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Finished Witcher 2. In short, it was awesome!

On 06/24/2014 at 04:46 AM by asrealasitgets

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To preface, I bought Witcher 2: Assasin of Kings on PC back when it was originally released, and unfortunately my PC couldn't really run it that well unless it was put at mid to low settings. Even then it was a bit unstable for some reason. I really liked the presentation and world, but due to performance issue, I bailed on the game shortly after the first chapter and didn't finish it. I've seen the game on sale for 360 which I also own a version of, but I decided to install the game on PC again considering that there have been several updates and patches since the game was first released. I'm not sure what happened between that time, but for whatever reason the game runs smooth and looks gorgeous on high settings now, and the game is just visually stunning and controls really great.

Of course, I've seen many reviews and blogs praising this game for it's mature content and beautiful visuals, as well as characters and narrative-- which are all great. But I've had to sit on the sidelines and just wait for patches to get back in again, because honeslty I had a bad impression of it the first time around, in terms of performance issues, but that's more to do with my hardware than a criticism of the actual game.

For some reason I've been playing a lot of long games lately, including MMOs and I really wanted to break away for a simple "mario" game, but then the Steam Sale happened and then Witcher 2 just immediatley absorbed me into it's world, and it's been a long couple of weeks with this game. I've seen many sites put out "Best RPGs Ever" or "Top RPGs" of this or last gen, and if I drew up a top list today I'd honestly have to put Witcher 2 in the top 5. Some where in-between my love of Final Fantasy games, KOTOR and Baldur's Gates, I'd have to make a place for this game.  

If you haven't played this game, it's very similar to Dragon Age Origins in terms of world, and more like Mass Effect 2 with all the character cutscenes and interactions. In terms of combat, it's a purely melee affair with a slight emphasis on buffs and debuffs with it's alchemy system. The game is very linear, divided into three chapters, with each chapter giving you some room to explore outside of the hub area, and those areas are pretty large. There is also crafting and side-quests available.

Considering how linear this game is, I was surprised at how long the game was. But I enjoyed every minute of it, and I can't wait for the next game to see where the characters all end up. I kind of feel like this game might accomplish that multiple ending scenario that was promised of the Mass Effect and Dragon Age games, but we'll see.  

Conclusion: A great long game with mature characters and narrative with a visually stunning fantasy world to explore. 



Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/24/2014 at 06:28 AM

I really want to play this but I want to finish the first one first. I like that game a lot too, and it runs ok on my computer.  Just haven't had time.  It's a nice world to visit though....


06/24/2014 at 12:14 PM

Finishing up the first one will make the 2nd game make a lot more sense actually. The story has many twists and characters to follow.


06/24/2014 at 09:11 AM

I really enjoyed The Witcher 2.  I played it on the 360.  My wife finished it a couple weeks ago and is currently playing through it a 2nd time.  I'm surprised she took to it so well.  The battle system is a bit more complicated than the games she usually plays.  


06/24/2014 at 12:16 PM

Yeah the game branches off in the second chapter, so you would have to play it twice to see all of the events play out.I liked the dual blade combat. Kind of like Devil May Cry.


06/24/2014 at 11:01 AM

Im currently playing the first one and Im def into the game. Im in Chapter 3 and there is ten millions things going on at once,lol. My laptop runs the game really smooth and im hopeing the second one runs well as well when I download it. Im glad the second one is good, im already excited to play it.


06/24/2014 at 12:17 PM

I read a lot of really good things about the first game. It's currently on sale on Steam for like 2 dollars.


06/24/2014 at 04:41 PM

I really want to play Witcher 2 and am excited for the next one shown at E3. 


06/24/2014 at 05:53 PM

It's really cheap now on both PC and console, and it's pretty long so making time to play is the only excuse. Plus I just read that even more patches were released for the game recently, so yup!


06/26/2014 at 07:12 AM

I'll start the first game before getting the second game.

I also think the sudent performance upgrade had to do when the whole game was pathed as the Enhanced Edition, which was the 360 release.


06/26/2014 at 02:35 PM

Sometimes it's better to wait for patches on new games. LOL.


06/29/2014 at 10:53 AM

Those alchemy perks can do amazing things.  I went with the alchemy branch for my playthrough and loved how much of a powerhouse Geralt was when he was poisoned.


06/29/2014 at 04:11 PM

I went with Swordsman branch. Towards the end I was sword dancing with the dragon like a ballerino.

Justin Matkowski Staff Alumnus

07/03/2014 at 10:36 PM

I have been meaning to play this for some time, especially before I check out the Wild Hunt - I dig its grounded, Game of Thrones-esque take on fantasy, and I think you have just inspired me to take the plunge!

How's the combat system by the way? It's hard to get a feel for it from watching Let's Plays and reviews.


07/03/2014 at 11:46 PM

To be perfectly honest, I absolutely hated the combat when I first played the game. I didn't understand the dual sword system or potions so I was learning the game system while getting my ass kicked at the same time. After playing Dark Souls and Monster Hunter, games that require a lot of patience, in my opinion, I felt like I can take on any game, and back into Witcher 2 I went. It's one of those games where I had to come back to it a second time and then the second time everything clicked.

So, for starters, what I loved about the game was that Dragon Age Origins/Game of Thrones mature narrative, characters, twists and turns. It really is the true sequel to Dragon Age Origins. I really love this game world enough that I was looking at the novels that inspired the game and enjoy them too.

Secondly, the design of the world is gorgeous, and I just loved the soundtrack. I'm a sucker for graphics. What can I say? I played on PC with graphics set to high, and I think X360 looks fine as well.  

Thirdly, the combat. The thing about this game is that, unlike the 'Souls' games that emphasize 'defence' , Witcher 2 pushes you forward into melee, and thus you MUST always fight. I usually lilke a ranged character in RPGs, and shoot from safety so this game put me out of this comfort zone, but I just used the 'Shield/Protect' spell for extra defence and made some 'Swallow' potion which regenerates health and I was fine. Also keep rollin, rollin, rollin!!!  


07/04/2014 at 12:39 AM

Witcher 2 is just one of those rpgs. lol. Hard to get into at first but worth the effort. I haven't given up on it yet. I'll go back to it at some juncture!


07/04/2014 at 03:08 AM

I would say the story is very much worth the work. Just like many other RPGs, it would benefit to read up on how the game mechanics/magic/alchemy system work if it will help you get through. I'll admit, I used a few guides here and there. It was still pretty great! 


07/08/2014 at 04:07 PM

Would really like to play this and the first Witcher, but I'd probably need to upgrade my laptop first. Either that or pick up a 360 on the cheap.

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