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What I got

On 12/26/2017 at 11:21 AM by Super Step

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Was most importantly, calm, non-political family time.

As far as physical and digital gaming goods, mom and I shopped for each other and I bought some sewing supplies she wanted while I got Yakuza 0 and N Sane Trilogy on PS4. I also downloaded Injustice 2, Hellblade, and Lego City Undercover from the Christmas sale. $71 total (Yakuza 0 and Crash were about that price together, but were free to me cause Christmas ... If you're wondering, I'm surprised how much adjustable needles and other assorted craft supplies run). 

I also got money from parents, aunts, and some candy/a small orange in my stocking. Mom and dad also got my brother and I texting gloves and warm sleepwear. 

We had pretty much the Thanksgiving stuff and a ham for dinner and I'm currently recovering from eating a bunch of tamales. I should clarify we are in Texas, which also explains why it never dropped below 40.

What did you do for Christmas?

Now I'm going to see Disaster Artist with a friend tomorrow, wondering if I'll do much on New Year's, and still wondering how much of the Last Jedi hate is real, cause I thought it was pretty good but there were some silly parts and jokes that fell flat. I dunno, I've always been a very casual fan, so I guess whatever people are angry about didn't bother me.

Oh and I deleted all my horizon saves to force myself to start over.

Merry Christmas and happy New year and all other assorted holidays by personal preference everyone! 




12/26/2017 at 11:24 AM

Hellblade is on my list. I got a fitbit for Xmas.

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/26/2017 at 11:28 AM

I really should get one ofv those, really ... I'm back over 200 lbs, which isn't good for my height. Might use some Christmas money.


12/26/2017 at 11:32 AM

200 is my goal. I need a scale now 'cause i don't know what I weigh at the moment. I'm a little scared at what it'll say about my sleep. I've been irratic with that lately. I am totally hooking it up to a phone app. That's going to be fun. DATA!


12/26/2017 at 12:24 PM

I spent yesterday snoozing on the couch, watching Netflix, and watching the snow fall. I wasn't feeling well, probably stress-related, so I opted to stay home.

Having Christmas with my mom tomorrow AM, and with Jason at his parents tomorrow PM. I doubt there will be anything game-related. Sigh.

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/26/2017 at 09:56 PM

That sucks. I'm watching Punisher on Netflix now.


12/27/2017 at 12:17 AM

Actually, it was kind of nice and peaceful. The five days leading up to Christmas were nerve-wracking at the market. For a small town market, we were awfully busy. We hauled in over $122,000 on Fiday alone.

Loved The Punisher! In my opinion, the best of the Marvel series on Netflix to date.

Cary Woodham

12/26/2017 at 01:50 PM

Gaming-wise I got what I asked for.  Mario + Rabbids, SnipperClips Plus, and the new Bubsy game.  And some gift cards and other stuff.

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/26/2017 at 09:57 PM

Have you played Bubsy? How is it? What is SnipperClippers?

Cary Woodham

12/27/2017 at 12:42 AM

SnipperClips is a weird Switch game.

I've played a little bit of Bubsy.  So far it's decidedly average.  Not bad, but not great.  The same folks who did this new Bubsy also did Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams, which makes sense since both of those games are revivals of forgotten 2-D platformer characters.


12/26/2017 at 11:00 PM

I haven't gotten any games for Christmas almost since I started working. It's okay though, since I can afford any game I want now.

I don't get The Last Jedi hate either. We finally got something different, and it was certainly much better than the prequel movies. Even those didn't get as low as the 52% audience score Last Jedi has on rottentomatoes though.

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/26/2017 at 11:21 PM

 What do you ask for at Christmas now? I'll admit the magic is a bit gone knowing what everything costs and that I COULD just get it, but it's nice not to pay for some.

I've seen that audience score called into question because people can launch campaigns on those and most in-person word-of-mouth is positive. But usually if that's the case, the low score gets adjusted after a bit, so I don't know. I'm just glad the movie made enough for it not to matter, because I would get tired of the retreads of the original trilogy like the last two movies. And I liked those new movies too, but I don't eat ice cream every day ... New flavors are good.


12/27/2017 at 12:05 AM

I usually ask for things that I don't feel like buying myself or don't really need to get anytime soon. This year, I asked for a new pillow and some new clothes. Honestly, this pillow is so comfortable that I should have bought one like it ages ago, but that's me for you.


12/29/2017 at 10:22 AM

I thought The Last Jedi was fantastic.

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/30/2017 at 12:11 AM

I liked it, especially the sword fight at the end and everything with Rey and Luke and Kylo, but I get why people didn't like the Finn and Rose stuff, the super Leia, etc. I was fine with the porgs.

My opinion? It's a Star Wars. I always like them; never become a huge fan. It's good.

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