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Game backlogs are a bad idea, and die all you trolls!

On 12/13/2014 at 06:30 AM by asrealasitgets

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I thought that by organizing a list of games I was interested in playing would be a good way to experience them all in a timely manner but in hindsight, I think it was a bad idea over all. The good thing is that I was able to spend more time with each game than I normally would have, and discovered games I normally wouldnt play. The bad thing is that I didnt like a couple of games, triple A games, long games,  and I didn't enjoy the time I spent with them. I feel like I wasted my time actually. I had such a bad time in fact that I went back and started playing games I know I enjoyed. This backlog is what caused my desire to want to stop gaming and a reminder of why I just cannot trust mainstream game review sites. I've gone off on mainstream game reviewers in the past, so I wont do it anymore. I just find opinions from enthusiasts on forums, youtube and blogs to be more honest sometimes and just as valiable. I think it's time to let go of the game reviewer as god and accept more opinions from the community as well.

I'm not a games reviewer. If I was I think this game list approach would have been useful to get through deadlines or whatever, but I can see how playing so many games in such a short time would make everything seem monotonous. I defnintly became more nitpicky and critical of minor issues when otherwise I would have ignored problems. I won't mention the games I was playing, even though I feel like an honest opinion might save someone money, someone like myself perhaps. Giving a negative criticism of a darling franchise will just descend into a flame war, and I just don't feel like fighting.  

A short story...
I was watching a twitch stream while someone was playing a really popular game. This gamer has similar tastes as mine, and he seemed kind of bored with the game--it wasn't clicking. I told him I didn't like the game that much and I recommended he play another. He clearly wasnt having fun, well the chat room which I thought was dead awoke and descending on me like a mob of zombies for criticisizing a popular game. It got so bad I had to leave. I revisited the twitch stream again tonite, and the gamer was playing that game I suggested and he was enjoying it a lot more than the previous one. We were talking about it in chat and thought it was GOTY worthy. I'm glad I suggested a game for someone that might have never wanted to try it. For the record, this gamer frequently asks viewers for suggestions, but my god the chat room wanted to murder me. It was worth it though. In the end.

I don't know what happened in gaming this year, but god forbid you have a negative criticism or feeling about a popular thing before trolls come after you to shut you down. I thought gamers were cool? I thought games were fun? I don't know what happened to the game community that it got so mean and gross suddenly? 

Anyhow, I went back and started playing Star Wars the Old Republic MMO because it's just fun to run around with a lightsaber and kill all the things. Plus, I have Star Wars on the brain since that trailer a few weeks ago. I'm also playing Hotel Dusk and Pokemon Diamond on my old DS. My god these games are so good! SO Good!

I don't know what to do about the backlog now? In the end, I was supposed to write/blog about these games, but honestly I don't like writing bad things about games. If I think a game sucks, I just wont write about it.  It is game of the year time however, so I feel like a few playground fights are incoming and inevitable.

Oh, and this game is great...
-asrealasitgets Cool 




12/13/2014 at 06:56 AM

I value honest opinion and I haven't bothered with any of the big review site in a long time. Cary is pretty much the only reviewer I actually trust. I am curious about what games you were playing that you didn't like and which one got you curb-stomped for not liking it. Persoanlly, I've never liked the Sly Cooper games and so many other people love them to pieces.

As for reviews, I looked up some on a couple of professional review sites for The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief to see what they were saying, and the paid reviewers were all giving it great reviews and I was wondering if we'd played the same game, and then I read a user review on IGN that asked that same question. I had to laugh. And then I made the decision to not waste any more of my time on a game I wasn't enjoying.

As for Hotel Dusk, I loved that game. So much so that I imported the sequel from England. Which reminds me that I got distracted and never finished Cape West...Maybe that's the game I'll finish up next.

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/13/2014 at 10:44 AM

So hard not to troll you for that Sly Cooper comment. But that's none of my business ... I'm too lazy to find a Kermit meme. 

I would like to play Hotel Dusk though. Ghost Trick was so refreshing an experience and story, and I feel like a game even more focused on mystery-solving and more serious would be a welcome change from the welcome change Ghost Trick's goofiness and puzzle solving was.

Cary Woodham

12/13/2014 at 12:53 PM

Ghost Trick was freaking awesome.  Loved the ending. :)

Cary Woodham

12/13/2014 at 12:53 PM

Aw, thank you!


