I want to like RPGs more than I do, cause I do like the stories.
I want to like RPGs more than I do, cause I do like the stories.
Pong is great. Love pong. Classic.
I need to finish Ghostwire Tokyo, but in order to do that I have to let go of my completionist tendencies. So, I'm probably never finishing that game, since the side missions get a bit repetitive. However, the controls in that game are *chef's kiss*
I would play so many more kinds of games if they had stories. I don't even need the stories to be any good, just engaging.
I've heard of The Plucky Squire but I figured it was a saying and not a franchise ... Huh.
I need to play Serious Sam.
Prince of Persia: The Crown - I got stuck somewhere and haven't gotten back to it.
Maybe PS5 Pro will help lower the vanilla one's rate?
I just couldn't get into ME ... like, any of them. I dunno why.
I've seen the first entry in both franchises but haven't kept up.