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Julian Titus's Comments - Page 9

Episode 151: Final Fantasy Builders

Posted on 05/13/2019 at 08:00 PM | Filed Under Feature

I unlocked that gate, it's still more backtracking then I'd like. Also, in seeing how people are beating enemies I'm finding that the game really doesn't reward stealth, which sucks, because the way enemies are laid out you would think that you should stealth as much as possible until things go sideways, then mop up the enemies that are left. But that's just not how the game seems to work. 

I haven't played it since re-installing it, but I will stress yet again that I feel that I have picked up the finer points of the game very quickly, but the game itself constantly moves the goal post on how to play it effectively.

Episode 151: Final Fantasy Builders

Posted on 05/13/2019 at 07:56 PM | Filed Under Feature

Final Fantasy II ditched the job classes, and instead you have 3 blank slate characters, with a rotating 4th member. Experience points are gone, and you level up based on what happens in battle. Swing a sword and your strength and sword skill goes up. Take damage and your hit points go up. Use magic and your magic skill and magic points go up. This sounds cool, but it devolves quickly into characters becoming very samey. Also, the difficulty is all over the place. Take one step too far to the left or right and you'll encounter enemies far above your current level, with no indication as to why.

It's...not a great Final Fantasy game.

Episode 151: Final Fantasy Builders

Posted on 05/09/2019 at 03:31 PM | Filed Under Feature

These are solid, logical matches that we will definitely book, but I hope we get some more esoteric stuff, too. I look forward to making a call on two games I’ve never played.

Episode 151: Final Fantasy Builders

Posted on 05/09/2019 at 02:25 PM | Filed Under Feature

Keep in mind that this is Streets of Rage 1 we’re talking about, so that’s Adam, Axel, and Blaze.

Episode 151: Final Fantasy Builders

Posted on 05/08/2019 at 08:13 PM | Filed Under Feature

She’s not a bad character for people to think she’s named after, but I approve of the sly gaming reference.

At least it’s not like an old FF XI Linkshell member I knew who named her son Sephiroth. Oh yes. That’s real.

Episode 150: Here Comes A New Challenger!

Posted on 04/25/2019 at 07:31 PM | Filed Under Feature

I'm glad you are happy to have Justin on as an official cohost! When Angelo came back to debut Video Game Cage Match it felt like he and Justin had been talking for years, even though they had just met. So I look forward to getting Angelo back for a full episode. 

Episode 150: Here Comes A New Challenger!

Posted on 04/25/2019 at 07:30 PM | Filed Under Feature

I think I'd rather play DmC, too!

And maybe I'm just letting my pervert show, but her ass just seems to keep on jigglin' to me. That game also looks decidedly next gen to me. 

Episode 149: Remaking the Remaster

Posted on 04/17/2019 at 08:43 PM | Filed Under Feature

You...don’t know Scorpion’s spear???

Episode 149: Remaking the Remaster

Posted on 04/16/2019 at 11:39 PM | Filed Under Feature

MK1 was a janky game even in 1993, but I think 2 and 3 are fast and precise games to this day. MK9 had a huge input lag to me. I couldn’t pull off Scorpion’s spear on command for the first few hours until I got used to the timing. But it’s the shitty animations that kill me the  most.

Episode 149: Remaking the Remaster

Posted on 04/16/2019 at 11:31 PM | Filed Under Feature

No, I have the same thing that happens to me with podcasts. I listen to them all day at work, and because of that sometimes I have to back up the audio by as much as 5 minutes if I missed something. This is especially true with audio dramas like the No Sleep Podcast, which is a lot like an audiobook.

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