12/13/2014 at 04:51 PM

I do love adventure games. I just finished The Wolf Among Us which I thought was just awesome, so I started reading Fables, the comic it's based on from Vertigo and it is really good too. With Hotel Dusk, I just pick it up and play here and there and approach it like a book. It's very dialogue heavy. Looks so good too.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

12/13/2014 at 07:29 AM

I don't even trust the reviews I make of games.  IT's such a subjective thing, ya know?  I put a lot of faith in steam reviews though, at least for games I'm interested in.  For ones I'm kind of iffy about, if there's a lot of good reviews I'll go for it, if not, meh.  The only site I really read reviews of anymore is PC Gamer, which mostly aligns with my feelings.  Otherwise, I think it's all a crock.  


12/13/2014 at 05:03 PM

On Steam, sometimes games are launched as Alphas or Betas and bad reviews due to bugs stick with the game after launch so tend to be careful with comment reviews. I also don't understand how someone can play 300 hours of a game and say they hate it? WTF? This happens on Steam too.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

12/13/2014 at 05:33 PM

ha ha, yeah I'm not saying it's a perfect system.  Sometimes though a person will put in a hundred hours, and then they developer will either change the game or FAIL to change the game, and people get bitter about it.  


12/13/2014 at 06:11 PM

I agree with you about seeking out opinions, but the Steam comments are wierd sometimes like 500 hours of gameplay, but then downvote and call a game garbage? I can understand in cases for open world alphas being endless but then no promised content added. Them comments can be deceiving sometimes. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

12/13/2014 at 06:20 PM

well there's definitely maniacs on there.  But I think by and large, people review the games honestly.  I remember I was about to purchase DayZ, but reviews warned me the current build was allowing a lot of cheating, so I skipped it.  I think those problems are gone now (though there are probably new ones).  Early Access and alphas being reviewed is indeed a tricky business.  


12/13/2014 at 09:51 AM

From my experience, it's been like that for many years, now.  You say you don't like a game that "everyone" seems to love and some gamers take it personal.  Like you made fun of their ugly baby or something.  I tell some people that I didn't like Final Fantasy 7 or FFX and they respond as if I mocked their god.  

I like buying the AAA games that people say are great, but I don't spend the money on them.  I buy them when their under $20.  That way if I don't like it, I didn't spend a lot of money on it.  I also don't make myself play games I'm not enjoying.  Videogames are entertainment first for me.  If I'm not having fun, I stop playing them.  I have too many other games to play.  Sometimes, I'll quit a game I'm not enjoying, go back to it later and have fun with it.  

I take reviews with a grain of salt.  I read or watch them for info on the game.  I don't care too much if the reviewer thought the game was good or not.  If it sounds like something I would enjoy, I give it a shot.  


12/13/2014 at 04:58 PM

It's not just about taste. Recently a reviewer from Polygon, stated that they always give the benefit of the doubt to game developers when they have bad launches because games are hard to  make? WTF? Nintendo puts out an unfinished game, yet Polygon is always trashing them wanting Disney to buy and save them or some bullshit like that. Just nonsense!Yell


12/14/2014 at 08:46 AM

I'm back & forward about the "benefit of the doubt" argument.  I can cut a small beginning developer some slack, but never for big companies.  It annoys me to no end that these developers with truckloads of money behind them continue to release buggy and/or unfinished games.  As much as I've enjoyed Bioware/EA games, every bug, glitch, obvious later dlc, can't play b/c their server is not connecting, and other drm, pisses me off.  It's freaking sad.  And then you have games like The Witcher 3 being pushed back b/c developers like, CD Projekt care not to put out a game that they feel is not finished enough.  I respect those guys.  They're great. 


12/14/2014 at 04:35 PM

It especially irks me when it comes to treatment for Nintendo. They always put out solid software at launch on 3DS and WiiU, except for services related to online which isn't really their bread and butter, but they are a hardware and software company. When a huge AAA studio puts out a shitty game at launch most of the flack comes from consumers who have to suffer through a broken product. It would be wiser to advice consumers to buy a game that 'works' and wait for the broken game to be 'fixed'. I was listening to a podcaster who said the new COD was broken and had tons of bugs in it, but he couldn't return the game to the store, and went through a nightmare with customer service for a week. He got stuck with a bad game.


