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The state of Horror...

On 09/02/2015 at 05:11 PM by asrealasitgets

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As much as I enjoy horror and atmospheric games, I still keep going back to Resident Evil and Silent Hill and I probably always will. So this week Capcom confirmned a release date for Residnt Evil 'ZERO' remake on Jan 22. next year, and well I'm very excited for this. Soon we will have RE0,1 &2 in HD on next gen consoles and I can keep re-experiencing these games in HD but the thing that makes me happy the most are the discussion and buzz around them when they release. Why? Because for a while it seemed the genre was dead and burried forever. 

The last game I played that came close to RE's atmosphere was a game called 'Layers of Fear'. It's on steam and a pretty nice looking walking simulator where you explore a mansion not unlike the spencer mansion from RE1. It's basically like the PT Demo on PS4, and has some nice visual effects and sound to make for a creepy atmospheric haunted house experience.

I've only been checking out streams for Until Dawn and I'm not sure I will be playing it any time soon, as I like a bit of action in my horror games as well.





Super Step Contributing Writer

09/02/2015 at 06:42 PM

Yeah, the QTE nature of Until Dawns a bit of a turn-off for me. But since I now know Red Box has PS4 games, I may try it out.


09/02/2015 at 08:02 PM

I don't mind playing any game as long as it has horror and/or atmoshpere whether it's on rails or not, but I prefer something more game-like usually, like Alien Isolation, or Layers within at least had stuff to interact with.


09/02/2015 at 07:14 PM

I definitely want 0 and a version of 2 that gives me the option to use regular controls. I'm not big on running and hiding simulators so a lot of modern horror games leave me cold.



09/02/2015 at 08:03 PM

Yes, I think RE0 and RE1 as well as RE2 are supposed to have widescreen options and modern controls. I'm just glad these old style games are still being kept alive on respitory systems.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

09/02/2015 at 07:29 PM

I loved RE2 back in the day.  I mean, RE1 was definitely groundbreaking, but 2 was a work of genius. I don't really love 3 so much.  


09/02/2015 at 08:05 PM

I love them all and have no problems replaying them as they are, but I want people to feel excited about them like they used too, and I think RE2 remake is getting a lot of attention and excitement from gamers which makes me happy! 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

09/02/2015 at 08:18 PM

it should get a lot of attention.  it's a great game.  I really need to pick up the Resident Evil 1 remake.  That's for PS4 right?


09/02/2015 at 08:28 PM

Yep. $20.


09/03/2015 at 01:59 AM

I've had trouble getting into the RE games but Silent Hill. Loved the first one and want to play the rest of the series badly. 


09/03/2015 at 05:08 AM

I'm keeping my eye on this game: 

This proves that cinematic camera angles are a key part of the horror experience that Resident Evil in its ilk offered.  Over the shoulder view can't compare, imo.

There is also Stasis, which was just released. It's being called the best adventure game in some time and receiving praise for its audio visual excellence (it's isometric, just so you know)


09/03/2015 at 05:55 AM

Im actually playing Stasis right now.


09/03/2015 at 11:52 AM

I'm trying to stay away from the remastered games on the PS4, I don't think I have a copy of Zero so this could be a good oppritunity to add it to the library.


09/05/2015 at 09:24 PM

I own RE0 and RE1 on the GC.  I enjoyed them, but I hadn't played them in years.  I have yet to play a Silent Hill game and I own a few of those.  


09/08/2015 at 08:42 AM

I hadn't heard about that RE Origins Collection but it looks cool. I was sad when the RE1 remaster didn't get a physical release. I might have to pick this up.

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