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Updates from Ashley

On 10/24/2014 at 10:16 AM by FAF101

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Sorry I haven’t written anything new for a while, getting use to a new job schedule for when I need to wake up and do when I get home. I am hoping by the end of the month my body gets use to the change. I use to go from waking up at around 7am working till 4:30 or later depending, in PJs all day and staying at home. It was pretty awesome but the job ehhh. So new job I wake up at 5:30am get dressed, I do all my prep work the night before (get my lunch ready, clothes for the next day out) drive a little over an hour due to traffic and then get in office around 8:15 – 8:20am to leave around 4:30 and then get home around 6pm because traffic is a very unpredictable thing. Eat dinner and be ready to pass out already where my brain is pretty much shut off. Also I have been reading, watching training videos all day and writing a bunch of notes, my thought of blogging…ehhh it can wait. Thankfully though it has gotten better the second week so by next week I should be feeling better about this new routine. 
I am going to try to get my Danganronpa reviews out this month like I wanted to! My weekends keep getting filled with other items where I have no access to a computer due to either driving long hours or doing family things. I honestly haven’t had a me weekend since two weekends ago. So writing has been on the decline. I knew when I had the four day weekend before my new job should have gotten them done but I was too busy playing Shadow of Mordor or watching Psych which was way more important since now I cannot do my usual work routine of watching shows while I work. Also they block a lot of things as my job, Pixlbit being one of them. So I wrote this up at work in a word doc and emailed it to myself to just copy and paste, I am a genius.  But the job is worth it, I really like it so far and I am starting up on my first project next week so that is exciting. It’s nice having a job where it’s normal work hours and I am not getting run ragged with having things thrown my way. The company actually works as a team! A new concept I am adapting to haha! I will say it’s nice coming home and having dinner ready and I don’t have to make it anymore!  Although I took laundry duty, which I have a love hate with after work since I know it has to get done but I know it could be a battle with people depending on the day.
Today is my fiancé’s birthday so I am taking him out to see a movie, Fury I think it’s called. It’s that new Brad Pitt movie with tanks. Not sure how much I will enjoy it but I am hoping it’s good. In other news my brother went into the Army, he’s currently in boot camp and apparently my letter I wrote and mailed Monday still hasn’t gotten to him. Not sure if any of you guys have people in the military and tried to write to them, if it took a while or not. His letters get through fine, but I also noticed that he puts a different return address than the one the paper provided saying the mailing address. I swear if it’s the wrong address I have lost faith haha, I mean I already question their graduation date of it being a Thursday. So I am going to try one more letter tonight to the one they gave us. I hope it goes through because this letter I am sending photos in so I may yell at his military folks asking why they can’t print something right when I see them. Everyone else has gotten letters though but him, so that’s why I am asking. I do not know how long the letter delivery takes. He also apparently had some things stolen from him, who steals things while in the military? I honestly hope they catch the guy and make him exercise till he pukes. Unless they don’t care about that type of behavior which again I already question them so they may not. 
Gaming wise it has been pretty quiet, I started playing Majesty again off Steam, it’s one of my favorite games. Been playing Shadow of Mordor every now and then when it’s my Xbox One day (I have to share with my fiancé, we take turns) and Destiny with some friends when I can and they are available to play. I also started Walking Dead Season 1 on Steam too, the game made me angry when someone did something I didn’t want them to. But I didn’t have an option to stop it, which was dumb. This then made me start watching the TV series; my fiancé and I are about half way through season 2 (super addictive). Other than that I haven’t been doing much gaming. I have mainly been watching TV shows. I also started up the Japanese Drama of Liar Game, which is really good! I actually haven’t watched anime in a while either, have not been in the mood to watch it.
Anyone have any Halloween plans? 




10/24/2014 at 10:52 AM

Glad the new job is going well. Yeah, there's always that exhausting adjustment period, but regular hours are oh-so-nice. I have to seriously start looking for something for the winter so I don't go as deep in debt as I did last winter.


10/26/2014 at 06:42 PM

Thanks! And I hope you find something >_<

But yeah I noticed I am very cranky coming home but I am hoping I get use to it soonish. I also think with it now going to be dark waking up and dark leaving won't help much though.

Super Step Contributing Writer

10/24/2014 at 12:57 PM

I hate traffic. I feel for you.

As for the letters, he may be moving bases constantly. I know a friend in the Air Force who is constantly moving for work. 


10/26/2014 at 06:43 PM

Okay yeah I recently wrote to both to see if he get a response. So I hope he tells me soon. But I wish they would mention something to the family members about it.


10/24/2014 at 04:14 PM

when I was in boot camp it typically took around 3 weeks for any civilian mail to get to us; it all gets processed and then x-rayed two or three times before it ever reaches the hands of the recipient.


10/26/2014 at 06:44 PM

Go figure lol. Hopefully he gets them soon! I wrote him some pretty awesome letters haha


10/24/2014 at 05:39 PM

I've been playing Mordor as well. I felt pretty overwhelmed by it and I'm still getting used to it. It feels grindier than the new Borderlands which is odd. 


10/26/2014 at 07:11 PM

I still have to get the new Borderlands. But to me it feels like Assassins Creed 1 LotR style. I thought it was going to be very overwhelming with everything to collect but it was a lot easier than I thought.


10/25/2014 at 02:36 AM

Majesty looks fantastic!

No Halloween plans. Wish I had some. Maybe I'll take my friend up on the offer to escape to Mexico City. Kinda tired of my life here in the States.


10/26/2014 at 07:13 PM

Majesty is super fun, I like the first one way better than the second one. It's always good to try out new things when you feel blah with whats currently going on. I have no Halloween plans either, I have a party I am going to the day after though.


10/26/2014 at 04:33 AM

My brother just graduated basic this past week. =)

If you want to verify his address, wait until he responds back to you or someone else, and then get it from the envelope he sent out. Letters should not take more than a week to arrive, unless the address is wrong and doesn't exist.


10/26/2014 at 07:14 PM

Congrats to your brother! That's awesome! And I figured. We did get a letter and I don't know if he just wrote it wong because his is one number differnet than what the paper says. We sent ours out last Monday and then I just sent out two yesterday one to the one he had as the return and the previous one I wrote to, just to see which he gets. Otherwise one of them is coming back to me haha.


10/28/2014 at 10:49 AM

Congrats goes to your brother for joining the Army, and good to hear the new job is going well. Traffic sucks but what can you do? As for the letters I really can't say what goes on. The family and friends who were/are in the military said not to write to them during that time because it takes awhile and they'll just call. 


10/28/2014 at 06:27 PM

Thanks! He finally got the letter awhile back so he has like 3 more letters to him soonish lol. He's not able to call so we have to do letters.


10/29/2014 at 01:00 PM

your job hours sound like my job hours. that's why I got a netbook so I could try to get some blogging/commenting done durng lunch/break time.

Thanks for letting me link your write up on Corpse Party, I hope you get more people to read it from otehr sites.

I'm nostly gaming my octoberween titles that are not new gen related burt still behind on TV shows expect for Ghost Whisperer. Don't judge me! I'll get back into the Walking Dead soon enough though I probably should play my free copy of season 1 episode one soon.

As for octoberween itself? Well...I just hope to avoid jailtime again this year.

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