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Resonance of Fate: Xbox 360 A Wild Ride ( 4 out of 5 )

On 05/18/2013 at 09:27 AM by leeradical42

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Some Rpgs are good and some are great then there are some that are just down right amazing. Resonance of Fate for the PS3, PC and Xbox 360 was released on January 28, 2010 and was developed by Tri-Ace and published by Sega.

Resonance of Fate uses what is known as the tri-attack battle system. The battle system is a mix of real time and turn based controls, the battles are actually amazing you choose a character and mark where he or she is to go and select your weapon and then move to the next character then when your done issuing commands the battles play out in real time but the catch is you still control the gun fire etc while the characters turn is in progress and the funny thing about this formula is it never gets boring, its fun and fresh everytime you battle, the game requires grinding as in most rpgs but you will enjoy grinding cause the battles are so freaking much fun.

The best way i can decribe the battles are like an unbeleivable action movie, because your characters are jumping way up high and doing flips backflips all the while shooting your guns and as long as your in the air and have the ap points ( action points ) you can continue shooting its really quite remarkable how cool and movie like it looks, and its a good thing to because you will be grinding alot and with a battle system this awesome you wont mind a bit.

The characters turn is limited by action points, during which players can keep moving and switching weapons until the action points run out. However during each turn players are only allowed to make a single attack, after which, even if action points remains the characters turn ends. I could get into a entire page on the combat alone but im not, take my word for it, its fresh, never boring and nothing like anything you have played before and its simply amazing i simply love the tri-attack system. Which brings me to another fasinating aspect to this game, the over world map, it has octagon grids all over the map and in order to progress you have to find the correct color coded octogon peices to place on the map to move your cursor over sound confusing well its not its actually quite simple look at the map below.

So you see the colored octagon well in order to progress in that part of the map you have to find that color and place it along the path you want to take its actually a fantastic and brilliant design that i have never seen done in any game thus far. Resonance of Fate is a fantastic rpg and very big on top of that i have logged in over 80 hours so far and i dont think im near the end yet. The graphics are very good, there not the most stunning i have ever seen but very nice none the less, the music and voice acting is fantasic the story well it took me along time to figure out what the hell is going on and im 80 hours in and i still have more questions then answers. The music is very good and varied you rarely here the same track and they are really good.

Actually theres alot done well with this game the towns are really basic you go into a steampunk kind of town and they have your typical stores, inns etc they do have a job board where you can get side missions which i highly recommend you doing for not only a 100% completion of the games but there is some awesome animai clips that you will not want to miss not to mention some hidden areas etc, and the story really takes place in the tower of Babel a kind of safe haven from the worn torn un liveable world outside the tower and the only real mission in the game that i have seen thus far is pretty much bounty hunter missions and the story really does leave you saying wtf lol.

So bottom line here is we have an awesome rpg with very few flaws, yes it does have some problems first off the story never comes together in a way to really understand whats really going on, the learning curve is steep the game does not help you out very much, so Resonance of Fate is for the hardcore Jrpg fan, it can be difficult and confusing, and requires alot of grinding but the game is definetly well worth the price of admission.




05/18/2013 at 10:22 AM

I picked this game up a couple of months ago,but have not started on it. I should have,after reading what you think about it. The battle system sounds incredible and fun. I had not read much about this game before I bought it. Just went with my gut on that. Thanks for writing such a great review about it. May start it this weekend now.


05/18/2013 at 02:15 PM

its a very addicting game i honestly think you will love it, but take your time with it the learning curve is steep and will require some time before you realize what your doing.


05/18/2013 at 10:41 AM

I rented this one and poked around on it for a few days. I liked it but as you mentioned the learning curve is a little steep. I may have to get it , seen it at both Game & Trade and Gamestop for under $20.


05/18/2013 at 02:17 PM

yes it does have a steep learning curve but well worth your time, i actually found it to be one of ny all time favorite games mainly because of the really good tri-attack battle system.


05/18/2013 at 01:37 PM

I've been wanting to get this game, but I wanted the price to drop more.  It's been $17.99 for like 2 years at GameStop.  I guess it's not going to get any cheaper than that. 


05/18/2013 at 02:22 PM

to be honest i really dont think the price will get any cheaper if anything it will do like Tales of Vesperia and Magna Carta 2  did and increase, the game sells and as long as people are buying it at that price it will probably stay there i paid $17.99 for mine a couple of years ago but the game is worth the money seriously its an awesome game.

Vic Roman Staff Alumnus

05/19/2013 at 09:15 PM

this game is so good, its all about the battle system. I spent over an hour learning the battle system, but it ia completely worth it. Its definitely only for the hardcore jrpg crowd though.


05/19/2013 at 10:25 PM

I completely conquer this Tri-battle system is by far one of the best i ever played.

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