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Non-random thoughts

On 03/13/2015 at 12:14 PM by Super Step

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These will seem like random thoughts to you, but they had to come from somewhere:

- I don't think I could ever pay for a sexual act. I'd be too turned off by the fact I was paying for it. 

- Quidditch seems like a fun sport, but I'm very concerned about where that broom/PVC pipe could go.

- Jim Jefferies is a funny man.

- Aziz Ansari is ... ok, I guess. I've seen a couple of his specials now and ... they're alright. I liked the thing he did with taking the woman's phone and reading her text in his last special. 

- I wish we could go back to when you could say ANYTHING in a stand up comedy bit and face no real trouble aside from people getting mad. There's a large part of Eddie Murphy's Delirious I have to skip past because it's homophobic as all hell, but I prefer that to every audience under a certain age responding to the slightest bit of edge in humor with indignance. Little shits.

- When someone posts a status on Facebook with way too many ellipses, I can't read it. I just ... can't ... fucking ... do it, Y'ALL?! I can't .... take your points seriously when you seem ... like you're having  a damn seizure.

- I think everyone gets pretty shitty about generalizing both white cops and black citizens. 

- I wish I had the family friendly humor of Bill Cosby, but I think it's wrong when men sneak up on women and tell them a Bill Cosby joke.

- OU SAE is a lot of letters. Five to be exact. 

- I liked that Will Ferrell thing with the baseball and whatnot.

- I just found out I can get a free 30 day gamefly subscription by going to but I'm not sure how much I'll actually be able to use it until my thesis is complete. 

Speaking of which, I have over 200 responses and will just have to enter those in over spring break and rewrite and correct/add to the written part. Might be best to do 5 pages a day and about 50 responses a day during the week. Or I could just marathon both at random times as always happens.

- I don't care if people call it hipster mall rock, I kinda like the band Disturbed

- For a non-superstitious person, I do a lot of shit because it seems like appropriate timing rather than thinking it through really hard. For instance, I've never played a Demon's Souls title but will probably get Bloodborne just because of its release date the day after my birthday.

- What are some thoughts you're having right now?




03/13/2015 at 12:32 PM

If Jimmy cracks corn and nobody cares, why does he keep doing it?

Just once I'd like to find some gruntled employees just so I know the difference.

If all things come to he who waits I wish there was one of those recorded voices to tell me how long my wait time is.

I always try to be sincere, even if I don't mean it.

The trouble with this world is that everybody is three drinks behind me.

I really like my Galaxy Note 4. Taking panoramic pictures with shaky hands makes really cool abstract photos.

Why is it that the media made a big deal about knowing what Jihadi John's real name is? I know what Superman's real name is but I'm no closer to finding the fortress of solitude.

Why am I writing this when I should be doing some work?

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/13/2015 at 01:01 PM

It's Jimmy's choice whether he wants to crack corn or not. Maybe he does it for himself, and not other people. You ever think about that? Cracking corn is his decision and we should be supportive of his choice. He's got a healthy mentality I think.

If you want gruntled, go to a store run by older people in the American south. They're very nice. I assume you go to lots of stores with teenagers or people my age.

That record is coming. Just wait. 

I am a bit too sincere in that I never feign excitement. I'm basically Stephen Wright in non-comedy situations.

Whatcha drinkin'?

I want a t3i or something which shoots video like a RED Dragon, but it's all so expensive.

I don't know who Jihadi John is. I actually read headlines on air this morning and he did not come up. Huh. What I read was about Boston Bombing suspect and Ferguson, MO. 

Same reason I am, because work sucks. I know. I've left you roses by the stairs. Suprises let you know I care. 


03/13/2015 at 06:11 PM

You need to google Jihadi John. He was the ISIS piece of shit who beheaded the hostages. That was his nickname

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/13/2015 at 10:23 PM

Ok, ISIS I have definitely been hearing about, but not Jihadi John. I think I'll pass on Googling him though.


03/13/2015 at 01:51 PM

Cats have discovered the secret to true happiness - an empty box in a sunbeam.

My friend Ernie is a disgustingly talented songwriter.

What the hell are all the ladybugs in my house exisiting on for sustenance?

How long will it be before I see anything other than crusty gray-brown snowbanks out my front window? 

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/13/2015 at 02:28 PM

How adorable cats are is very dependent on what time it is and what they want, I find.

Eeeewwwwww, disgusting talent.

Maybe you've encountered a new breed of ladybug that lives off snow.

I'd give it a week or two, I guess.


03/13/2015 at 04:44 PM

Ugh, university work on weekends, me no like!

I don't know what to play on Steam.

I should make a GoG acount one of these days.

I don't know what else to put here.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/13/2015 at 10:20 PM

I have thesis work over spring break. 

I think I'll play Beyond Good and Evil next.

GoG is like Steam right?

Me either.


03/13/2015 at 10:40 PM

Well, GoG is a digital video game service, but it doesn't require an aplication like Steam. It's all bought on the internet and an account on their website.

Cary Woodham

03/13/2015 at 07:36 PM

The only random thought in my head right now is that it would be fun to play "Gourmet Race" in an orchestra.  "BUM, BUM, BUM, BUM, BUM-BUM-BUUUUUMMMMM!"

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/13/2015 at 10:21 PM

Had to look that up then realized it was Kirby's stage music from Smash Bros. Does seem like a fun one to play.


03/13/2015 at 11:03 PM

I thought about it a little more when getting a car with black paint and interiors (so hard to keep clean).

Resident Evil Revelations 2 keeps on getting better with every episode.

Johnny Cage's new fatality in MKX, horrifying and hilirious.

Avast is detecting a lot malware or is false positives in the last few days, technology is failing me.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/13/2015 at 11:33 PM

I have AVG. 

I am supposed to review MKX upon its release.

RE:R 2 sounds like something I should try.

I'm not sure what you meant there. Like you didn't want to get a car's interior painted with the black paint on you?


03/14/2015 at 01:33 PM

Currently thinking about whether or not joining twitter was a good thing or not. Good is winning by a hair so far.

Jim Jeffries is pretty funny. Dissapointed when his FX show was cancelled.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/14/2015 at 02:44 PM

Twitter is one I have but mostly ignore unless I'm on a news kick.

I saw one episode of that on Netflix. 


03/15/2015 at 03:48 AM

I'm sipping on a Guinness and thinking, "I think I'll preorder Etrian Mystery Dungeon from that Gamestop with the cute girl who smiled I me last time I was there."

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/15/2015 at 03:55 AM

Ask her out.


03/16/2015 at 02:11 AM

Mmmm, maybe, but the age difference is probably too great. Who knows though. If I get in shape like I want to, maybe I'd feel otherwise. 

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