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Cinco de Mayo

On 05/05/2013 at 03:23 AM by Super Step

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Here's a Cracked article detailing reasons why Cinco de Mayo is celebrated by Americans (other than booze).It's humorous and interesting in spots; also, apparently I really need to try this guy's salsa. Only my dad's guacamole tastes better on chips anyway, I bet.

Here's a picture of a sour cream chicken enchiladas dinner from my favorite nearby Mexican food place. 

Here's a song by Santana that was really popular when I was in middle school. To my older readers: yes, I'm aware of "Black Magic Woman" and other of his more classic songs, I did work in a classic hits station in college after all, but while I enjoy those a lot, this is just more my time. I know it might not be your favorite of his by a long shot, and the video for it makes me shed no tears about not having MTV growing up, but I find it catchy.

Here's the trailer for the fucking awesome Robert Rodriguez movie, Once Upon a Time in Mexico. The DVD I rented also had instructions on how to make Puerco Pibil, and that can also be found on Youtube. The movie was shot in a very short time frame, and is somehow a sequel to another movie called Desperado (and I believe another after that), which also stars Antonio Banderas, if I recall correctly.

Finally, here's some footage of Viva Pinata I didn't actually watch most of before copy/pasting.

And that's five things at least vaguely tied to Mexican or Mexican-American culture, and part two of my recently planned blog trilogy no one asked for or necessarily cares about for the weekend of May fourth through sixth. Tomorrow: Revenge of the Sixth.

Everyone enjoy your delicious Mexican food, music and margaritas! I sure will. Smile



Matt Snee Staff Writer

05/05/2013 at 05:55 AM

are you going to have a prequel trilogy too? 

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/05/2013 at 06:43 AM

No, cause this trilogy is already bad enough ... actually, if anything this would be the prequel trilogy. lol

To be honest though, I remember vaguely that I enjoyed the Star Wars films I saw and ... well, that's about it. Prequels came out when I was young, and haven't really re-visited since, and while I respect them, I was certainly never a rabid fan of the originals so I honestly don't know why I'm doing this, other than it sounded neat that each day of a weekend had its own meme-inspiring or culturally significant title.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

05/05/2013 at 07:07 AM

the prequels are okay.  I don't hate on them, but they're definitely not as good as the originals.  The originals were a huge part of my childhood.  Nothing could compare to starwars.  I have hope that the new movies will be good though. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/05/2013 at 08:28 AM

Oh yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to VII through IX. I loved what Abrams did with Star Trek (granted, that 2009 movie was really my first exposure to the franchise outside of my awareness of Trekkie culture and that it existed), so I'm hoping Star Wars is similar in quality, but still different overall.

Hopefully, he does more than just ape what makes his Trek movies successful, but we'll see.


05/05/2013 at 06:21 AM

Rodriguez's 10 minute cooking school shows are all fantastic. And they all make me hungry. Especially that Sin City Breakfast Tacos video. Or the Planet Terror Texas BBQ vid. Or the......I need to stop.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/05/2013 at 06:45 AM

Yeah, I still really want to actually make puerco pibil. But in the video for that one, he says several times not knowing how to cook is like not knowing how to fornicate, so if I ever watch it and need to dissuade my appetite, I imagine a farmer doing something unbecoming to some pork, and presto, appetite gone!

The ensuing suicidal thought patterns are a bit of a rough side effect, though.


05/05/2013 at 09:12 AM

I love once upon a time in mexico, and now mexican food sounds really really good.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/05/2013 at 09:18 AM

Today is the perfect day to watch it and attempt to make puerco pibil. lol


05/05/2013 at 09:13 AM

I could go for some cheese enchiladas right about now. I could eat those things for every single meal of every single day. Is it too early for that sort of thing? Undecided

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/05/2013 at 09:24 AM

You're talking to someone who's only been away from college for a year; the concept of appropriate times for certain meals is non-existent to me, and it is ALWAYS five o' clock somewhere. lol


05/05/2013 at 11:44 AM

Well, to answer your confusion, Once Upon a Time in Mexico is the third part of Robert's Rodriguez Mariachi trilogy, which started with El Mariachi (1992) Desperado (don't remember the year) and then this one. I had only seen the first one, but it's pretty good. Although very different from what Robert Rodriguez would do much later on.

