Our staff's best games of 2013!
Number 1
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
When Nintendo announced a sequel to the beloved SNES classic, A Link to the Past, they sent the internet reeling – after all, it’s not too often that you see a direct sequel to a game released over two decades ago. Unquestionably, the news was well-received, but long-time fans were only cautiously optimistic for the final product. Nintendo had an uphill battle to not only produce something new and fresh, but match the quality and nostalgia people harbor for the original; a monumental task indeed.

To say that Eiji Aonuma and company succeeded would be an understatement – they nailed it. After a year packed with high profile releases, A Link Between Worlds snuck in at the very end and took the gaming community by storm. Fast-paced, dynamic, and inventive, A Link Between Worlds is an overdue retooling of the long-standing Zelda series. Gone are the lengthy opening dramatics, forced-order progression, and the tight coupling of dungeon to gear. Without the shackles of most Zelda tropes, a beautifully smooth-flowing experience resulted. Furthermore, the introduction of the ability to cling to walls as a painting has quite literally opened up a new dimension for dungeon design, puzzles, and enemy encounters.
Whether you’re plowing through the many right-sized dungeons or simply exploring the overworld, you’re almost guaranteed to be having a great time. Unlike most Zelda games after Ocarina of Time, there’s no minutia to slow down the experience and no padding to extend the game’s length.

In an era when most gamers would say that Nintendo takes no risks, A Link Between Worlds showcases that there may be hope yet. If you have a 3DS at your disposal, there’s almost no question that you’ll fall in love with one of the best Zelda games in years and PixlBit’s Game of the Year for 2013.