12/14/2014 at 05:04 PM

I agree.  I don't buy new consoles and some games newly released.  Dragon Age 3 was Bioware/EA last chance with me.  I'm not buying any game from them brand spanking new.  I'll wait till all the bugs are worked out before getting the game.  If they ever remove all the bugs.  As good as a game is, developer/publisher must realize bugs, glitches, and crashes ruin experiences.  We shouldn't be paying full price to be their guinea pigs.  This "put it out and we'll patch it later" crap needs to stop.  

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/13/2014 at 10:50 AM

I think some people just get offended by hearing their favorite art criticized, even though they're not the artist. I wish people didn't take things so personally. 

At SGC 2013, I let some kids ahead of me in line for AVGN signings and they asked if I liked PewdiePie. I said I found him a little annoying honestly, but I could see why other people liked him. They winced like I had gut-checked them. 

I don't usually respond by getting mad people don't like my favorites. I just am disappointed. In them. For having shit tastes. Tongue Out Kiddin'.


12/13/2014 at 05:01 PM

Even if a game is great, sometimes it just won't click with me when I first try it out. This happened to me with Demon's Souls and Dragon Age 2. My opinions do tend to change from time to time. I will love something then hate it, or hate something then love it. You have to be all in or completely out on a game, which is just dumb.


12/13/2014 at 06:16 PM

U gotta remember were in a hobby that has one of the highest immaturity numbers of all time. You can't go to anything involving video games and not see post that are nothing but trolls or immature behavior. It's sad but true.  I'm to the point of just not giving the comment section attention anymore on some of the major game sites and youtube.

I always watch what the offerings of the game are and see if I'll be interested before buying. I can normally tell if I'll like it based on that. 


12/13/2014 at 06:24 PM

I do find value in a thorough analysis of any game, but I find them just as enjoyable and valuable after I've played a game as well. I've turned to twitch and youtube for suggested purchases. I get the immaturity part, but I also enjoy having a discussion every now and then. Just so damned toxic sometimes. Cry


12/14/2014 at 03:11 AM

I stopped using backloggery as a way to get me to complete games so much as a place to keep track of my games. It's now my online database that I check to make sure I don't buy the same game twice. It's also cool to record your progress in the games you're playing there.

I rarely read reviews or user reviews to pick a game to play. I'll read them just for fun or to see what someone else thought, but I won't pick any game based on a review. I look for certain kinds of game content and certain developers who's games I've liked in the past to lead me. Like I want to play Fantasy Life because it's a Level 5 game and I want to play Codename STEAM because it's by Intelligent Systems who did the Advance Wars games. I also like games that are compared to some of my favorites, like if you say any game is like Valkyria Chronicles, I'll very likely buy it no matter what the Metacritic score is.


12/14/2014 at 03:31 AM

I dont think backloggery is a bad site. I was actually using a basic spreadsheet. Using a methodical way of getting through something that is supposed to be fun is a good way to turn it into a chore. I'm still using the list, but I'm not going to prioritize it the way I was before, and I'm certainly not goint to try and complete something I obviously loathe. I have no idea what reviews were for certain games that I enjoyed this year, so I pretty much follow the same logic that you use when purchasing games. I'm interested in checking out the games you listed too. 


12/14/2014 at 04:16 AM

After finishing a game, I start using the achievement/trophy list to guide my replays, but at some point I might decide to stop if the task is too boring or tedious to complete. It's gotta be fun after all. I'm not so obsessive that I HAVE to get 100% completion on every game, although it's pretty cool when I do that.


12/14/2014 at 11:22 AM

Don't get me started. I call it the "tyranny of consensus" in gaming. It leads to garbage like the Spike VGA awards. It's just a popularity contest, basically. I don't even think the majority of people involved with games can even analyze game design on a deeper level. Marketing, politics and group think supercede cogent analysis.

You've got to tell me the game that people jumped on you for. I think I have an idea. PM me if you don't want to post it publicly. I'm glad I wasn't in that chat. It would have been war.  Most Twitch chats I've been in, people respect differing opinions, for the most part.


12/15/2014 at 12:29 AM

The game doesnt matter. It was just the notion that I suggested something other than everyones favorite Kool-aid that set the exploding barrel off. I  never complained about the game being played, I actually love the game too. You just can't win with some people.  


12/14/2014 at 03:27 PM

Yeah, the 'browbeat you for daring to criticize something popular' thing is something I've been noticing happen way more often lately, and it really sucks.


