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New Year right around the corner!

On 12/30/2014 at 08:58 AM by FAF101

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Really fast, I have yet to read any comments from my previous blog and respond, so I apologize for that. It's been a very hellish holiday season for me. My ex fiance has told me he fell out of love with me, completely out of the blue. So needless to say it was a stressful week and we just decided to end it. So I'm single again oh boy! 

I'm sad to say I'm still living with him, we remained friends but I have no clue what I am doing yet living wise after I save money and I haven't really felt like myself since this all went down. I have yet to pick up a game or watch anime or tv shows since this happened. I've just kinda stuck with movies and that's it. 

But I figure I'm trying to take it one day at a time, which is hard as hell, I keep getting anxiety over things months from now. Thank god for meds lol. I think the one thing in pissed about the most is I sold some of my systems and games when I moved in this him and now I need to either A. Beat them before I move out or B. Buy them digitally. Just sucks, I had this whole plan of me being financially better in 2016 too with how things were going and now everything's all messed up. Sorry for ranting, I haven't really had an outlet to get anything out and figured here would be easiest. I feel I talked my friends to death about it already.

On happier notes now! I'm finally deciding to lose the weight I wanna lose! Gonna get rid of 30lbs, and try to be more positive than negative and just become happy again. I'm hoping 2015 is a much better year for me, I'm trying to stay positive that things will go my way or mostly my way. Also once I start to feel normal again Iam going to beat all the games I started but haven't completed. It's going to be a busy few months. 

Again sorry for the depressing rant, I just had to vent it out. Does anyone else have any new year resolutions? 



Matt Snee Staff Writer

12/30/2014 at 09:49 AM

my new year's resolution is to smoke more cigarettes, eat more Cheetos, and sleep more.  Tongue Out

too bad about your fiance.  maybe it is for the best.  love is tough business.  

especially to go through this during the holidays, that sucks.  but you seem to be keeping your head above water for the most part.  

I hope 2015 is better for u!


12/31/2014 at 06:10 AM

Lol! Those sound like awesome resolutions.

I thought the same thing too after a day as well, I can go find me some new man lol. But I'm trying, not easy but working at it. 

I hope 2015 is amazing for you as well =)


12/30/2014 at 09:53 AM

No time is a good time for breaking up but the holiday season makes it that much worse.

Here's hoping the coming year is a better one.

All the best in 2015. 


12/31/2014 at 06:10 AM

Thank you. I hope you have a fab 2015 also!

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/30/2014 at 10:41 AM

Wishing you all the best emotionally, financially, and health wise in the coming year! You'll feel better when you realize you got through this rough period and kicked ass! Cool


12/31/2014 at 06:11 AM

Thank you! That is what I am hoping too! After my brain gets all normal again, I'm going to hopefully realize I'm awesome haha

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

12/30/2014 at 11:08 AM

Wow, sorry to hear things didn't work out.  You probably know this already...but just give yourself time.  Time heals those kinds of wounds.  Painful as it may be at times, it's better you found out where he stands now, than later on after you said "I do".


12/31/2014 at 06:12 AM

Thank you, I thought the same thing. It would have been sooooo much worse if it came to that. Here's to a good 2015 to both of us!


12/30/2014 at 02:10 PM

Sounds like my situation. I'm still living with my ex-girlfriend. I haven't figured out my career goals enough to move and neither has she. I'm also on a health kick. The exercise regimen I keep wanting to do never works out, but I've done well controlling my diet. Something keeps me going though. I guess it's the reading and writing. It's what I do during the work week. Anyway, good luck.


12/31/2014 at 06:13 AM

Good luck to you too! Im doing the health kick thing too but my diet is mainly cut out sweets (only have one a day cause i need sweets lol) and eat more veggies and fruit than junk. The Exercise I am slowly getting into, Im doing it every other day at the moment because Military work out is not easy at all. I'm trying to to kill myself haha.

I hope you have a great 2015!


12/31/2014 at 04:43 PM

Thanks. My 3DS is motivating me to walk more. I NEED MORE COINS!


01/01/2015 at 09:04 AM

Haha! I forgot that it does that! I'll need to take it with me while I go running


12/30/2014 at 05:39 PM

Shame to hear that about your (ex) fiance and the economic situation. Hopefully 2015 will hold better things in store.


12/31/2014 at 06:14 AM

Thank you! I hope 2015 is a good one for you too!

Cary Woodham

12/30/2014 at 07:22 PM

Sorry to hear you had such a bummer of a Christmas.  And it sounded like it was going well at first with a visit from your brother and all.

I'll cheer you on with your fitness goals!  I don't have any New Years resolutions myself, because I just do things I want to do better throughout the year.  But lately I've been making some changes that have helped me out fitness-wise, and I've gotten a bit stronger because of it. 

I hope when you feel better, you'll get a chance to read some of my blogs.  I just put up my Game of the Year blog a few days ago.


12/31/2014 at 06:15 AM

Thanks Cary! I am actually going to start reading some of them today! 

I hope you have a great 2015!


12/31/2014 at 04:57 PM

Damn, that's a pricarious situation. Hang in there, better to rant than keep it all in, that's what I do and it's done me no favours but I have little skill to handle my own life. 

Regardless be thankful he came to this realization now instead of at the alter, during or after Pregnancy or worse. That can destroy the strongest of people.

You'll do fine, dear.


01/01/2015 at 09:03 AM

Thanks! Yeah I have been doing a lot better the past couple of days. I swear I have a gift for rebounding back super fast once I know what the heck is going on lol. 

But yeah I am greatful he told me now then waiting months or years down the road.


01/13/2015 at 12:30 PM

I'm just catching up on my blogs and I am sorry about your situation. I wish you nothing but the best for 2015. That is a tough situation you are in but taking it one day at a time sounds like the best plan.

As to answer your quesiton, I think my resolutions are the same: excercise more, listen to more music, finish my games and so far I'm doing two out of three. I need to jump back into walking around the neighborhood especially now since the weather is nice. 


01/13/2015 at 02:51 PM

My condolences on your situation. UI'd offer my services for yoru situation but I fear the joke would be in very poor taste given the circumstances. Hope 2015 turns out better. I hear many didn't have a good 2014. I wonder why that is.

Finally finished Irregluar at Magic High School, bummed that I didn't get any relationship resoolution between the brother ande sister....

There is always Sailor Moon Crystal, I'm way behind on that one.

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