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E3 2013: Day 1 - Lets Discuss Games...

On 06/11/2013 at 02:11 AM by asrealasitgets

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Without getting too much into the whole console war thing which seems to be the main topic of discussion on the net, I thought we could use this place to discuss "games". The first day of E3 saw  press conferences from two major console leaders and top third party companies, so lets discuss our favorite games.

I missed out on the early part of Microsoft show so I don't know what the deal is with 360 games and I missed Metal Gear reveal. 

Metal Gear Solid V(ps4/xone)
I was a bit shocked to find out this appeard on a MS stage and not Sony as I consider it to be a Sony game first. Although the company has gone multi-platform, it felt weird nonetheless.  Also, I don't want another game set in the middle east. That trend should be killed. Excited for a new MGS game though.

Below (xone)
This game looked interesting to me. A game made from the makers of Super Brothers Sword & Sorcery. An rogue like indie game, that I much prefer to have played on 360.

Final Fantasy XV (formerly known as VersusXIII) (ps4)
I'm glad this game is coming. I just think the premise for the games world is interesting, "Fantasy based on Reality," as the titles read. I was very surprised to see it. Some people cried I heard. Jeff Gerstman from Giant said in a podcast a woman cried in the from row when Kingdom Hearts came on, so it's credible.

Kingdom Hearts III (ps4)
I was on some chat site discussing this game with fans of Square Enix and were pretty confident about this games existence. Surprised nonetheless. I wonder what worlds we'll see this time?

A Realm Reborn (Final Fantasy XIV MMO) (ps4)

Interesting to hear this game will be coming to PS4 as well as PS3. Will it have better visuals? I'm planning on playing this so I'm glad it will be on PS4. If I can play this already gorgeous game on a next gen console with better visuals, then sign me up.

D4 (xone)
A new game from Deadly Premonition creator? Looks weird.

Gran Turismo 5
Gran Turismo 6 (ps3)
Not on PS4 but still looking forward to this. 

Beyond Two Souls (ps3)
Still looking forward to this but dissapointed to see it's about yet another soldier in Afghanistan Ellen Page. Game looks amazing though. Seriously it's like Metal Gear 6 but with Ellen Page.

Battlefront III (ps4?/xone?) 
I'm not sure which conference showed this preview, but I caught it on youtube. I always thought these games were fun and rumored dead for a long time. Now the Battlefield creators are working on it. Yeah!

Tom Clancy's The Division
This game stood out to me because it's categorizing itself as an "open world online RPG/MMO Shooter"? Wait, what? The gameplay is very similar to Ghost Recon but urban seeting, especially with the wierd gadget/weapons and drone. Very peculiar title.  When ghosts are busy call the division?



Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/11/2013 at 02:32 AM

Kingdom Hearts and FFXV have me fapping - er - frothing at the peni - er - mouth already! I will buy a console just for them! And GT6, as lonng as the rpg elements remain and they get a better soundtrack.


06/11/2013 at 03:22 AM

I want to see more on GT6. That user interface was terrible. KH and new FF, next gen will be nice.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/11/2013 at 02:50 AM

Yeah, I know I'm contributing to the console war over games mentality in blogs, but Sony's responses have been epic.

With that said, you know what game I was most excited to hear about today? Killer Instinct. God, I hope Microsoft decides to follow Sony's example, or that the game heads over to PS4 eventually. D4 looks good as well.

Luckily, MGSV will be with Sony, albeit not exclusively (weird, I agree) and I can get behind Kingdom Hearts III, even if I've only played up to the Tarzan or maybe Hercules part of the original. I think tomorrow, I'll focus on games in my blog. What a concept, right? Good blog, by the way. lol


06/11/2013 at 03:25 AM

I didn't list alot of games, I left out shooters and games that have been mentioned previously. I'm sure we all have different favorites.  D4 looks like a connect game, so I don't know. You should try and finish KH HD, I think controls are enhanced.


06/11/2013 at 02:58 AM

Being one of those overzealous fans who did in fact sob uncontrollably at the mention of Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III, it's obvious I'm mostly looking forward to those. But Second Son impressed me, if only for the fluid looking design and the fact that the trailer featured Heart Shaped Box. Because really, who doesn't love Nirvana? Shadowfall still looks amazing despite being yet another FPS being churned out monotonously. Tom Clancy's The Division impressed on some level as well. But I found myself liking the quirkier things like Knack and Garden Warfare as well.


