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MIA: DK64, OoT, 1080, Several CDs; Spring Cleaning Leads to Despair

On 03/28/2013 at 04:55 AM by Super Step

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So I just cleaned my room ... kind of; I go by my next door neighbor's late dad's motto: "if you can walk around in a room, it's clean." So what I mean by "cleaning" is picking crap up off the floor, mostly old clothes to go to the laundry, putting new sheets on and making my bed, then calling it a day and ignoring any dust, my closet, and the multitudes of crap on my shelves and dressers.You may call that "lazy," I call it "it looks cleaner and I can walk around, so my mind is more at ease, which is the only reason I bothered to clean this shit in the first place."

Anyway, after I picked up some crap off the floor and made my bed, I decided to move my CDs from my CD Caseit (TM) carrier and back into their jewel cases to see if there was anything I was missing; turns out, I'm missing a few lyrics sleeves and cases, but that's not too bad, especially since I'm fairly certain where at least my Tool: 10,000 Days case is. Just gonna have to clean the closet for that one.

Unfortunately though, I can't find my Spider-Man: Music From and Inspired By CD, which is one of my favorites, nor either of my New Found Glory CDs, which I don't want because they're great CDs, but because they have a huge nostalgia factor for me. Also missing Splinter by The Offspring. In any case, I just alphabetized the CDs I do have, and will plug them in an excel file to see what I'm missing, and maybe I'll continue my My Music Timeline series once I can figure out more easily the chronology of when I bought all these. Might also plug them in as Playstation games on here, just to have a couple reference points.

More importantly to this community though, I also moved my Gamecube and N64 from the game room to the living room, and found out I'm missing Donkey Kong 64, 1080 Snowboarding and Zelda: Ocarina of Time for Nintendo 64; yet, oddly enough, the only N64 boxes I found were for OoT and Kong, and I found an instruction booklet for both 1080 and DK64. The four games I see I still have are Star Fox 64, Majora's Mask, Snowboard Kids 2, and Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire, none of which I found any boxes or manuals for. Weird. Is there some creature that steals only N64 games you keep the boxes and manuals lying around for?

I'm not too upset about Ocarina, because I have the bonus disc I got for preordering Wind Waker with both that and the Master Quest version of the game on it for Gamecube, and as I mentioned when I did a GLaD blog on it, I'm not that fond of 1080 anyway, but Donkey Kong 64 was the title I was most looking forward to playing again, so I'm pretty miffed about that one. Not to mention I can't sell any of these for much, given the condition of the boxes I found, and probably the condition of the boxes I'm missing. I also found all the packaging for Spider-Man 2 on DS, but not the cartridge.

On the plus side, all my Gamecube games are perfectly intact, box, disc, and all, and I remembered I had Super Smash Bros. Melee to add to my collection on here, bringing me to thirty-six games on eight systems total. And aside from Spider-Man 2, which I actually thought was decent for a licensed DS launch title, my DS games are all neatly together as well.

Tomorrow/today when I wake up, I'm finally going to stop my vacation from cardio, as it seems to be warming up again, do my squats, return that Cinderella Man Blu-Ray my mom got me for my birthday (turned out we already have the DVD, but we don't have a Blu-Ray player), then hopefully more Spring cleaning will lead to more luck with finding these games. Maybe I'll even find my old Gameboy and Gameboy Color, and copies of Pokemon Blue & Pinball.

Wish me luck!




03/28/2013 at 08:56 AM

Missing games and missing music cds would drive me apeshit. lol. You seem to be handling it better. But seriously, you might have a kleptomaniac goblin living under your bed,yo!

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/28/2013 at 12:32 PM

I think I'll save apeshit mode for when I actually turn the house upside down and still don't find these; right now, there's hope. lol

I'm most upset about Donkey Kong 64 missing, cause I was looking forward to playing it again the most.


