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Best/Worst Dream Ever

On 03/30/2013 at 11:00 PM by GamerGirlBritt

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So I had a strange dream last night. It was basically a retelling of Far Cry 3, except I was Jason, and all Jason's friends were replaced with my actual friends. And Vaas and Citra switched roles. It was strange. But it was probably the most epic/scary thing that's ever (not) happened to me. I have no idea why I dreamed about this, considering I haven't had any exposure to Far Cry 3 for the longest time.

It was actually a really specific dream, and everything unfolded as it did in the game, and how it would probably really unfold in real life. For example, one of Jason's friends Daisy gets this really intense fever because the idiot ran through a field of obviously poisonous plants while she had many open wounds. Daisy was replaced with my friend Briana in the dream, which is pretty fucking hilarious in retrospect because Briana's kind of a ditz and I could totally see her falling into the same unfortunate predicament. 


Er...if you put the knife down, I'd be more than happy to help you find some pants sir...

Anyway, I woke up right as my friend Tre and I (Keith's replacement) were about to get stabbed and potentially raped by crazy ass Buck. Thank god. Not that I had much to worry about, considering Buck doesn't exactly...uh...favor women. If you know what I mean.

But you know what, this isn't even the only game related dream I've had. Not by a long shot. I recently had a dream that I was in real life game of Temple Run. It was fucking terrifying.

Yeahhh....this was not fun.

I also had a dream that I was in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. I'm not actually positive that it was MW2 since all those games are just a clusterfuck of sameness. But that's the only one I've played, so I'm assuming that was it. I could just say I had a war dream, but I'm almost positive those games don't accurately depict war. Just saying.

And I know this isn't a game, but I ALSO had a dream once that I was in that show Death Note. Now THAT was crazy. For some unspecified reason, Light Yagami thought I was threat, and made it his sole purpose to find out what my name was so he could write my name down in that god forsaken notebook. L was on my side though, so it wasn't that bad.

Anyone else have gaming dreams? It happens to me more than I would like to admit, and it's hardly ever a....pleasant experience. 




03/30/2013 at 11:32 PM

I wish I could remember my dreams. I used to almost every night. But now I remember only once a year or so. The games you talk about could certainly inspire some freaky ones. Especially Far Cry 3. It had some incredibly wild parts to it. You're right about have more to worry about!  I had a lucid dream one time. I was on a yacht off the Florida keys. I realized I was in a dream,but not awake. So I went over and pushed a dude off the side of the yacht. Then I went to the bridge. Took control and ran it aground on a reef. At that point I woke up. Some people can do that sort of thing on a regular basis I read. That Temple Run dream you had must have been bad. What the hell are those things chasing that guy? Scary as hell!


03/30/2013 at 11:37 PM

I've had a few semi-dreams where I've known I was dreaming, and I was aware of everything that was happening, and I hardly ever forget/not have dreams. They're more of a nuisance than anything. That yacht dream sounds interesting. Like one of those dreams where nothing of importance happens but you remember it so clearly. And I still have no idea what those things are that are chasing that guy. A monkey/spider/komodo dragon hybrid maybe.


03/31/2013 at 08:17 AM

I can lucid dream. I had horrible nightmares as a little kid and I apparently taught myself how to lucid dream so I could stop them. I think that's why I so rarely have nightmares, when I start having one, I take control and change it, kind of like re-writing the plotline, I guess.


03/31/2013 at 11:27 PM

That's really cool actually! I wish I could do that all the time


03/30/2013 at 11:43 PM

Years ago I was playing Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver and there is this aspect of the game where you can pass from the living world into the spirit world. You can almost use it like teleportation. So in my dream I was doing the same thing but I was teliporting around all over the univerity campus looking for someone or some thing. Very vivid dream. I have had some Borderlands and Mass Effect like dream also. Probably the worst was the one I had when I was playing Catherine. I was a sheep, moving and climbing up blocks just like in the game. If you know the plot behind that game you can understand why that was so damn creepy.