Ummm, Enchiladas ("drools like Homer Simpson").

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/05/2013 at 08:36 PM

We're actually just having taco salads at home; but I'd like an enchilada. haha

And yeah, now I remember the order of that trilogy, thanks!


05/05/2013 at 12:27 PM

I have liked every movie ever made by Robert Rodriguez. Ever since I saw the Spanish speaking version of El Mariachi that Alex mentioned. He's every bit as good at directing and writing as Tarantino. Maybe that's why they are buddies. That song by Santana was incredibly catchy and stuck in your head. He plays every note with feeling and that is what makes him a legend to me. I liked that Cracked article,it made some funny points. My favorite was the Ralphie moment comparison. I learned how to deal with bullies from watching Ralphie pound the snot outta Scott Farkus. It freaking worked! Bullies at my school thought I was a psycho and steered clear of me.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/05/2013 at 08:40 PM

Yeah, the best way to stave of bullies really is to go full psycho, I guess. lol I was in a pretty sheltered environment of a private school, so I got ignored, but not really bullied, but I still know what you mean.

I love Santana for that very same reason. The man made a song featuring Chad Kroeger into an incredibly fun earworm of a dance song. Now that's talent! lol

I've never seen El Mariachi or Desperado, but I bet I'd like them if they're at all like Once Upon a Time in Mexico

Cary Woodham

05/05/2013 at 01:01 PM

I made burritos and taquitos today.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/05/2013 at 08:42 PM

We're having taco salads. Hope your burritos and tacquitos turned out great!


05/05/2013 at 03:53 PM

Sometimes I forget how young you are, and then you remind me and make me feel ancient, lol. I saw the orginal Star Wars in the theater with my parents when it first came out. I was eight and it was the. coolest. movie. ever. Waiting three years in between movie releases was hard. Fast forward many years and imagine my dismay when the newer three movies sucked and completely lacked any soul. I also really don't like (maybe "loathe" is a better description) JJ Abrams' Star Trek movie. If I'd never had any exposure to any of the previous series or movies, I might have liked it, but it lacked whatever the original series had. The original may be campy and Shatner's acting is over-the-top and amusing, but it had something I can't really describe.

As for Cinco de Mayo, well, up here it just seems like an excuse for people to dress up in big hats, get drunk, and act stupid.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/05/2013 at 10:11 PM

I'm fairly certain we'd agree on Star Wars now that I'm older, but I loved the '09 Abrams Trek, as well as Wrath of Kahn. The TV series I could never really get into, and I watched episodes of the original Star Trek shortly after the Abrams movie came out, and still something just didn't click with me, but that's only based on a handful of episodes, so who knows? Maybe I'll come to like it.

And I did none of those things you mentioned for Cinco de Mayo, but my Taco Salads were delicious. lol But you speak the truth about how we celebrate holidays like this.


05/05/2013 at 09:11 PM

Santana and El Mariachi, i'm a huge fan of both, Rodregez really knows how to do action scenes, I think Tarantino took note of his style because it seems familiar in Django Unchained.

The first Movie El Mariachi didn't have Antonio in it but the guy who did play El made a cameo in the second film... and it'll make you laugh if you watch them back to back. Desperado is my fav. Make a night of the trilogy.

I grew up on Santana (and every thing else) his guitaring is electric! I don;t know what's my favourite song of his but I do like the songs he did with blues legend John Lee Hooker.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/05/2013 at 10:14 PM

I think they both share a style with 70s grindhouse movies, so it's not surprising to me they'd have similarly styled action scenes, although Once Upon a Time in Mexico has more explosions, and Django has WAY more blood; a guy I work with does blood work on movies, and thought it was WAY too much. lol

Santana is great, though. Can't say I grew up with his music to the extent it sounds like you did, but I do like what I've heard of his.

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