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ThatKidOverThere's Comments - Page 40

Multiplayer Masterpieces

Posted on 05/02/2013 at 06:33 PM | Filed Under Blogs

You don't know the awesomeness it is to be at a family party, be all bored and stuff, and then realize that someone has Brawl. What ensues is only the most fun experience you will have in the next ten years (or at least until the next Smash Bros. game comes out!) Mario Kart is also tons of fun with a bunch of friends. 

Just beat Bioshock Infinite

Posted on 05/02/2013 at 06:15 PM | Filed Under Blogs

My neighbor played it and said it was amazing. I'll probably get it in the future, but currently there is no way that I'm gonna pay $60 for it.

Community Poll #1

Posted on 05/02/2013 at 06:13 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Are you talking about Hecatonchier? I think that boss took me a couple of months to beat. :P

Community Poll #1

Posted on 05/02/2013 at 06:11 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Eh, Sephy dosen't count because he was optional. In the first game though, he was mind-numbingly insanely b*tch hard. In KH2 I think they toned him down a bit, but I only beat him after grinding to about lvl 80 and stocking up on a buttload of elixirs.

Amazing VG Themes: Final Fantasy Love (Part 1)

Posted on 05/02/2013 at 06:08 PM | Filed Under Blogs

My fav FF theme? Gosh there are so many...

I'd have to say...

This because I think it's the best prelude and it gives me chills just to hear it. I don't know about you, but when FF14 is released on the PS3, all of my gaming and TV watching will be postponed until I play the heck outta this.

Cary's Top Five Favorite DC Comics Characters!

Posted on 04/24/2013 at 06:25 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yay, a top 5 list!

Mine are, in no particular order, because actually ordering them would be like choosing between cutting off an arm or a leg, Rorschach, Robin, Shazam, Superman, and Static.

Slummin' It, but Lovin' It

Posted on 04/23/2013 at 05:25 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Ahh, Avatar. That's probably one of my all time favorite shows. I watched all of the episodes and all of The Legend of Korra which is also as brilliant. As for Eragon, I borrowed the book from a friend once and I was getting pretty cozy with it when all of a sudden I was distracted and I couldn't find the time to pick it up again. I got through about a good fourth of the book and then I just lost interest. Oh, and if you haven't watched Korra, do so now. Immediately. Heck, just go preorder the bluray:

Video Blog 1

Posted on 04/17/2013 at 06:29 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Hey, the vid isn't working. Can you post a link to it? This might save some people some trouble.

Filler Blog: Ask Cary Stuff

Posted on 04/14/2013 at 09:42 AM | Filed Under Blogs

How much woood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Lol, but really, if there is you game you despise so much that you wish it never existed, what would it be? I don't really think I hate any game that much, I just sort of like everything I play.

My future game 1: Some story

Posted on 04/14/2013 at 09:37 AM | Filed Under Blogs

This is some real good stuff. If this ever comes out, it's a day one purchase for me. 

Also, You've inspired me. I think I might do a blog like this some day; I have all these ideas floating around in my head and I really got to put them down on paper lol.

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