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Spring Break Forever

On 04/07/2013 at 10:16 PM by GamerGirlBritt

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Well, my spring break is officially coming to a close.

Tomorrow, I'll be back to the same old grind. And graduation is two whole months away. But on the brightside...

I got Bioshock Infinite today. I try to not game during the week, so I'll probably put off playing it until next weekend....or as long as I can stand being teased by it's presence on my dresser. So in other words, probably tomorrow. And I'll probably end up skipping a day, or multiple days of school, to play it. Definitely not a good habit, but I assure you, that only happens with the REALLY good games. And if others are to be believed, I'm thinking this might be one of them. I've just been hearing so many great things about this game.

Also, I have enough money left on my iTunes's gift card to buy James Blake's new album coming out in two days. If you're a fan of electronic music (no, not dubstep or techno) give him a listen. Guy's a genius. Seriously. I normally just download music, but I can't in good conscious steal from artists with such great talent that haven't really hit the "big time" yet. It's the hipster in me I guess. God I hate that word.

On a completely different note...

I finally gave in to the "cool kids" and went to go see that Spring Breakers movie. I'll admit, the absoulte ONLY reason I went to go see it is because James Franco is in it. I love him, even though he does have a look of tremendous high on his face at all times. But this wasn't exactly a...typical role for him...




He plays a gangster, if you didn't know. He basically just lures those four girls into a life of crime on their spring break. Guns, drugs, you name it. But, it's not very shocking because at the beginning of the movie, the girls hold up a store, smash the cashier register with a baseball bat, and take all the money (Offensively saying "pretend it's a video game"). For what? To fund their spring break trip. First world problems, right?

This movie was directed by Harmony Korine (I have no idea who that is) and apparently it's supposed to be a work of satire. Basically just criticizing party and gang lifestyles. But really this movie is just an explosion of slut. An entertaining explosion of slut, but an explosion of slut all the same. It wouldn't be so bad if you didn't feel so awkward the whole damn time since two of the girls (Vanessa Hudgens and Selena Gomez) were both stars of hugely successful Disney movies/shows, and one of the other girls (Ashley Benson) stars in the ABC Family show Pretty Little Liars. It's just a little....distressing. Obviously, they can't be expected to play those parts forever, but it's a little...uncomfortable to see them grinding and kissing each other.

Anyway, I'm done. Here's the trailer if interested.

It got a 66% on Rotten Tomatoes (which qualifies as "Fresh") if that means anything to you.






04/07/2013 at 10:25 PM

Wizards Of Waverly place...the gangsta clubbin porno version! Yeah, that is kinda disturbing. lol. Bless Selena though. She does seem nice! (Though having a thing for Bieber?! C'mon, Gomez!)

It's funny they do all this to fund their spring vacation. They could have just mowed lawns, worked part time jobs, and baby sat,geez!

What's harder? Honest work or being chased by rival gangs, angry cops, horny perverts, and angry parents? Guess they were not the brighest kids in the bunch!


04/07/2013 at 11:42 PM

I just picked up Bioshock Infinite today myself. I was lucky enough to find a Premium Edition.

I never got into the whole spring break in Florida thing. I've never been to Florida and have never had a burning desire to go there myself, so I've never really understood movies about spring break. When I was in college, spring break meant upping my time at work to a full 40 hours for extra money, or if I had money, I went to Arizona to visit my family.


04/08/2013 at 08:07 AM

Exactly..., expect with no working or Arizona.  I used the time to sleep and play more games.  


04/08/2013 at 12:37 AM

"An explosion of slut"--I like that.

So are you still in high school, or are you at a college with a late spring break?


04/08/2013 at 04:44 PM

High school. Last year. Thank god.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/08/2013 at 01:43 AM

The cognitive dissonance I'm experiencing given the two things you posted about is unreal. lol Completely different spectrums of the entertainment world.

Anyway, if I find $300 on the ground somewhere, I'll definitely pick up Infinite, as I've heard nothing but compliments for it, or at worst, "it's not as good as everyone says it is," but still very good.

Spring Breakers I wouldn't think I'd like based on the trailer, but the 66% and the fact it's apparently a parody of itself may sway me towards a Red Box rental... but probably not, honestly.


04/08/2013 at 04:45 PM

Haha my preferences are just all over the place.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/08/2013 at 03:46 AM

I think I'll avoid Spring Breakers.  But I don't want to avoid Bioshock.  It seems like my kind of game from what I've read, just can't afford something new like that on a whim.  

I used to cut multiple days of school too.  If I had one extra day of high school to experience, I would cut it.  Wink


04/08/2013 at 04:47 PM

I'm like a professional class skipper. In the most extreme case, I spent an hour and a half in the handicapped stall in the girl's avoid a test 


04/08/2013 at 05:29 AM

I couldn't get away with skipping any days of high school. Skipped a handful of days of college, though.


04/08/2013 at 04:47 PM

They always catch me eventually. Luckily, I'm a smooth talker

Cary Woodham

04/08/2013 at 05:38 AM

BioShock games aren't my cup of tea, but I will admit they have plenty of atmosphere.


04/08/2013 at 04:48 PM

Being completely honest, I've never played a Bioshock game. Figured I'd give this a go.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

04/08/2013 at 06:27 AM

Bioshock is fucking great!

I'll admit, I was a bit hesitant at first because I thought it was going to be a giant escort mission throughout the whole game. But once I started playing it I realized that I was right, however the escort aspects of the game are done so well that you don't even really notice!

Anyway, I don't want to spoil anything, so enjoy it whenever you get around to playing it!


04/08/2013 at 04:49 PM

When it was first announced, I also thought it was going to a 10 hour escort mission. And NO ONE likes escort missions. No one. Glad that doesn't seem to be the case though.


04/08/2013 at 08:13 AM

I didn't know who James Franco was until a month ago, my wife & I watched a few eps. of Freaks and Geeks on Netflix.  I couple weeks ago we saw him again in Oz the Great and Powerful.  We didn't even know he was in it.  I didn't know he was in that Spring Break movie too. 


04/08/2013 at 08:50 AM

I almost picked up Bioshock Infinite at the local Redbox last night, but the store was closing and I didn't think they'd appreciate my attempts to make a first Redbox transaction while they were trying to close up and go home. Maybe it'll still be there later...

I won't bother with Spring Breakers. Not my kind of movie. I spent all my breaks with my grandparents, my family is never boring and usually highly entertaining and it was free.


04/08/2013 at 08:59 PM

I don't know,Spring Breakers looks like a shameless TnA fest to me. But I almost got Bioshock the other day. Got to see how my taxes pan out, but I will get it.


04/09/2013 at 11:40 PM

Saw an interview with James Franco in which he talked about that movie. Sounds really good to me,as I think he is a fine actor. But he is high quite a bit...or maybe just happy? You will get hooked instantly on Bioshock Infinite. It is so good I cannot believe it or stop playing. Just played it an hour ago. Going to check out James Blake. I love electronic music of all sorts. But not dub step....oh no way. Makes me want to rip out my brain stem! Hope your final weeks of school go smoothly. It's the only part of high school I remember fondly.....the ending!

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