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When is enough, enough?

On 03/05/2013 at 08:17 AM by TheMart22

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As I mentioned in my previous blog, I decided to get back into Skyrim over the weekend after many months away from it. I bought this game day one and whilst I have enjoyed it tremendously, I’ve been very hot and cold with how much time I’m dedicating to it. At last check, I’m at around the 70 hour mark in the game which isn’t that much considering how long I’ve had it for.

What I find happens with me and Skyrim is I get bogged down in trivial matters. I start one quest which I don’t find particularly interesting and the next thing I know it’s two hours later and I’m still working away at it. I found this especially so with some Dark Brotherhood missions. While I really enjoyed the DB guild for the most part, some of the quests were just plain dull. This combined with the dark moral nature of the Brotherhood itself kinda depressed me in a strange way. I think this alone made me skip Skyrim completely for other games at times.

Torture scene

Torture anyone?

Anyway last night I decided enough was enough. I cast off my Brotherhood clothes and moved onto the companions guild so get some more light hearted entertainment. I’m glad I made this decision because I feel a new wave of enthusiasm wash over me to continue towards the 100 hour mark. I’m going to work on a completely different skill set too to mix things up and change my experience even further.

I guess the reason I wrote this blog is that I’m interested to hear when people decide to give up on a game. About a month or so back I was looking at my backlog and seriously contemplating just  forgetting about Skyrim and maybe trading it in. I think I would have been annoyed at myself if I’d done that and I’m glad I didn’t but the urge was definitely there. I’ve invested enough time into this game that I want to see it to the end. I’ll decide once I finish the main quest if I want to get the DLC or not but one thing at a time for now. I still have a lot left to do…..

I think how much I spend on a game is a big factor subconsciously. For example, I bought Warhammmer 40K Space Marine for $10 and just realized it’s been sitting on my shelf half-finished for the longest time. I doubt I’ll ever seriously go back to it but I did enjoy the five or so hours I played.

Anyway, at what point does everyone else decide whether to move on? Is it just a matter of when you stop having fun with a game or do you have to finish?

Let me know what you guys think.





03/05/2013 at 08:48 AM

It's difficult to tell when to stop. I've definitely put time into games that I wasn't enjoying. World of Warcraft would be one. I didn't get crazy into it like some people do, but I enjoyed the game up to about level 45 or so. Anyway, around there I got so tired of it and I just quit. It was like having a job.

Same went for GTA IV. I bought that game day one and when I realized I had to do things like meet up with my cousin and take girls on dates, I thought, "I do this stuff in real life. I don't want this in my game!" It's to date the only game I've ever sold off. I picked up FFXII with the proceeds, so I'm happy with that choice, haha.


03/05/2013 at 08:57 AM

I had similar feelings about GTA IV actually. Spending 10-20 mins to drive across the city and play a pretty tame bowling mini-game was pretty damn boring.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/05/2013 at 09:18 AM

You know, I've been saying I don't have a huge backlog, but now that I think about it, I'm not sure if the percentage of games I've actually completed out of what I own is as high as I thought ... this may just become a blog. lol

But, basically, for the most part, I'm a completist in that I feel the need to at least beat the games I own to get my money's worth. But then when a game ends up being too frustrating, I feel I get nothing accomplished, cause the thing I paid for isn't fun, and I should probably just go outside and cool down. Then when the urge to play the game again creeps up, it makes the challenge fun again, after I've had some time away.

I think I've convinced myself my backlog isn't that huge by not counting anything that stopped being fun (also, sports titles you don't really "complete"), because I feel it's the game's fault at that point and not mine.

In any case, I think I might just plug the N64 in today, and if it works, try once again to get all the masks in Majora's Mask so I can feel I've really completed the game when I fight the final boss, who I've been able to fight for years, but refuse to until I collect all the masks. And, if it ends up feeling like a chore again, I'll reconvince myself not to count it. lol


03/05/2013 at 09:35 AM

At the start of this gen, I was very quick to trade in games once I got fed up and just moved on. At the moment though, I tend to agree with you and I just want to finish them. My backlog isn't terribly long number-wise but hour-wise it's pretty massive. This combined with my newfound itchiness to buy some long games I missed out on (e.g Fallout: New Vegas) is what tempts me to move on

Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/05/2013 at 09:36 AM

I don't finish many games but I always hope in the back of my mind I will eventually get back to them, even though I might not ever do that.  I can go months without playing a game, and then pick it up one day and have a great time with it.  I haven't finished Skyrim myself, and have been playing it in fits and starts.  I want to finish it though, and I have been thinking about finishing it and Spec Ops, another game I'm halfway through, lately.  