12/14/2014 at 04:30 PM

It wasn't even 'this game sucks', it was more like this game is great and you 'might like this other thing too, try it' that set everyone off. That's the wtf part.


12/14/2014 at 05:16 PM

Oh, yeah that is pretty odd.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/14/2014 at 05:19 PM

Goddamn it, now I need to know what the game is!

 But indeed, that is a problem when you play a ton of games unfortunately. Also fuck the internet.


12/14/2014 at 08:25 PM

It doesn't matter what the game was. The twitch cammer was trying to get viewers and subscribbers to his fun channel. The mod is the one that went after me for just suggesting a similar type of game, which he ended up playing the next day and enjoying. The moderator was acting stupid and immature and was encouraging the room to attack me.  Honestly, how are you supposed to get viewers and subscribers when you go after them. I wasn't even disagreeing, just suggesting other games which the channel encourages. This sort of shit happens all the time now though. In forums and twitch, even on youtube comments. I've actually given games a chance because people disagree with me. How are you supposed to find new interesting games out of your comfort zone if everyone just always likes the same thing? 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/14/2014 at 08:54 PM

Yeah it's pretty stupid. I read this post the other day that sums it up perfectly:

 It's about metal, but the points apply here too. Point inflation is getting fucking ridiculous. As the guy states if we grabbed the internet and put them in a record store everything they grabbed would be an 8/10


12/15/2014 at 12:19 AM

That article was just hilarious, and true. This is my fav comment response
I never cared for votes ,never big into review things etc. but i think we came to point when people just act as spoiled brats when it comes to stuff. Also there seems a big rise of this Social (ok in this case music) Justice Warriors here complaining about those aforementioned brats.Combined those two groups are just putting off users from voting,interacting or plain posting here.

I suppose I ended up in the Social Justice Warrior Dept by complaining about brats, when I should have just shrugged it off and ignored it. I'll remember that next time.  


12/14/2014 at 06:19 PM

Screw Reveiws and Screw others opinion if you gave someone advice on playing another game then say Modern Warfare or Battlefield etc all these children who live on the internet with there modded controllers will and almost garanteed to attack you I stay off of chats forums and big game sites for this very reason all that matters is that you have fun and your opinion is your opinion and if these kids cant except a opinion screw them to. =-)


12/14/2014 at 08:19 PM

I honestly just hate all gamers, with exception of the few acquintances I've met online, like on Pixlbit, but that's mostly due to respectful dialogue and communication. Our interesting little community has swelled into an uncontrllable trash mob of retards. Frown


12/14/2014 at 09:23 PM

If you like Hotel Dusk you should definitely check out the sequel Last Window. I hear the DS isn't region locked.


12/15/2014 at 12:20 AM

Thanks. I will check it out when I finish Hotel Dusk. Too bad the games weren't continued, especially now that visual novels are so popular again. 


12/14/2014 at 09:45 PM

I rely mostly on all you guys here at Pixlbit for direction....mostly when I'm about to venture off into something I don't typically jive with.  


12/15/2014 at 12:24 AM

I remember when you hated Souls games, then you went and gave them a second chance. Imagine if you had ignored our comments and went back to playing whatever else you were playing never having given Souls games a chance? This is why I hold discussion and debate valuable in this hobby, no need to be brats and get into fervent rage fights for suggesting something new like what I experienced the other day.


12/15/2014 at 10:18 AM

You guys here at P Bit are one of the things girl that keeps me going with games.  i enjoy the hobby far more because of you all.


12/15/2014 at 03:27 PM

I long stopped trusting "professional" game sites (especialy with all the things "that movement that shall not be named" has uncovered) and by now I trust more smaller sites like here on Pixlbit, Youtubers, some forums, or just simply look for info on the game and maybe see a trailer or two.

I hear you on the bad gamers. That said, if Extra Credits has shown me, it's not all bad really and with more developers being created, charities set and more achivements in the medium, a bunch of pricks would never spoil that.


12/17/2014 at 10:57 AM

I really need to start a new Hotel Dusk save. When I tried it out the first time I don't think I gave it my full attention and I might have missed some things. 

As for the main topic, if there is a game that I am on the fence about I'll wait and read what actual user thoughts instead of the media's point of view. The one "mainstream" reviewers I like to listen to are the hosts of Cheapassgamer. It's just three ordinary guys who play games and give honest opinions. 

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