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On 02/01/2015 at 05:03 AM by Super Step

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I consider this weekend the pre-game for BaD. Here's how I spent it:


- got stuff done at the office, mostly related to school

- went back to the office outside of my hours twice, once to run the EAS (Emergency Alert System) test for the radio station, then because something fell on the control board and made it inoperable. Fixed the board, but the speakers in the control room still don't work. 

- did couch to 5k exercise

- hung out with friends until way too late; people who work with the mentally ill can tell you some stories; we discussed doing a podcast


- woke up, opened radio station

- Finished the movie Zodiac before Netflix took it off. Bit overhyped and I felt it was too long, but provides an interesting discussion piece about circumstantial evidence. 

- Watched Alonzo Boden's Who's Paying Attention stand up, since it was also taken off Netflix today. Mostly very dated political jokes. I thought it was good, just not-at-all current. 

- Nacho Libre  also got taken off Netflix today, so watched it yesterday. Felt a lot like Napolean Dynamite. Thought it was okay. Although a lot of things I give "3 stars/liked it" to on Netflix are really more "2.5 stars/eh, it was fine" kinda movies. 

- Fell asleep through the first half of the SFA Men's Basketball Lumberjacks game I wanted to go to, but decided to just watch it from home online. The announcers were joking the officials were taking so much time reviewing certain calls because they were really watching The Blacklist, which was interesting since that was what I was planning to do when a friend told me the season premiere is tomorrow after the Super Bowl. But I decided to watch the stuff going off Netflix instead, since The Blacklist will still be on there to tide me over before House of Cards starts again. 

Anyway, both the men's and women's SFA bball teams beat A&M Corpus Christi and because the men's team just barely scored over 60 points, today and tomorrow is buy 1 get 1 free at Raising Cane's Chicken. Bought me a couple Box Combos. The Mavericks and Stars also won their games, Aaron Rodgers won MVP, Demarco Murray won Offensive Player of the Year and JJ Watt won defensive player of the year, so I'm happy with the sports world.

- Actually enjoyed Batman & Robin, which was the only Batman movie since the Tim Burton/Jack Nicholson one I hadn't ever seen. I don't think it's as bad if you go in accepting you're getting the camp of the 60s Batman, and I think Joel Schumacher does some interesting things visually. Oh the acting and writing are both hammy as all hell, but I expected that, so it didn't bother me. 


- And Netflix actually let me watch Mad Max after I finished Batman & Robin, despite the fact I finished watching the former after midnight. Maybe it's on Eastern Time? Mad Max didn't have a whole lot of plot beyond your basic revenge movie, but I loved the way it was shot and the constant car/motorcycle chases, so now I want to see the sequel. 

- Gonna do my hill sprints and couch to 5k exercises and find somewhere to watch the Super Bowl. I'm sure someone I know will have a party. I'm rooting for the Seahawks because I like watching them play and for the same reasons as last year when I knew nothing about them: Seattle has rain and a lot of music I like. Our specialty programs we run at 8am at actually come from a Seattle station called WAMC. 

Having said that, while I have mixed feelings about Richard Sherman and generally like Russel Wilson, I am not a fan of Marshawn Lynch. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that maybe he has anxiety, but his stint on Conan's Clueless Gamer segment recently says otherwise and it comes across he's just being an asshole about something he is contracted and paid to do. If he wants to get that part of his contract renegotiated, fine, but don't complain about doing a not-fun part of your job when you get paid to do it. But then I have mixed feelings about him too, cause I love seeing Beast Mode on the field. 

Ultimately, while I'm rooting for the Seahawks (not their personalities per se, but them as players), I wouldn't feel distraught if New England won since Tami would be happy and so would the likeable Gronk. I'm mainly interested in not having an officating decision become the after-game focus and for the game itself to at least be close, unlike last year. 

As for video games, well ... stay tuned for BaD, starting tomorrow.




02/01/2015 at 06:18 AM

Ive been wondering what you and lot of others opinions are on the the whole deflate gate thing. Do you think there was cheating involved or is something ridiclous being blown up to a stupid degree? I typically don't watch sport stuff but the radio stations I listen to apparently love chatting about it.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/01/2015 at 06:52 AM

They might have inflated indoors and because of temp change the footballs deflated outdoors. Bill Nye sais it doesn't make sense, but MIT and headsmartlabs have said experiments show it does and it's the same thing that happens with car tires. Also, Nye is an admitted Seahawks fan and I'm not sure he took where the balls were inflated/deflated into account, but I'm also not sure if they were indeed inflated indoors before being taken outside either.

Ultimately, I don't think you win 45-7 only because it's easier for the QB and WRs to grip the balls. As a Colts player said, they could have played with soap and they still would have won, especially when the footballs were apparently reinflated prior to the second half, in which the Patriots were 28-0 in scoring and a couple of their touchdowns were from rushing. There was also a Sports Science video saying any advantage from deflated footballs would be pretty miniscule. I'm not sure of the impartiality of any of these sources, since Bill Nye is a Hawks fan and those other sources are either in the Boston area or associated with the NFL, but I'd say it's more likely the underinflated footballs were a very small part of the Pats victory if at all. 

