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Grand Theft Auto VI: Exclusive Hands-On Preview!

It's so REAL!

After conquering 2018 with the hyper-realistic open-world cowboy simulator, Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar has certainly not been resting on its laurels. As many of you now know, the highly anticipated hyper-realistic open-world crime simulator, Grand Theft Auto 6, has been announced. Thanks to the hundreds of hits my writing for PixlBit has amassed over the past nine years and the runaway popularity of my podcast, Nerds Without Pants (tens of satisfied listeners!) I was given an exclusive look at this upcoming juggernaut. Don’t worry, I got hands-on with this sure to be life-altering video game months before the Covid-19 epidemic. Now that my embargo has been lifted, the story can be told at last!

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Nerds Without Pants Episode 127: 2017>1998?

Back with a bang!

The Nerds Without Pants are back and starting 2018 off strong! We are joined by Ryan Higgins from The Geekbox and The Comic Conspiracy to talk about our top 5 games we played in 2017, and we’re pretty sure you’re going to be surprised at the selections, so let’s get started!

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Nerds Without Pants Special: Musically Inclined

One of us didn't follow directions. Can you guess who?

Welcome, lovely listeners! The Nerds Without Pants are taking a break to play some more of the excellent games released in 2017, but that doesn't mean we are leaving you in the lurch. Far from it! Before break we each recorded a little something to highlight some of our favorite music from the year in games. So sit back and enjoy an eclectic mix of gaming tunes as unique as our three hosts. 

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Ninja Gaiden Review Rewind

Tecmo Ninja

When I hear the word "ninja", one thing immediately comes to mind- the 80's. It was an era that was very friendly to ninja culture and the kids that embraced it. Meanwhile, video game developers where busy cooking up games of the same nature in the arcades. Tecmo was one of those developers, and in 1988, they released a brawler of sorts called Ninja Gaiden. A year later, they ported the game over to the NES, but changed the style of gameplay to better fit the style of home console gaming. They replaced the "beat 'em up" theme with a simple action/platformer approach with a bigger emphasis on well-timed jumps and using awesome ninja skills. Tecmo also added a deeper story and a new way to tell it.

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The Solus Project - Preview Trailer

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Time For Another Community Podcast!

It's 2015 and we've run out of ideas. You come up with them!

Hey PixlBit people! I’ve commandeered the website because, well, I can! It’s time for the Nerds Without Pants to do the obligatory year in review thingy, but I’ve decided to do things differently this time around. Yep, it’s time for another community topic episode, so read on to see how you can participate!

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Doom Preview with Exclusive “Screenshots”

Get a real feel for Doom's stunning visuals!

Anticipation was high heading into this year’s QuakeCon, and the excitement was all due to the planned reveal of id Software’s upcoming Doom. Without any cameras allowed in and no demo videos or screenshots released, letting you get a good feel for what was shown in two separate demos will be a bit tough. Through the high-tech wizardry afforded us by MS Paint, though, you’re sure to have a full grasp on the dark, brutal, and intense segments shown on stage.

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Choose the Winner: Sh*tty Game Review Fest 2014!

Now that all of the reviews have been posted, you, the reader can choose this year's winner.

Well, PixlBit's first Sh*tty Game Review Fest is officially in the books and from it, we've received four outstanding reviews. Julian Titus told us about ancient aliens, or was it something about Rome? Who can remember, but what we know for sure is that it didn't involve Matt R's travels through Wii shovelware via a Dodge Ram. And while a Dodge Ram is pretty manly, I'm not sure it grows the beard quite like playing dress-up with Chris and his Disney Princesses. Word's still out, but I think Matt Snee might've torn out his facial hair attempting to make Gummy Bears jump.

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Gummy Bears: The Magic Medallion Review

Might be enjoyable if you were high on crack, and weren’t the one playing.

This review is part of the 2014 Sh*tty Game Review Fest - read about the event here.

I hope there is a special place in Hell for Nintendo Wii shovelware developers. Gummi Bears, The Magic Medallion alone would win Storm City Games and everyone else involved with it prime oceanfront property at the sea of fire.  With platforming gameplay akin to wading through mud, and graphics similar to a bad Sega Game Gear game, this game, frankly, makes me want to dismantle the developer so they never strike again. 

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