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My Fantasy Life Comes to an End. Or Does It?

On 08/04/2015 at 10:57 AM by mothman

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final chapter

I came to the end of the story in Fantasy Life yesterday I guess. OK, let's just say I saw the credits roll after the final chapter but in Fantasy Life that doesn't mean you're finished by a long shot. Instead of ending the game returns you to your home with instructions to read your mail. Doing so results in you discovering all sorts of new things for you to do. As for me I'm movin' on up to the West side, to a deluxe mansion in the Shopping District.

Getting to see those credits is a fairly easy task since all you really have to do is complete all of Butterfly's requests.

Completing each chapter involves finishing a number of simple requests then following a story section to it's end. There are no real boss fights to speak of in the story sections. Yes there's combat but none of it is in any way challenging. In fact the final chapter has no fighting in it at all.

Gold Dragon

That is not to say that there are not difficult battles in the game. There are many "bosses" I am not capable of beating as a level 52 Hero Paladin. They just aren't required to finish the story. This makes the game kid friendly while providing some challenge if you want it. You can play alone, invite NPCs from the game to join you or bring in 3DS friends to help. I haven't tried the friends thing but the maximum number of NPCs you can add is two. 


Most of the challenge in the game comes from finishing Star quests for the life (or lives) you've chosen and thereby mastering each life. I have reached Master or higher in 4 lives (Paladin, Miner, Blacksmith and Woodcutter) and I reached expert in Carpentry yesterday after the credits rolled. I will probably add Angler to my list of lives in the coming days. In fact there's a distinct possiblity I'll try all the lives before I'm done.

Level 5 have done a great job of packing all sorts of content into the tiny 3DS cartridge. If you don't mind the cartoony graphics, Fantasy Life provides a huge world with lots to do which will keep you busy for months




08/04/2015 at 11:20 AM

I rememebr seeing this game when it was released and figured it wasn't something I would take full advantage of by playing through most if not all the available jobs like you're doing. I'm glad you are enjoying this game and its interesting to read that there are no "final bosses" but quests to be completed.  


08/04/2015 at 11:31 AM

There's a lot to get addicted to in this game. I decided on the Carpenter life because I needed Fir beams to complete some armour for my Blacksmith. I ended up building furniture for 3+ hours. But hey I have some nice stuff for my 3 homes now. LOL


08/04/2015 at 03:26 PM

I love the cartoony graphics. I've mostly been wandering around trying out different Lives and advancing them as far as I can before I need to open up the next area by fulfilling Butterfly's quests. So far, Blacksmith is my favorite. Maybe because I lived down the road from a from a real blacksmith when I was small child and who used to let me come and watch him work. Dmitri has made blacksmithing an art, and if you check out the link, you can see some of what he does.

I'll probably fire up the 3DS here shortly and go adventuring.


08/04/2015 at 04:12 PM

Carpentry is pretty much the same as smithing mechanically. I've built a lot of cool furniture and I got to Master an hour ago. I'll be fishing later.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

08/04/2015 at 08:09 PM

Aw.  How you doin in Xenooblade?


08/04/2015 at 08:11 PM

Fine. I already beat it on Wii. :) I'm at Colony 6 on the 3DS version.

Cary Woodham

08/04/2015 at 09:30 PM

Yeah Fantasy Life is one of those games I'd like to play, but I haven't gotten around to yet.  Two reasons why I don't have it.  One, there's just no way I can play ALL the games out there.  You know I play a lot as it is.  Second, I don't want to get too addicted to it like I do Animal Crossing games. :)  Ha ha!

Level 5 does a good job with a lot of their games.  They may not always be perfect, but they have a lot of heart.  There is an upcoming Level 5 game I'm looking forward to, though.  It's called Yokai Watch.  It's kind of like Pokemon, except you capture ghosts and goblins from Japanese legends and folklore, which are all collectively called "Yokai."  The game is very popular in Japan, with two sequels and a second season of a kids' anime.  We're getting the first game in the US later this year as well as the first season of the cartoon show!  The game looks cute and has a tinge of a Ni no Kuni feel to it (another Level 5 game), and I think Yokai monsters are interesting so I'm going to keep an eye on that one.


08/05/2015 at 03:10 AM

I need to get back to it. I just noticed my street pass for the game is full. Gotta empty that. I'm playing Etrian Odyssey Untold 2 right now though. Not sure when I'll get back to Fantasy Life. 

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