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Exrian's Comments - Page 12

Episode 119: Anime was a mistake.

Posted on 08/24/2017 at 06:56 AM | Filed Under Feature

Great podcast guys. How the heck did I miss so many great anime game options? Odin Sphere and Dark Souls should have made my list. Dans always been entertaining in Giantbomb. Hearing him talk himself out of then into something on a dime is hilarious. Most recently him eating a pickle. I have to say that I miss him in Giant Bombcast though. I felt he would really meld great with Beastcast since hes funny and over the top like their crew but it seems like he's been more of a background character on there. It's really unfortunate since he was regular a highlight on Bombcast. What's your thought on that Julian?

I definitely have to check out Hellblade. Seems right up my alley. I will probably wait for a sale on it though since it's digital only. I buy almost all digital only games through sales unless it's something I'm really anticipating. 

Horizon is an amazing game that I feel will always be compared to Breath of the Wild and therefore inferior. Though I'd easily pick Horizon over BotW. The story in Horizon is very interesting and I loved the way it played out. I'm looking forward to a sequel more than Zelda. Hopefully they don't both come out within 2 weeks of each other again. Though that's improbable since Zelda won't come out for another 7 years. 

Stage Select:

1. Samus (Super Metroid): Gamings greatest girl needs a spot on here. 

2. Pyramid Head  (Silent Hill 2): One of the icons of horror games would be awesome. Its practically finished if we can just import it from Egypt. 

3. Tetramino (Tetris): Any shape except the square. Damn you and your brethren square! 

4. Amaterasu (Okami): The Sun goddess deserves a spot and everybody loves dogs right? 

Chrono Crossing: Tetris 

This game defined the game boy. It's gameplay was addicting and the music still plays visibly in my mind. This original version may still be the best version of the game possibly only losing out to the Tetris DS game that sprinkled Nintendo themes into it. 

Episode 118: Heartstrings

Posted on 08/16/2017 at 01:36 PM | Filed Under Feature

Great podcast guys. First off I want to tell Patrick I'll be praying for him. I don't yet know the pain of losing someone very close to me but I can only imagine how hard that would be. I know I'll be looking down that road sooner than later. We all missed you over on NWP. Hope to see you back next week. 


I will also, proudly (?), admit to Chun Li ushering me towards manhood. The Start button was a great wingman.

After hearing all the Stage Select selections I guess I should have broadened my horizons a bit. I could easily have chosen 3 after listeing to all the great submissions. Great call on Frogs Song Julian. Definitely a top 5 videogame favorite of mine. I dont plan on missing any more so on to Stage Select.


Stage Select: Top 3 Anime Games 


3. Gundam Battle Assault 2: It was basically Gundam meets Street Fighter. I was introduced to so many awesome Gundams I had never seen. The gameplay was quick and fun since these mechs could move just as fast and fluid as any human. 


2. Valkyria Chronicles: This amazing PS3 gem took me by surprise. The $20 cost at a time where PS3 games weren't cheap made me take the chance and I'm glad I did. The Third Person Shooter/Tactical RPG game play immediately clicked with me. The graphics were amazing for the time and I'm sure can still be fine today.


1. Gundam Breaker 3: I imported this one for PS4. The gameplay is somewhat similar to the Dynasty Warrior Gundam series but more refined and less button mashy. The draw of this one was building your own Gundam from parts of defeated enemies. This was a dream come true for me. Definitely worth the import for Gundam fans since the Singapore version has complete English menus and subtitles. 




Chrono Crossing: Mega Man 3


This was the first Mega Man I played so it's stayed in my heart despite villains like Hardman... Even though i didnt beat it I still rememeber it fondly. I should go back to finish it one of these days. 

Episode 117: Toilet Humor

Posted on 08/03/2017 at 10:33 PM | Filed Under Feature

Sorry I couldn't chime in. I don't typically have my games loud so don't notice music as much. I know sone key favorites but can't recall many. 


To respond to your comment about day 1 listeners, I immediately jump into NWP. I hope to be working when it comes out since it means I'll definitely finish it. If not I may have to wait til the night when I'm gaming or if I'm doing yard work. 


If it isn't too late I'll throw in my Chrono crossing pick. 


Robocop vs. The Terminator for Genesis. 

My 2 favorite movies at the time  (i was like 7, lol) combined to make a videogame. Sold!

NWP Spoils The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Posted on 07/02/2017 at 11:34 PM | Filed Under Feature

You all seemed much more hyped about it then I was. It was fine but I can't even imagine putting it anywhere near top 25 all time. Not even talking about my personal list but I feel it'll be a top 10 game in many All Time lists.

Ryan Higgins proclaimed it game of all time in the recent Geekbox but I just don't see it. There's certainly some amazing things but I feel the "Zelda" name is whats carrying it so far. I much preferred Horizon to this BotW. Though I choose Chrono Cross over Trigger so.... 

Anyways, great podcast guys. I like these spoiler casts. Looking forward to the next one I can relate to. Should we repost Chrono Crossing/Stage Select picks here or are you pulling them from the episode a few weeks back?

Episode 115: Nerdy Dialogue

Posted on 06/09/2017 at 04:40 PM | Filed Under Feature

Welcome to the crew. I've been listening to podcasts for about 4 years now. I got about 15 main podcasts and NWP is second (or third) only to Beast/Bombcast. But in fairness I think thats also Julians top podcast. As you've stated, it's laid back and just a good listen. Some hosts come off like they are better than you. NWP just feels like hanging with friends. Where else would you get hosts that hang around here and shoot the breeze regularly?

