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Xbone folds: Has Anything Really Changed

On 06/19/2013 at 10:14 PM by leeradical42

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So Xbone had a choice either get on board with the consoles or go down with the ship and at the last line decided to get on board cause us gamers will take alot of crap but when pushed into a corner we come out of the wood work, but has this change of heart or as i like to call it smart buisness decision really worth anything mmm i would say not, yea there doing what they were forced to do not what they thought was right but in the email i received it cleary said we listen to our fans yea this is true they did listen to there fans but there fans wernt asking they were demanding and unfirtunately this is not the last we will here from the debacle theres alot more coming when Microsoft feels there consumers are comfortable again, they started by giving gold members of xbox live free games then they announced what everyone wants to here, come on guys this is all sweet and all but dont pee on my leg and tell me its raining there buttering us up and when the time is right like when you have committed to the system,  stick it to you. But im not falling for it just yet, im going to sit back and watch what happens on launch day and by Microsoft doing what they should have done to begin with im not impressed.

 So now the console wars can begin and to be honest Xbone did bring in the big guns of games well unless your like me who love Japanese westernized games which Sony has clearly the upper hand, but lets face it, were the minority in the game world, and i can fully see Microsoft walking away with the console war as of right now the line up of games Microsoft has in store. But with that said i personally will sit back and watch the war and decide where my place in the next gen world lies, and although i am a diehard 360 fan im not so sure Microsoft is the way to go, but i will get a PS3 after the next gen release and stock up on some PS3 games that i have been wanting to play and also buy some 360 games which with the release of the Xbone i know will drop in price.




06/19/2013 at 10:22 PM

Beyond Dead Rising 3 & Killer Instinct I wasn't too excited about MS's line up. Aka, while I like the occasional fps it's not really my big genre of choice. I know my friends are mushy over "Destiny"(Er, isn't Destiny the PS3 exclusive? Maybe I'm thinking of Titanfall and mislabeling it. Lulz!) but so far nothing about it has drawn me in. Ryse? Ah, looks kinda boring to me. You would think Roman soldiers kicking ass would get me "pumped" but in actuality not so much.

 However, I'm in your boat. When it comes to "game tastes" I realize I'm in the minority.


06/19/2013 at 11:07 PM

Im with you on the jrpg side of the coin and thats exactly why the ps4 will be my system of choice.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/19/2013 at 10:29 PM

Yeah, I'm still leaning PS4, but it's going to be more interesting now at least. Think I'll wait until post-launch, though.


06/19/2013 at 11:09 PM

Waiting seems like the right thing to do cause it would suck to sink $500 in a system just to go doh i wanted the other one lol!!!


06/19/2013 at 10:38 PM

I don't know.  I am glad they fixed most of the anti consumer bullshit.  I will probably eventually get an Xbkne, but not until they have enough games I like.  My favorite genre is jrpg.  The 360 had several that were very good.  I am afraid the Bone is still aimed at the dudebro, so it may be awhile till I get one.


06/19/2013 at 11:06 PM

Xbone is and will always be aimed at the call of duty fanboys but at least now i can look at it with an open mind and not in disgust, lol!!!


06/19/2013 at 11:00 PM

Am I really burned out on this topic already?


06/19/2013 at 11:05 PM

You should know by now im goung to get my two cents in lol!!!


06/19/2013 at 11:12 PM
Nothing has changed for me, it looks like it has for some people in the wonderful land of IGN.


06/20/2013 at 01:01 AM

Forced into it! to right they were. They kept hanging on as long as they possibly could hoping that Sony would follow suit, they must have dropped a steamy one after they heard Sony's presentation. Your right about complacency too, Microsoft and every other company will get away with what they can, the only developer who has the ball of steel needed (or idiocy) to go full steam ahead without comprimise is Nintendo, but their exclusives really are exclusives, Nothing else in the current market plays as many different instruments as Mario and Co, from driving to platform and RPG, they  have it all covered in a unique fashion.

Cary Woodham

06/20/2013 at 05:36 AM

I'm still not going to get one right away, not until there are enough good games I want to play on it to warrant a purchase.  That's the deciding factor on when I buy a new console.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

06/20/2013 at 07:23 AM

They done goofed.. Simply as that.. I don't trust 'em at all though.. They're stil shady.


06/20/2013 at 12:34 PM

I didn't realize how partial to Sony I am until I watched the Microsoft press conference. It pissed me off how they opened with Metal Gear Solid V, a series that stands in Playstation lineage and had Kojima come to their conference. Then I realized Microsoft has a pattern of this: Grand Theft Auto, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Demon's Souls (Dark Souls), Insomniac and then rip off LittleBigPlanet. Not to give the impression that Sony is totally innocent (Dead Rising 2, Mass Effect...etc). It kind of urks me how they claim these series, lol, and when Sony does it too.

Obviously I will be getting a PS4, but the Xbox One may be an option if they can keep new stuff like Titanfall (not specifically the game cause it doesn't interest me) coming out.


06/20/2013 at 02:14 PM

I love going over to amazon and seeing the best sellers in videogames.  The xbox one is on top, but I reckon that is because amazon has 5 different SKUs for the ps4.  The thing that I really like is how the day one xbox one is still not sold out, but the launch day ps4 has been since the item launched.

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