03/31/2013 at 11:29 PM

God I hate Catherine. I shouldn't hate it as much as I do. but for some reason, it just doesn't appeal to me like it does to most.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/31/2013 at 12:32 AM

I don't know I've ever recalled a gaming dream, most of mine when I have them (well, I guess, remember them technically) are related to real life. They're either dull or suuuuuck, or they're heaven;y, which means there's a good chance someone is vacuuming nearby to fuck up my dream. Yell

Edit: Also those things from Temple Run  look like something from the Little Nemo: Adventures in Dreamland anime I watched as a kid and gave me tons of nightmares.


03/31/2013 at 11:30 PM

Lucky. My dreams so are so eventful they're exhausting sometimes, which defeats the purpose of sleep


03/31/2013 at 08:19 AM

I've never dreamed that I've been part of a game, but back when I was playing a lot of Demon Attack on the Atari, I would dream that I was playing the game.


03/31/2013 at 11:31 PM

That happened to me when I played Final Fantasy XII. I literally had a dream that I was grinding for levels in the desert. That's all. Just grinding levels. For hours. I woke myself up and splashed water on my face and everything, but the same thing kept happening all night. It was a distressing experience.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/31/2013 at 08:33 AM

I dream about games all the time, but mostly about ones that don't exist, instead of ones that do.  I kind of make them up as I dream.  Pretty bizarre. 

All I know is, a Temple Run dream would scare the hell out of me too!  


03/31/2013 at 11:34 PM

Funny you say that, considering I had a dream about Final Fantasy Versus XIII once. Noctis and his party got attacked by a crocodile. Weird right? There's literally so little information on that game, that I had a dream about a crocodile attack. Fucking pathetic.

Cary Woodham

03/31/2013 at 09:31 AM

I have lots of video game dreams.

Once I dreamed that I made a new Ristar sequel.  It was a two player game called Ristar and Comette, and Comette was a female Ristar with a long ponytail like a comet.

In another dream, I just got home from work and opened the door.  On the couch was Morrigan from Darkstalkers reading the newspaper.  She asked how my day at work was.  I asked her what the heck she was doing in my house!  She said, "No, I asked you a question first."  Only problem was I couldn't remember how my day at work was because all I remember was walking in the door.  So then I woke up.

My most memorable video game related dream I even wrote a blog about at 1up around a year or so ago.  In my dream, I was in a Final Fantasy game and the storyline was even better than most modern real FF games!  I won't go into all the details, but I was a White Mage and in the beginning of the dream, I was a stone statue that awoke when a Cid put a white crystal near me.  We were in a cave and he was rescuing children who where trapped and they were all huddled around the statue of me.  As we left the cave, I used a super Cure spell to boost the strength of a brother and sister Barbarian team who were protecting us while in the cave.  On the airship ride home, I befriended the Barbarians and when we got to town, Cid and I had a look around and noticed that everyone was decorating their buildings and houses with crystals they mined from the caves.  Cid was led to believe that this angered monsters in the caves and that's why the children were trapped there.  I told Cid that I remembered what the cyrstals really did.  If you touched one, you could use a magic spell.  Just then, we heard a nearby explosion from a mine on a nearby island, so we ran back to the airship.  As we were running, I slowly turned into a crystal.  It was a weird feeling because I remember Cid's big hand picking me up as a crystal.  I then thought to myself how I was going to get to work in the morning in this state, so that's when I woke up!


03/31/2013 at 11:37 PM

That Final Fantasy dream sounds so...cinematic haha. We gotta make that into the real thing sometime soon. I'm thinking 2D sprite style.


03/31/2013 at 12:51 PM


The only dream that I had that was remotely related to video games was when I had this dream that pretty much played the whole opening scene of Pokemon Heroes: Latias and Latios and just as soon as the title was displayed, I woke up. It was weird because at that time I didn't even watch the movie yet. The whole dream was like I was watching a movie and when I saw the real thing, it matched the dream, frame for frame. 

I spent the next couple of nights hoping that I could watch a different movie in my sleep, like Toy Story or something, but I never did!


03/31/2013 at 11:35 PM

Hmmm. I've never relieved the actual events of a game, as they happened. That's pretty cool actually.

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