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Nintendo Still Wows Me with 3D Classics!

On 12/20/2013 at 09:10 PM by asrealasitgets

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With all the excitement going around about "Next Gen", or  NowGen, I was a bit surprised that given the power of new hardware consoles, Nintendos older hand held console still manages to surprise me.

I've downloaded games from the eShop before, classics like Zelda (NES), or Fire Emblem (GBA) but lately eShop has been adding 3D converted games to join other Nintendo classics like  Kid Icarus, and Kirby, along with just recently released Sega classics Space Harrier, Super Hang On, and Shinobi III. 

I've read a bit of buzz regarding Classic Sonic in 3D, and I was pretty impressed with the conversion. If you notice the image above, the background layers have been pushed further into the background with the 3D tech, giving the game a fresh new really cool feel. Those hills and clouds look like they really are far into the distance as you zip around the loop-de-loops and tag floating rings (which look like their actually floating). 

The other interesting about the settings and emulator for the game is the option to change the 3D graphics to "Pop-Out" as opposed to "Fall-In". If you've played your 3DS, you will be familiar with the "Fall-In" 3D which gives the visuals the illusion of depth, depending on the sensitivity of the 3D slider button on the screen. However, this "Pop-Out" option lets you change the 3D visuals, so the graphics appear to come at you, like they type of 3D in the movie theatre. I haven't seen 3D used on 3Ds like this before, so I thought it was worth noting, or at least blogging about it.

There is also an option to use a "fish-lens" graphic with makes the square video screen look like an old CRT monitor, and it looks really cool as well, but it lacks the 3D ability.

In short, the 3D in 3DS is really cool. The games, however are around $6.00 each, which might be a bit steep for a novelty effect, but I think it was well worth it. 

I also played on 3DS small, so a 3DSXL version would probably be more impressive, it the 3D was still impressive.

**Note: I should also mention that the screen is only 4:3 ration and does not fill the widescreen at the top.



Matt Snee Staff Writer

12/20/2013 at 09:46 PM

I want to play the new 3D version of Space Harrier but I haven't gotten around to it.  I used to love that game when I was a kid.  


12/20/2013 at 10:12 PM

Yes. I remember Space Harrier, but due to the cost per title, I have to be extra picky. Having original Sonic on my hand held is basically an essential, and if I do purchase a new title it will be Shinobi 3. 


12/20/2013 at 11:05 PM

"sigh" If only the VC and the eShop were in Colombian region...


12/21/2013 at 12:08 AM

Sigh. And also, Japan gets these first before US so we still have to wait for releases. No eShop or VC in your region? Wow! Frown


12/21/2013 at 10:12 AM

Well, there's not VC and eShop for the 3DS, which make worried that there isn't either for the Wii U.But the weird thing is, the VC and the WiiWare for the Wii are actually in Colombian region and I bought some games out of that service with no problem.

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/21/2013 at 01:54 AM

That's awesome! I'd love to play classic games in 3D. $6 is a much more reasonable price for a game with a gimmicky effect than what Nintendo was asking for when it re-released NES games like Zelda II on GBA. I think it was like $15 at the time, if I remember correctly. Ridiculous. 

I'd actually say a lot of movies are trending towards more depth 3D like 3DS than the pop-out 3D as of late, but maybe that's just movies I've seen. To be honest, I prefer gimmicky movies where stuff constantly flies at your face. I don't really see the point of "fall-in" 3D in movies, but then I love what I've seen of 3DS kiosks that have the same depth effect to them. I guess it's because movies are visual, so I like the thrill of things coming at me, but with games it's just cool that I can see a 3D effect at all while I'm playing. 


12/21/2013 at 02:26 PM

I think the menu items on the 3DS Menu Screen do pop out at you, but most of the games have the fall-in depth, so it's nice to have the option for both in a game which most games don't give you the option for.


12/21/2013 at 06:01 AM

Wow.  I didn't realized the "3D" meant the classic games were 3Ded.  I thought Nintendo added that because now the games are on the 3DS. Laughing


12/21/2013 at 02:28 PM

There are Virtual Console games, which are just classic games, like Mega Man and Zelda, etc. but there are a select few that are converted to 3D called 3D Classics, but it's just a handful of games. Now they are adding Sega games, which are graphically closer to Super NES, but with the 3D and things are getting interesting...

Cary Woodham

12/21/2013 at 11:52 AM

I'm reviewing a lot of the SEGA 3-D classics right now.  Hope I get to review Streets of Rage and Shinobi 3 that was just released, too.


12/21/2013 at 02:30 PM

Ive really only read a bad review about Ecco the Dolphin 3D, but that's because the reviewer that the game was always bad and the 3D didn't help it much. I think Altered Beast is a 3D classic game, I think?

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

12/23/2013 at 11:05 AM

I noticed Capcom sis a similair "fish-lens" effect option available in Marvel vs. Capcom Origins.  really does give you that old school CRT monitor feel.  Very cool little option.

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