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Just finished Remember Me

On 03/10/2014 at 10:08 AM by TheMart22

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Happy Monday fellow Pixlbits!

Be safe in the knowledge that these here waters contain no spoilers.

 Remember Me

Following on from my initial impressions blog last Thursday, I completed the main story of Remember Me yesterday evening. On the whole, my opinion of the game itself has not changed much to be honest. I still feel that the games balance between good aspects and bad ones pretty much balance each other out. Art design great, combat good, story meh, traversal poor. I do think it says a lot for the games ability to hold the players attention though that I finished it in less than a week.

Some additional information on top of the impressions blog I can add involve the combat. Like many games of this genre, combat becomes more fun as you advance further and unlock more combat options. Diversity is key, you see. Once the combo system becomes second nature (took me maybe three hours to fully grasp), the player can start to strategize on how to approach each situation. The assortment of enemy types is pretty good with maybe five unique units in addition to some minor variations of each. Some enemies require a particular approach but for the most part, our hero Nilin is punching, kicking & dodging her way through the lot. Overall, combat is fun and by the end I felt like a real bad ass which is always a good sign the game is doing something right.


You can run, but you can't hide!

Be warned, combat gets pretty fast paced to say the least and the occasional button press slip up can cause some serious frustration. Therein, you see, lies my biggest issue with Remember Me. Polish. I can say for certainty that there were moments in my playthrough that some of my button inputs were not processed resulting in me either taking damage or missing out on an opportunity. It’s annoying that a game which obviously received a lot of attention in some areas, would allow something so fundamental to go wrong. Fast paced combat only works if the combat system is reliable and at times, Remember Me’s is not. Pure and simple. A shame.

Another issue I ran into last night (which had me close to quitting), resulted in me having to replay a boss battle. A rather tough boss battle I might add. On my initial effort, upon defeating the two bosses faced in the penultimate episode, the game did not read that my enemies had been bested. Instead, I was trapped in the combat zone with no route out. At first, I thought I was merely missing something so I spent some time to review the area but I eventually realized it was in fact an issue. Nothing to do but reload, which I did, and so, when bested for the second time, a video sequence played and I was able to venture onward. There’s a lot of shit I can put up with in games, but bugs such as this I cannot. I’ll be honest and say that if this had occurred in an earlier episode, I probably would have quit right there and then but knowing I was near the end, I pushed forward.

One thing, it would be remiss of me to leave out, are the Memory Remixes. I mentioned these in my impressions blogs but to rehash, they involve our hero rewriting the memory on an opponent to change their existing viewpoint. And……………… they’re great! Players rewind time by rotating the left thumbstick anti-clockwise and are given several options in each remix to change things up. There’s always a target result, so players much choose their options carefully to effect correctly the existing memory. It’s a lot of fun and a great addition to the gameplay experience. If I recall correctly, there are five Memory Remix sections in the game; each being interesting with some rather intense target results.

So Shane, would you recommend Remember Me?

Quick answer: Yes but not for $60. In fact maybe not even for $30 for the obvious reasons mentioned. Remember Me is rightfully so considered bargain bin material by many and I wouldn’t argue against that. I will say though that even with the issues, my 10 hour playthrough proved enjoyable. Great art design and interesting combat make this a worthy pickup and you can’t beat its current price of “free” on PS+.

Anyone else get around to trying this? What do you think?

To continue my PS+ freebies journey, I downloaded Tomb Raider last night. I should be able to start later this week so look out for some opinions on that in the next few weeks.

Thanks for reading as always everyone. I hope we all have a wonderful week!





03/10/2014 at 10:12 AM

I missed your first blog about this. It sounds like a game I might enjoy, so I'll keep an eye out for a cheap version and I'll be wary of that game bug.


03/10/2014 at 04:19 PM

Definitely worth a shot. The futuristic timeline the game takes place in is worth the price of admission alone (albeit not full price Laughing)


03/10/2014 at 11:34 AM

I'll keep your advice. Remember Me looks interesting, but I rather wait for a big sale on Steam.


03/10/2014 at 04:20 PM

Good call. Definitely worth Steam sale prices.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/10/2014 at 11:47 AM

Damn, I really need to keep playing Tomb Raider. Guess my Spring Break mission is to beat it. 


03/10/2014 at 04:21 PM

Yeah i'm looking forward to starting it. I hear the deaths are extremely gruesome though so i'll have to try harder to play through it without dying.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/10/2014 at 06:00 PM

She gets smacked around like a raggedy Ann doll either way, really, but if you're queasy around blood, I think they do spare you by cutting away at certain parts. Of course, I only played it for a couple hours a few weeks ago, so grain of salt, obviously.


03/10/2014 at 06:27 PM

I've seen worse, so not to worry.


03/10/2014 at 01:01 PM

I finished it this past weekend too, and my opinion didn't really change from the begining either.  It's not a bad game, it just has alot of weak spots.  There are several great ideas, and the world itself is very interesting, but the gameplay is somewhat lacking in both execution and polish.  Still, not a bad game for the price I paid (nothing).


03/10/2014 at 04:23 PM

Funny that we both stuck with it enough to finish even though neither of us were enamoured. I'm not sure what it says for the game but it definitely says something


03/10/2014 at 01:33 PM

I put it in my Wishlist on Backloggery. Let's see if it comes up in Fortune Cookie for my next purchase. . . working. . . no it's Turok: Evolution for original Xbox. A friend at work talked me back into this game recently. Way back when I rage quit the demo. Now that's hard to do.


03/10/2014 at 04:23 PM

Either a great friend or a really bad one then Laughing


03/11/2014 at 02:34 AM

He mentioned the flying segments were cool. I never tried those.



03/11/2014 at 05:55 AM

I think I played a demo back in the day. Don't remember flying sections in it though. I wonder how the gameplay aged? Generally, I don't think FPS tend to age well 


03/10/2014 at 04:16 PM

I'll keep this in mind if I ever see the game and have the urge to buy it.


03/10/2014 at 04:24 PM

Just don't pay too much Cool 


03/18/2014 at 02:05 PM

Well good thing I never bought this game, and currently it's sitting on my PS3 hard drive thanks to PS+. I do like these games where as you learn new moves the combat becomes more enjoyable. I really need to start knocking these games off the backlog so I can make room on the hard drive


03/19/2014 at 07:53 AM

This one's pretty short anyway so it won't take too much effort to knock it off the ol' backlog. I would say give the game a chance once you start. I remember my first impression of the combat was poor but once I got a handle on things, it's quite enjoyable


05/05/2014 at 01:49 PM

sounds like a $30 game to me. Perhaps I'll jump on it if I happen to find it on one of my travels. If not then perhaps as a bargin bin buy.


05/10/2014 at 04:52 PM

Yeah i'd say $20 game. Some very decent moments but overall it's underwhelming

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