06/11/2013 at 03:28 AM

There was a lot of the same games we heard about before, so they weren't surprising as they should have been. I liked a lot of the Indie games on Sony but I couldn't remember them, what was that dancing octopus game? More RPGs would have been nice. Playing as Aveline in the Black Flag pirate game sounds neat.


06/11/2013 at 07:47 AM

Sony smoked the competion and Nintendo is still chillin'. Xbone on the other hand should be shaking in their bootsTongue Out

This is a good time to be a gamer, afordable hi-res consoles, franchises we like coming back to the forefront. Nintendo don't even need to compete because they know their audience but Sony (whether because of the Xbone or not) made the right choices.


06/11/2013 at 10:08 PM

Sony more like murdered the competition. I saw some remains being piled up from the warzone at MS conference. It's like Game of Thrones.


06/11/2013 at 09:36 AM

For a long time my phylosophy has been to go where the games are. But in the case of the Xbone this is all about principle. I don't care what games they have, there is no way I would support it. For the record the reocurring issue of their 360's being junk that craps out after less than a year, charging to play games online, and using a currency system that devalues your money has been more than enough to keep me away. The Xbone is just the icing on the cake. I'm in no hurry to upgrade at this point but when I do it will be a PS4.


06/11/2013 at 10:10 PM

Points well taken. I do tend to look at things from the perspective of an informed consumer nowadays, so games aside, MS needs to make some adjustments for me to consider buying their product.


06/11/2013 at 11:16 AM

Oh Battlefront, it's good to see you old friend. This was the only shooter on the PS2 that I would always play online. I wasn't great, but I loved the universe, and I can't wait to see it. 


06/11/2013 at 10:12 PM

Yes. Same reason I posted it in my blog. Needing a Star Wars fix, it's been so long.


06/11/2013 at 09:53 PM

I don't know if i'll ever play it, but MGS5 looks very interesting.

Maybe i'm wrong, since I only watched a video of it, but I think the setting of Beyond Two Souls is not Afghanistan, but an unamed African country in the style of Blood Diamond. Then again, since I don't know, there could be missions in any place in the world.

You'll probably cover it on the next days, but right now i'm very excited about the new Smash Bros and most of the games of the Nintendo conference..... although i'm still waiting for more information regarding Sonic: Lost World.


06/11/2013 at 10:14 PM

What difference does it make if it's the middle east or africa? It's yet another video game set in a boring dusty brown world. I thought Beyond Two Souls was a sci-fi game that took place in a conteporary setting, or future. GI JOE starring Ellen Page. Urgh.


06/12/2013 at 10:34 AM

I had the biggest nerdgasm when they announced FFXV and KH3. Best part of my night besides the price and their being answers lol.


06/12/2013 at 10:31 PM

Well like I said before, I hope you really love FF15 because SE is planning on milking the franchise like 13. Here we go again.


06/12/2013 at 10:35 PM

You knew what game really stood out to me, Witcher 3. That game looked drop dead gorgeous. When I saw it, I was like THAT I can tell looks too good to be on the PS3/360. That game is amazing looking. There is a lot of games I was impressed with all in their own right. I have to look into D4. I had bought Deadly Premonition but barely got anywhere in it. That game is weird. Below does sound cool. You know, I am impressed how aggressive Sony has been when it comes to getting indie developers. I was sure that Transistor would end up on Xbox One. That should be an awesome indie game too. I love the mysteriousness of Below.

There is so much that can be mentioned. I was really amazed by what was at this E3 :)


06/12/2013 at 10:45 PM

Yeah there was so much at E3, that I didn't have time to post it all. I figured all the FPS games would be covered extensively so I left most of them out, but they look pretty rad and I want to play them. I might continue posting for the hell of it. It's a lot of work though. 

Witcher 3 was a game I left out. I'm glad it's an open world now. D4, from what I read is kind of bad, so say giantbomb crew, too bad. I hope below comes to Steam or ipad. 

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