03/05/2013 at 09:46 AM

Yeah my intention is always to come back following a break but lately, i've been going back less and less. I put about 10 hours into Final Fantasy XIII-2 which I liked but I don't see myself going back to that any time soon (if at all). I think my level of patience of late has shrunk

Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/05/2013 at 09:57 AM

I want to go back to XIII-2 myself.  I hope that I do.  I liked that game.  


03/05/2013 at 10:50 AM

the DLC is worth it.  I mean Dawngaurd and Dragonborn, Hearthfire not so much.  The two main expansions really add a lot to the game, especially Dragonborn.  It's in an all new area that's really dense and packed together quite well, no more running long stretches clear across the acrtic tundra while only picking up a snowberry or two!  Dragonborn really feels like a DLC for players that have already plunked down 70-80 game hours into Skyrim.  There's even a quest for minimum level 38 characters, hunting the Deathbrand armor!  I enjoyed it. 


03/05/2013 at 10:54 AM

Thanks for the info. I see they're $10 at the moment so could be worthwhile. You certainly sell it well Laughing


03/05/2013 at 02:35 PM

Skyrim is definitely one of those games where you only get out of it what you put in.  That goes for other open-ended games where you have to set your own end-game goals (perhaps you want to play until you're exhausted with it, see all the content, get all the achievements, etc).  I remember when I was playing White Knight Chronicles and all the times I thought I was going to quit playing.  I needed to dig real deep to find the resolve to finish the online portion of the game, because I wasn't going to let the game (or its terrible community) beat me.  I truly wanted to see everything the game had to offer before moving on, even though it took me a year to do that.

The same goes for more structured games; I don't move on until the game is done (either the credits roll or all the extra content is explored), regardless if I enjoy it.  There have been exceptions, though, especially when it comes to games that have static gameplay experiences, like Dungeon Explorer and Valhalla Knights (both on the PSP).  I have better things to do, and other games to play, than to play a game whose gameplay and difficulty remains the same throughout the entire experience.


03/05/2013 at 02:49 PM

Yeah I get what you mean by "your own end-game goals". I don't think i'll ever bother with the little search quests that keep popping up. Once I decide I want to beat the main quest, i'm done................. I think Smile


03/05/2013 at 06:47 PM

I went back to Xenoblade Chronicles a coupla weeks ago. I'd left it a year ago at a bossfight that I kept losing on. I realised it wasn't the boss that put me off, but the pixelated graphics. It felt like I couldn't see what was happening properly, so I've abandoned it. I'll go back to it when they release a HD version.


03/05/2013 at 07:47 PM

To be honest a lot of the time I couldn't even tell you why I take a prolonged break from a game. Most of the current games half finished in my backlog I genuinely enjoy. Too many options perhaps...


03/05/2013 at 09:06 PM

I try not to think about my backlog of great games. My work schedule makes it tough to do a lot of gaming. But when I do it's usually an hour or two. I have a feeling I will catch up this summer. Due to the new consoles coming the game companies are focusing on making games for them. Could be a bit of a dry spell after Bioshock Infinite comes out.


03/06/2013 at 09:17 AM

I try not to get bogged down on the backlog trully but it can be annoying. I want to replay MGS4 for the new trophies so thats my next goal after Skyrim. As for new games, I think I'm gonna ignore new releases for now and pick up some I missed. Yakuza 4, Fallout: New Vegas & Deus Ex are my next three I think. Thats adding some hours there...


03/06/2013 at 09:43 AM

Skyrim was love hate with me too, but I have it for PS3...not sure if that's the system you have it on as well. But I dropped it like a hot potato when I couldn't really do anything with all the bugs so I was waiting for all the patches to start coming out before trying it again. Since most of the bugs are now fixed I logged about 130 hours into the game. Now I logged all this time in before beating the main story line lol. The DLC is great, Hearthfire being ehhh. But with me playing so much Skyrim I have a very big backlog of games.


03/06/2013 at 09:48 AM

Yeah I have it for the ps3 and I remember the water freezing bug really annoying me. Everything does seem to be ok now so i'm back with a bang. I really am considering the DLC but i'm going to wait until I finish the core game

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