though. I would think put him in space and have him fight more powerful otherwordly foes.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

07/26/2015 at 06:13 PM

Or they could just be Easter eggs. I mean, that stuff is kind of DC's thing.

Super Step Contributing Writer

07/26/2015 at 06:32 PM

I guess, but to me it seemed like they were really pushing it. 

The Last Ninja

07/26/2015 at 02:58 PM

Great ideas! I would love to see a Flash or Arrow game, but making each one distinct from the dark gritty style of the Arkham games would be a challenge. If these games aren't tied to movies, they could be really good.


07/27/2015 at 01:29 AM

All these are great ideas. It makes me excited for a super hero game. What we got right now is Rocksteady doing Batman. That's great but who else?


07/30/2015 at 11:11 AM

As much as I make fun of the TV Arrow for being Green Batman, I'd like to see that character in something similar to Arkham series. I'm would be surprised if there isn't a Wonder Woman game in the works to cash in on the recent Girl Power that is going on in sports. I dig the younger and inexperienced Superman, kind of like Smallville Superman. As you progress in the game you start figuring out your powers until you ready to kick some major tail in the 3rd Act. It could be an open world game where you can go back to earlier portions and take on certain missions that require a specific power. 

I'm surprised that there isn't a Skylanders/Infinity game that involves Superheros. 

Casey Curran Staff Writer

07/30/2015 at 01:18 PM

Technically there is since Infinity 2 revolved around Marvel while Lego Dimensions has DC covered. Basically negates any reason to do one focusing on them


07/30/2015 at 01:31 PM

That is true, but I think it would be fun to play a game with a more serious tone. 

Casey Curran Staff Writer

07/30/2015 at 07:05 PM

Yeah, but don't think that would mix well with one based on buying toys

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