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Community Poll #41

On 04/24/2014 at 03:04 PM by Chris Yarger

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Would you rather fight a Godzilla-sized Goomba, or one hundred Goomba-sized Godzillas?






04/24/2014 at 03:07 PM

I would rather fight a godzilla sized goomba then worry about a trillion of the lil darn things,lol


04/24/2014 at 03:12 PM

It all depends on the weapon you give us, Chris.

If you give us a shotgun we'd take the hundred little godzillas anyday. Need a big laser for the giant godzilla.


04/24/2014 at 03:14 PM

100 LSG's. It would be like throwing marshmallows, which is fun.


04/24/2014 at 03:21 PM

I would probably go after the single Goomba, regardless of size.

On a side note, which Godzilla would we be using as far as sizing up the Goomba?  Unless I am mistaken, Godzilla has grown in size since the first movie. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/24/2014 at 03:24 PM

100 mini-Godzillas. 


04/24/2014 at 03:26 PM

100 Goomba sized Godzillas. Not only would they be cute as all get out, but head jumping so many times would be fun.


04/24/2014 at 03:37 PM

the smaller option. just think how big the 1up chain I'd get by stomping all those small godzillas in a row!

what! stop looking at me like that?!?!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/24/2014 at 03:39 PM

Godzilla sized goomba. If Dark Souls has taught me anything, the bigger the boss, the more they telegraph their attacks. Plus, getting fucked by a bunch of small things seems to be more of Gary Glitters thing...


04/26/2014 at 05:10 PM

Oh Blake Tongue Out

Nick DiMola Director

04/24/2014 at 03:44 PM

Goombas are pretty small, I think. 100 Godzillas of that size shouldn't be too bad, though if Dark Souls has taught me anything it's that they could mob me and kill me easily.

A big ass goomba would only pose a threat if I was on the ground and couldn't get to a higher point. I have to assume that a well-placed jump on his head would take care of him.

All that being said, it would depend on the environment I'd fight them in and the weapon at my disposal. That would largely determine which was a more viable fight.


04/24/2014 at 04:20 PM

A hundred of these guys.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/24/2014 at 05:00 PM

i'll take the 100 goombas and do em all in one combo jump.


04/24/2014 at 05:41 PM

Since I can probably squish most of the goomba sized Gollyzillas by falling on them I pick Goomba sized Godzillas for 800 Alex, er Yargz

Captain N

04/25/2014 at 12:51 AM

Gollyzilla, lol, that's from Pinky and the Brain.


04/25/2014 at 09:10 AM

Full marks Cap!

I wanted to see if anyone got the reference. :)

Brain: Are you pondering what I'm pondering

Pinky: I think so Brain but if Jinmmy cracks corn and nobody cares, why does he keep doing it?


04/24/2014 at 06:59 PM

100 goomba sized godzillas.  All I have to do is jump on 1 little head and bounce to the next 99. 


04/24/2014 at 08:30 PM

Godzilla sized Goomba is the easier way by a longshot. Even at two feet tall Godzilla would still be a serious threat never mind a 100 of them running around setting shit on fire and spouting radiation. Goomba is just going to walk around. Lead him to the ocean and let him drown. Easy.


04/24/2014 at 08:39 PM

1 Godzilla sized Goomba, because all you have to do is get in a plane above it, and parachute down on top of it!

Captain N

04/25/2014 at 12:51 AM

I'll take them all on.


04/25/2014 at 01:12 AM

I think 100 little Godzillas would probably be easier to cope with than one giant Goomba. If nothing else, you could slaughter the little Godzillae Dynasty Warriors-style.


04/25/2014 at 10:59 PM

I'm going with the one giant goomba. Like planet earth, Goombas are mostly harmless so taking one out, regardless of size, shouldn't be too hard.


04/26/2014 at 05:12 PM

Since i'm careful with Godzilla regardles the size, I would go with a giant Goomba. I can just simply direct it to a cliff since they don't seem like very smart creatures in the 3D games (not counting RPGs and spin-offs).

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