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Ewww Neptunia! Why you so pervy?

On 05/19/2015 at 01:38 AM by asrealasitgets

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I've been playing through the latest Neptunia game on PSVITA. In short, it's pretty fun. It's basically a dungeon/horde action game with game play similar to Dynasty Warriors. You can choose between 10 different characters with different weapons who also sport super and ultimate attacks that blow up the VITA screen. Pretty straight forward and easy to get into really. It's super Japanime, bright ass colors everywhere with wierd ass enemies and upbeat electro JPOP. One weird thing of note about the game, actually other Neptunia games as well, is the fact that the games like to let you gawk at the semi-nude bodies of its main characters for no real reason whatsoever and it's usually in a cute, humorous kind of way, but this time I feel like Compile Heart is just baiting the Anita Sarkeesians of the world by shredding clothes to pieces after taking too much damage. Ewww!

Yeay, you get closeups like this that break up the combat when you take too much damage. You can equip gear/armor that can take more damage to prevent this, but umm... yeah. Oh Japan. 

Game is quite fun though.





Cary Woodham

05/19/2015 at 07:44 AM

I haven't played that one, but the other Neptunia games that are more like traditional RPGs aren't very much fun.  Too much dialogue and not enough gameplay.  Compile Heart can't make a good RPG to save their life.


05/19/2015 at 08:38 PM

I only played the last one on Vita which was a tactical turn-based game like Final Fantasy Tactics and it tons of maps, terrible story aside, the gameplay made up for it. 

This new one, Neptunia U, is more like Kindgom Hearts or Dynasty Warriors, but it's limited to fighting in dungeons through waves of enemies. Again, story is negligable, but gameplay is fun.

I've heard terrible things about the  PS3 games and I'm only curious to play them just out of curiosity. I think there was one released on PC recently, but I don't know.  


05/26/2015 at 03:33 PM

Yeah, the first game now has a PC port over Steam with its second coming in a few days. However, they are not ports of the original PS3 games, but from the Vita ones, which revamped the whole gameplay and are actually considered good in that department, which i've seen you've mentioned them.


05/26/2015 at 05:35 PM

Yeah, I need to work backwards and play all the games. I'm glad they are being released on PC now. I feel like the VITA games are far more streamlined from what I've read about the first games.


05/19/2015 at 11:18 AM

So that's what Neptunia games are like. I always see a copy at GameStop, looked at it, but never thought about trying it. Being like Dynasty Warriors does sound fun, and something I would probably try. 


05/19/2015 at 08:40 PM

They all play different, at least the ones on VITA so far. I would say that Neptunia U is a fun Anime hack n slash if that's enough of a buy for you. 


05/20/2015 at 10:28 AM

Oh ok, I thought they would all be the same. I might give it a try next time I'm at the GameStop.


05/20/2015 at 08:37 PM

Well I can definitely say that Hyperdevotion Noire is good. It's perfectly servicable as a Final Fantasy Tactics type of game, but it is very grindy, however very cute and colorful. 

Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed is also good. It is a light Dynasty Warriors action type game, like that Zelda game that came out on Wii U but bite sized levels, and it is also very cute and colorful and Japanime. Very grindy with extra post game content. It's easier to get into than Noire, since Noire has slower game play. 

In any case, watching a video of the gameplay will show off the action much better for both games.


05/21/2015 at 11:25 AM

Out of both of those games I'd probably stick with Action Unleashed, its more of my style. Appreciate the run down on both games! 


05/19/2015 at 06:29 PM

I always thought the Neptunia games looked interesting but heard such awful things about the gameplay. But like Dynasty Warriors? That doesn't sound so bad. The clothes destruction sounds like The Third Birthday but all anime-y lol.


05/19/2015 at 08:41 PM

Well I half expect perviness from Japanime games, and the clothes tearing is like in Third Birthday, but I think the issue here is that they look like little girls, so ewww. 


05/26/2015 at 03:34 PM

The awful things mostly come from the original PS3 releases. The Vita and PC remakes/rereleases basically fixed those issues.


05/21/2015 at 07:57 AM

Ha.  That's funny.  I hadn't play any Neptunia games.  I think I may own one of them.  


05/26/2015 at 03:37 PM

Hoping to grab the PC version once it's on sale. It's the console wars angle that interests me on this game.


05/26/2015 at 05:36 PM

Curious to see your thoughts on it.

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