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goaztecs's Comments - Page 614

The Four Topics That Make Up This Week's Blog

Posted on 05/08/2013 at 11:21 AM | Filed Under Blogs

LOL yup Target knows where the money is. At the start of baseball season they had their wall of Angels, Dodgers...and Giants (I'm in So Cal but casual So Cal guy does love him a good bandwagon)

As for God of War..I know, right?! That's how I felt a week before it was released. Heck now I'm still like yeah there was a new GOW. 

The Four Topics That Make Up This Week's Blog

Posted on 05/08/2013 at 11:19 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I think that's on hold while she goes to grad school. I hear ya about the job prospects.

The food truck guys were in good spirits when we saw them. The funny thing is they tweet about where they go, and the people who are waiting, make sure they have a spot to park and calmly line up. Cool stuff. 

The Four Topics That Make Up This Week's Blog

Posted on 05/08/2013 at 11:16 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yup, they had the display right over the record players that they sell. 

People who have backlogs come inside. Discuss ladies and gentlemen!

Posted on 05/01/2013 at 11:52 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I haven't updated my Backloggery page but it says for the PS3 I have 143 games in the backlog. I probably bought 20 more since then, and who knows how many PS+ games add to that list. I get everything super cheap, and maybe one or two games a year on release.

The main reason why I have a backlog is that I tend to play games for a little bit, get sidetracked and then return to a sports game and stick with that for months. I'm keeping the backlog to this generation of games because with the PS2/PS and to an extent PSP I would buy games I thought looked interesting and I have yet to get around to them.

What's Chris Playing, Tablet Stuff, And The NFL Draft

Posted on 05/01/2013 at 12:58 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah in the NFL the team with the worst record gets the first pick unless they traded it before the season. Usually the worst team in the league got hit with a crazy coaching changes, a bunch of injuries, etc.

The Colts were the worst team in the league when Peyton got hurt, and when they drafted Andrew Luck #1 they made the playoffs the next season. Of course teams need to have a good management system in place to pick the players that will help them (Raiders tend to blow their 1st Round picks) .

For the players who get drafted early, they know they will be on terrible teams, but they also get the big contracts, shoe/other endorsements, and other perks about being the top pick for your team, so it kind of evens out. 

Random Updates 4/30/13

Posted on 05/01/2013 at 12:01 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Oh Bejeweled 3. I made a lot of progress in that game on my original PS3...and then lost my game save when that PS3 died. I haven't gone back since. 

Hey NYPD Blue, I haven't heard about that show in a while. I used to like watching it, good times.

May means it's Ren Fair time again!

Posted on 04/30/2013 at 11:57 PM | Filed Under Blogs

And Ho Hey is back to being stuck in my head

I've never been to a Ren Fair. They always look interesting to check out but I've never gone. One day. Thanks for sharing, and props on the kilt!

Game Releases and Money

Posted on 04/30/2013 at 11:52 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Wow close to 700 on games. I used to be in the same boat, but now I've trained myself to just wait for sales/clearance, or in some cases just waiting a year or so games. The backlog is crazy and it keeps my busy until I find a good deal. The games I'm looking forward to getting on release day is NCAA Football, and the new Fast & Furious game (oh I know its gonna be really bad, but I want to play it)

I agree with Joe about replacing one activity with another. Exercise is a good one that doesn't cost any money, and is something I really need to start up again. 

Keep saving that cash! That's a victory every paycheck Smile

Useless Crap I've Been Doing

Posted on 04/30/2013 at 11:42 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Iron Man 3! I'm gonna see it the Tuesday after release day. 

I didn't know the trailer for the second Hunger Games is out. I enjoyed the first two, but wasn't a fan of the third. I really need to sit and watch the first the film. I like Jennifer Lawrence, but I've never been able to sit and watch Hunger Games all the way through.

What's Chris Playing, Tablet Stuff, And The NFL Draft

Posted on 04/30/2013 at 09:28 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Ha nice. I haven't been as good over the past couple of days, in fact one of my towns (crazy that I run two towns) hasn't been checked on during that time. 

Spec Ops has to look good on PC. I thought it looked pretty good on the PS3, but dang it must be awesome on PC. Enjoy it man!

Thanks! I still have some work but it's getting there. 

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