03/28/2013 at 09:09 AM

I'm a bit obsessive about keeping my games and cases in order. We never leave them off the shelf when we finish playing. That's why I still have PS1 games in flawless condition. It's tough,I know. Things start to pile up on you. That Tool CD is so good. And the case is awesome,with the stereoscope built in to view the freaky images with. I get aggravated at games that are missing the manual. Fortunately I discovered a booth at our flea market that has tons of them sold loosely. Now I know where they all go to! This guy sneaks in our windows and snatches them away.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/28/2013 at 12:41 PM

I'm obsessive about keeping all the stuff together and in order now, but I had and played my N64 mostly between the ages of seven to eleven, so that stuff was bound to get lost in the shuffle for as much as I cared about those boxes. It's just the disorganization of a lot of the crap in my room has been driving me insane lately, and I also decided this affects anything of mine in that ancient game room of ours. lol

I love that Tool CD and I always appreciate when CD cases are made with style like that. I got annoyed seeing that my copy of The Sickness by Disturbed was just a jewel case with what amounts to one piece of paper folded in half and the CD. That one's also a good CD music-wise, but whenever I see stuff like that I just go "awww, c;mon!" Oh well, whenever I dig through my closet, that Tool case will stick out like a sore thumb, cause actual effort was put into its packaging.

Is this manual thief a literal one? I'm not entirely sure if you're joking. haha I do like having the manuals for games though, they feel incomplete without them in terms of packaging.


03/28/2013 at 04:28 PM

No,it really exists. It's the strangest little booth. Guy has tons of games and movies. All the way back to NES. He even has VHS tapes by the hundreds. Who buys that stuff? Old people I suppose.


03/28/2013 at 10:09 AM

I cased and labeled all my games a month or so ago and I was missing:

Super Mario RPG (SNES)

Mike Tyson's Punch Out! (NES)

Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time (DS)

Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (GBA)

Metroid Fusion (GBA)


So damn salty about all five of those games.  I'm super anal about keeping my games in order, and to be missing some of my most favorite!?  Grah!  Hopefully they turn up when we move.  In the meantime, I hope those Pokemon games turn up for you!  I couldn't find my old GBAs, either, so no more trading Pokemon from the older games...


And of course, I've been wanting to play Punch Out! and the GBA games really bad since then...

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/28/2013 at 12:46 PM

Oh man, those are all classics, that sucks! I've never played Partners in Time or Punch Out! (we had an NES, but I remember hearing way more about it from old Simpsons episodes than anywhere else), but I've heard nothing but good things, had a great time watching my friend play Super Mario RPG in middle school, loved beating Minish Cap when I rented it, and still have my copy of Fusion in the GBA Player on my Gamecube. I'd be salty about that, too, that's rough.

I hope they turn up when you move as well, and thanks for wishing me the same. Blue is really just for nostalgia's sake, but man, I was addicted to Pinball. I'm still not entirely sure I ever actually owned that, or just vividly remember renting Gameboy Color a bunch of times to play it, but I kind of doubt my parents would have gone for that.

Hope it all works out for us both!


03/28/2013 at 12:57 PM

I wouldn't mind re-buying Punch Out!, Fusion, and Minish Cap, but Super Mario RPG was one of the first games I saved up my own allowance money to buy... I'm attached to the physical cart itself.  I have it on my virtual console; at this point, it's the principle, dammit! I'm driving my wife nuts tearing apart our attic and basement looking for it, so I'll just wait until we move and hope for the best ;)


Also:  You have a GameBoy Player?  Awesome!  That bad boy is high up on my wish list!  I can't believe I missed it when it was originally released.  A 1up article mentioned it a year or so ago, and I was like 0_0 whooooooa.


Good times, man.  And good luck finding Pinball!


03/29/2013 at 11:07 AM

I've discovered I'm missing a ton of games after my move. I still have some boxes to go through, but they should have all been in the Rubbermaid storage drawers. Eight Xbox games and five PS2 games. Plus a bunch of Genesis carts that didn't have boxes. I'm hoping I find them in one of the randomly packed boxes...

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/29/2013 at 01:13 PM

That's quite a few games. Twelve games is literally about a third of the number of games in my full collection if I find all of it. I hope it winds up somewhere for you!


03/29/2013 at 11:29 AM

I hate it when media goes missing after moving stuff around. The stuff was there one moment, and the next moment they're gone (they're probably in the same spot as the missing socks) The most recent example for me is I can't find a couple of UMD movies. Sucks. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/29/2013 at 01:14 PM

Yeah, I just kind of assumed all this crap had stayed in the same spot in the game room, and would just be there. Maybe I even sold it and forgot, but I don't think so. It does indeed suck.


03/30/2013 at 12:41 PM

Yeah, I always put my games in boxes when I'm done with them. That seems to help keep them all together. I have 4 big boxes now. heh

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/30/2013 at 12:57 PM

I'm trying to put them all in original packaging as I go, but whether or not I find all of those has yet to be seen.

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