Episode 115: Nerdy Dialogue

Posted on 06/09/2017 at 04:26 PM | Filed Under Feature

Great show guys. You were correct about Kid, Julian. Lucca finds and adopts her. Kid is Schala's daughter/clone. I don't know if you ever saw the anime cutscenes for Chrono Trigger on PSX but the baby Lucca finds is Kid. Lynx ends up killing Lucca which is why Kid wants revenge.

I was really surprised to hear that you never played the other 2 Metroid Primes considering how much you loved the first. I'd say 2 is very good but not as good as 1. The 3rd was definitely lacking. There was like 4 upgrades for the freaking grappling hook. It was ridiculous.

I'm also surprised how much you dislike PC gaming but I guess that's part of why I like this show. Like I've said, just normal fellas who love to play games. I got friends who always berate my consoles but I wouldn't trade them for anything. I just want to insert a disc and play. I'd hate to be one of those guys on a forum trying to figure out why my newest, most anticipated game won't run on my PC. Too many variables there.

Anyways on to some Stage Select

Stage Select: Toilet Paper Characters

Slippy Toad (Starfox)
He's so annoying. I just shoot him down and get it out of the way.

Falco Lombardi (Starfox)
He's so smug but he'll always be 2nd rate.

Dog (Duck Hunt)
If you don't hate this dog, you didn't have a Nintendo.

Dan (Street Fighter)

Cow (Fighters Destiny)
I still remember the swaying utter dance after a defeat. I'll be eating your brethren for dinner...

Voldo (Soul Calibur)
This guy is just too out there. I love slamming my blade over his head.

Chrono Crossing: Streets of Rage 2
Streets of Rage is one of the series I recall most from my childhood. I always had friends over so there was always someone to play with. I still wait for a sequel or spiritual successor that can capture the feeling of these types of games.  

Episode 114: Tropes vs NWP in Video Games

Posted on 05/31/2017 at 09:07 PM | Filed Under Feature

Got to say that this Stage Select was tough since I don't remember many quotes. Sure there's some standouts but something that I really like was hard to pinpoint. Here goes. 


Stage Select: Top 3 Quotes  

3. I'll kick your bloody arse so hard you'll kiss the moons.

-Kid from Chrono Cross

You know I got to "Angelo" Chrono Cross into this somehow. I loved Kids fiesty spirit which was the complete opposite of Serges quiet, reserved demeanor. This highlighted her tough nature in the game.


2. Tonight, Gehrman joins the hunt.

-Gehrman from Bloodborne

The last words before one of, if not, the greatest climatic boss battles I've ever played. After declining to give up your life, the old hunter, your mentor/guide, decides to take it from you. 


1. Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men. Pick up a rifle and follow the yellow line. You'll know when the test starts.

-Cave Johnson from Portal 2.

I honestly could have filled all 3 spots with Portal 2. Cave Johnson is such a perfect character. His Lemon speech was great along with his twisted Professor Farnsworth (Futurama) like enthusiasm. I hope to play a Portal game set in the past to see his glory days.  


Chrono Crossing: Dr. Robotniks Mean Bean Machine

I stumbled upon this gem with my, sorely underrated,  Sega Channel. Being a huge puzzle game fan, I immediately fell in love with this Puyo Puyo Pop reskin. To this day I still pull out this game to play. At least until I get my hands on Puyo Puyo Tetris for Switch.

Episode 113: The Fourth is With Us

Posted on 05/20/2017 at 10:41 PM | Filed Under Feature

I am one of those who enjoys the longer shows. I would actually like them longer sometimes. If only so we could get some good Consumption Junction talk. That extra episode a few weeks ago was great. I'm assuming once 85 is done then it'll probably return to that. It'll be similar to how the show was before Stage Selct but when we still had Chrono Crossing. 


I really enjoy the interactive appeal of the show. I think Stage Select was a great idea. Maybe every few weeks, people could post a stage select topic down the line. 

Episode 113: The Fourth is With Us

Posted on 05/16/2017 at 10:23 PM | Filed Under Feature

Julian I also just finished Breath of the Wild the other day. I definitely side with you on the score. I think nostalgia is a powerful thing for the Zelda series. I'd go solid 9 at most but more around 8-8.5.

The world traversal is by far the best in any game I've played. I want a Horizon Zero Dawn 2 using that same feature. The shieldboarding was great too. Outside of that though it was pretty lackluster. I don't get the people who want to keep playing non-stop. To each their own I guess.

The rain was pretty annoying. Especially one area where I think it never stops until you finish a shrine. I didn't know that. I sat and waited for a half hour til I fell asleep in my chair after a long work day. Turned it on the next day while watching TV and finished a whole show still waiting. I eventually said screw it.

I think it may have been the super hype that got to me. So many prefect scores and so many of my podcasts praising it like the second coming. I think your opinion was the only one I've heard that wasn't enormous praise. I'm looking forward to the next one for sure but I'd be happy with a more traditional dungeon model next time. 

Episode 113: The Fourth is With Us

Posted on 05/16/2017 at 10:15 PM | Filed Under Feature

Damn good list. I think I'd have used yours if I thought of those. Another good one is the teammate who's vastly cooler. Its hard to think of a JRPG that has a main character who is the coolest character. I love alternate endings also. Hence my love for the Chrono Series. 

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