Honestly, if they're going to be this anal about the psi in the footballs, I don't understand why teams are allowed to bring their own and officials aren't the ones bringing and inflating them.

Cary Woodham

02/01/2015 at 08:24 AM

Saturday night I went to a friend's house for his birthday and we had a party and I played a card game I got at PAX that I'm going to review and it's called Poop: The Game.

I'm going to watch the Super Bowl, too.  I'm going to root for the commercials.  Don't forget about the Puppy Bowl!

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/01/2015 at 11:25 AM

Puppy Bowl is on Animal Planet I think and I don't have cable. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/01/2015 at 10:32 AM

I liked Zodiac.  Haven't seen it for years, but I've been thinking of buying the bluray.  I like Fincher's later films, which aren't as stylish and are slow burns.  I like slow movies.  

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/01/2015 at 11:26 AM

I love Fincher's later films too, just more later. Like Social Network and Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and you can definitely tell he's involved with House of Cards

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/01/2015 at 11:28 AM

I think Zodiac was his first mature movie, with more of a focus on nuanced content rather than style.  Michael Mann kind of had that sort of change in his career too with Heat.  I haven't seen Dragon Tattoo or Social Network though.  

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/01/2015 at 11:35 AM

I actually think Zodiac was lacking some Fincher style that would have helped pass its overly long run time for me. As it is, it reminded too much of an episode of Law and Order. I like Law and Order, it just didn't grip me the same way Fincher stuff normally does. I dig that sleek, dark look in most of his movies. 

I should probably watch Seven some time. I already know how it ends though. And Social Network was my favorite movie of 2011, found it hilarious. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/01/2015 at 11:38 AM

yeah i was surprised when I saw it how it wasn't "Fincher-esque", as I did enjoy Fight Club and Alien 3 and Panic Room and Seven.  But there's something about the more kind of realistic, almost journalistic nature of Zodiac that I really like that more akin to real life than his earlier movies.  I don't know, for some reason I really like that movie.  I would like to see Social Network, but don't have a lot of interest in Dragon Tattoo because it does seem to have that "dark" stylish look that I've kind of grown tired of.    


02/01/2015 at 11:14 AM

I won't be watching the Superbowl today. I haven't watched one in over 20 years and before that it was generally for the party rather than the game itself. My best friend from back then is a Patriots fan and I went to Boston with him one weekend and got to see the Pats play for free.

For that reason I'm rooting for the Patriots. I think the whole deflategate thing is stupid and boils down to the other team being poor losers trying to justify an embarassing loss. A question, Don't both teams use the same footballs?

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/01/2015 at 11:31 AM

No, both bring their own footballs for when they are on offense. And the other team isn't sore losers, this wasn't blown out of proportion by THEM. Remember, one of the Colts players even said they were going to be beat either way. Hell, the guy at the center of this 'controversy' said he doesn't see the advantage.


... You know Internet comments and whatever your friend is telling you aren't considered academic sources, right? Tongue Out lol The Colts aren't really making excuses from what I've seen, it's just a story that happens to give interns a chance at 'fun, quirky' headlines.


02/01/2015 at 12:08 PM

Nope, didn't know the details but honestly I didn't really look into them. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/01/2015 at 12:28 PM

I'm just giving you crap. You know I'm just kidding with you.

But yeah, that is one dumb thing about the NFL I didn't know either before this happened. I don't know why they wouldn't all be playing with the same balls, provided by officials, but here we are.


02/01/2015 at 12:39 PM

Yep, I know. :) It makes no sense to me that they use their own footballs either.


02/01/2015 at 06:20 PM

Definitely check out The Road Warrior if you get the chance. That's my favorite out of all the Mad Max films. Beyond Thunderdome is kind of weird from what I remember. I watch a lot of random stuff on Netflix. The last thing I watched was Godzilla Vs. Mothra lol.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/02/2015 at 11:09 AM

Yeah, I wanted to watch Road Warrior immediately after, but didn't see it on Netflix. There was an ad for the Super Bowl on last night and it reminded my friend of "California Love" by Tupac, which reminded her boyfriend of that dome movie. Forget the commercial though. 


02/01/2015 at 11:10 PM

Zodiac is one i've need to see from Fincher since he's becoming a favorite of mine and if you remember, i've told you Fight Club is my favorite film of all-time.

Well, I just decided to spend the day with a friend and put the SuperBowl out of boredom and slight interest and I gotta say that was a close game. I was rooting a bit for Seattle, but in the end I didn't care who won and hey, congrats to the Patriots.

Of course, you know by now that I love the other football...

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/02/2015 at 11:10 AM

When the first quarter went scoreless, my friend and I were joking it was like a soccer (futbol) game. lol


02/04/2015 at 07:13 AM

Yes, Tami and the Gronk were both incredinbly happy.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/12/2015 at 08:37 PM

The Gronk ... sounds like a Pixar character. Like a misunderstood ogre or some such.


02/12/2015 at 04:03 PM

Why do I have the urge to tell you to hijack your radio station in october and do an imperssionation of DJ Professor K from Jet Set Radio?

Always wanted to do that but could never land a job at a radio station. Probably didn't help that I listed DJ Professor K as one of my role models.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/12/2015 at 08:38 PM

I'll have to look up DJ Professor K again. Been a while since I played that game.

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