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SanAndreas's Comments - Page 143

Pardon My Social Justice Gaming

Posted on 07/27/2016 at 05:14 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Bioware strives to be all-inclusive in its player romance mechanics, and while it's great that they want players to be welcome regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, they've basically reduced the romanceable characters to sex dolls in a well-meaning but ham-handed process. People have their own personal preferences, and so should the characters. Fallout 4 kind of did that as well, and that was a step back from the way New Vegas did things.

And that's just another symptom of the fact that video games have traditionally been geared towards action and adventure, and we can't seem to make other aspects of human interaction translate into the video game format in such a way where we might as well just watch a good movie.

Undertale, a recent indie darling, did try to make a statement on the separation between gameplay and story, and the seeming pointlessness of killing RPG monsters on your way from point A to point B who don't have any real quarrel with you other than to be repositories of experience points and gold.

New Nintendo NX Rumors/News

Posted on 07/27/2016 at 04:14 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'd like to see an official announcement from Nintendo, but I would definitely like it to be cross-platform between portable and home console. There are all too many games on 3DS and Vita that I wish were available for the Wii U and the PS4 as well, and I wouldn't mind taking some PS4 and Wii U games on the go when I'm not home.

Pardon My Social Justice Gaming

Posted on 07/27/2016 at 04:09 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Part of it is the fact that we've translated fighting and violence to gaming fairly well. but other aspects of human behavior, not so much. But then, how do you do that? I can't think of any way to simulate sexual activity in a video game without it coming off as puerile or creepy. I used to make jokes about "Wii Strap-On" accessories with regards to pornographic video games back in my 1UP days. That's for more creative heads to contemplate than mine, I guess, and if we want to move away from standard video game plot devices, that's a problem that's going to have to be tackled. In a lot of ways, gameplay has never made sense in the context of game stories. In the gameplay department, it seems like Monolithsoft decided to refine the well-received battle system and gear it more towards fans of games like World of Warcraft, Monster Hunter, or God Eater.

As far as what you want, back in the 1980s, Electronic Arts made a series of space RPGs, Starflight and Starflight II. These games were more Star Trek than Star Wars. You piloted an exploration ship and explored planets, picked up life forms, and collected relics that filled in the game's backstory and its conflict. It turns out your homeworld was a colony designed to save humanity after solar flares killed all life on Earth (you can even visit a lifeless, barren Earth in this game, and find relics that describe humanity's final days on Earth). There's some combat, but with the exception of one or two alien races, you can choose to talk to the aliens rather than fight them. But there's a conflict there, too: your current world is headed toward the same fate as the Earth, and you have to stop it by collecting clues. And as you piece together the story, the morality of the whole game becomes incredibly gray as you discover who is causing the solar flares and why theyre doing it.

RETROspective: Videogame Box Art Part 2: The Best

Posted on 07/26/2016 at 10:29 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Greatest box art of all time. FACT!

Seriously, though, FFVII and the original Zelda are two of my favorites of all time. I also loved the cover art for the Lunar games (Sega CD/PS1)

PS Vita, We Hardly Knew Ya!

Posted on 07/17/2016 at 11:33 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I got Tales of Hearts R and Persona 4 Golden when I finally decided to spring for a Vita TV (they were only 80 bucks at the time). The big thing on it for me, though, are Falcom titles like Ys and Trails of Cold Steel. I also like running PSP and PS1 games on the thing, so I can actually play Valkyria Chronicles II and Lunar: Silver Star Harmony on my big TV screen. :)

Dragon Quest And I.....

Posted on 07/17/2016 at 11:29 AM | Filed Under Blogs

My history with Dragon Quest is only slightly less short than my history with Zelda, and for that matter is only slightly shorter than my existence in this world. :) I started with the NES original, played a bit of the next couple of games, then Dragon Quest disappeared until Dragon Quest Monsters came out on GBC. The next time I actually played a DQ game was in 2000, with DQ I + II on Game Boy Color.

DQVIII and DQV are true masterpieces, but the rest of the series is great as well.

One of my favorite games of last year was Dragon Quest Heroes, which was made by Omega Force, the people who do the (fill in the blank) Warriors games. It has the same defeat hordes of enemies at the same time, but it plays a lot more like a RPG than these games usually do.

Cary's Best Games of 2016 SO FAR Awards Show!

Posted on 07/04/2016 at 03:17 PM | Filed Under Blogs

It was, so I felt right at home. For the record, TP does happen to be my favorite Zelda, and it has one of my favorite characters from the series to date in it: Midna. She is a thousand times more awesome than Navi or Fi. Plus, TP has one of the best Links in the series.

Meh, I don't mind giving the MST3K treatment to my favorite games sometimes (and TP and VC are two of them right there). I enjoy the unique personalities Sega loaded into each individual playable character, instead of giving you "Generic Soldier/Shocktrooper/Engineer/Lancer/Sniper #206." Some of them are kind of silly, but that's part of the game's charm for me. :)

Cary's Best Games of 2016 SO FAR Awards Show!

Posted on 07/04/2016 at 11:35 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'd have to say my GOTY so far is a toss up between Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Nights of Azure.

Spot on about Twilight Princess, but the first time around, I got the Gamecube version over the Wii version, so I didn't have to deal with the motion controls or the flipped map, and I loved it on GC. The Wii U version is even better, and I'm glad it took its design cues from the GC rather than the Wii. My favorite other than that? Valkyria Chronicles Remastered.

The PS4 Saga Continues

Posted on 07/03/2016 at 10:13 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Wow, that sucks. I've had mine since launch and it still runs like a dream. Definitely contact Sony about this.

Odin Shpere Leifthrasir PS Vita and Metal Cats!

Posted on 07/02/2016 at 10:33 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Thinking about picking up the PS4 version of this.

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