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Short Update Before the World Ends

On 11/08/2016 at 07:11 PM by Blake Turner

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 Dear America, I just want you to know that this outcome effects more than your shitty country. Has anybody here voted for Trump? I usually don't care who people vote for, but in this particular case, if you've voted for Trump you're a fucking idiot. Right or Left, I don't care which way you lean, Trump is fucking Hitler and you're straight up braindead if he has your support.

 Anyway, back to video games.

Ys: Oath in Felghana

 So this game is awesome. Maybe the best I've played in quite some time. I sunk about 6 hours into it last night and I'm keen to get back into it.

 For those who don't know, Ys: Oath in Felghana is kind of like an Isometric Zelda if you took the puzzles out, added platforming and a decent combat system, and turned the speed up to 11. It's fast, it's frantic, it's challenging, and it's an absolute blast.

 The story isn't really anything to write home about, but the characters are interesting enough to keep you entertained.

 I have 4 games in the series, and Iook forward to blasting my way through all of them.

Tales of Zestiria

 So I bought Tales of Zestiria recently. It's my first game in the series and I played about an hour to see what it was like. It seems ok so far, though it may take the combat system a little bit to grow on me. The characters are vibrant and weirdly charming.

 Is this a good place to start though, or should I be playing a different one first? It seems pretty standalone, but is it a good showcase of the series' strengths?

Brutal Doom 64


 So I'm really enjoying this one, maybe even more than the original Brutal Doom. It's a lot harder and some spots feel downright cheap, but it's extremely atmospheric and actually scary at somepoints. This is definitely the transitioning point between Doom and Quake, and probably the game Doom 3 took most inspiration from. It's a much better game than Doom 3 though (most games are tbh), as the moody soundscape actually begins to unnerve you and put you on edge.

 Also, it's good, bloody fun, and the best way to play Doom 64 imo.




11/08/2016 at 07:23 PM

I did my civic duty and voted for the least scary of the candidates first thing this morning. I think I prefer "Business as usual" to "Probable Armageddon with a side of rape" thank you very much. And while I wait for the polls to close and the votes to be counted, I am doing my best to keep my anxiety in check.

As for the Tales series, I liked Zestiria, but I would recommend Tales of Symphonia as a starting game. Xillia was also good, but for an intro to the series, definitely Symphonia.


11/08/2016 at 07:50 PM

Agree with Tami on Tales.

Keep in mind Blake that the battle systems in those games build for a while so half way through a game there's a lot more to them than there is at the start.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

11/08/2016 at 07:53 PM

Cheers. It's only $20 on steam so I might grab it soon.

 And yeah. I don't even live in your country and Bilby and I are super anxious about the outcome. I just don't understand how he's in the running still when any one of the 9 million scandals he has would have sunk any other campaign. Guess America is still so backwards it prefers a racist paedophile to a woman president.


11/08/2016 at 08:50 PM

Most rational human beings wonder what the fuck the Republican Party was thinking and who the hell are the imbeciles who are voting for that walking pile of orange shit. I dropped my car off for an oil change this AM and got harangued by the guy that owns the garage about Hillary being a crook and on and on and on. I wanted to ask him what he thinks, as the father of two daughters, about voting for a rapist, but just changed the subject. I like Rich, but he's one of those people who has never left the area he was born in and has no fucking clue what the bigger picture is (or that there is a bigger picture).

Blake Turner Staff Writer

11/08/2016 at 09:15 PM

I honestly don't get how they could conceivably call Hillary crooked with all the shit Trump has done.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

11/11/2016 at 07:09 PM
I think most of the crookedness is misplaced anger. Really, they hate her because she felt entitled to be president. She felt it was her right to be president and focused more on the Clinton name and her being a woman than focusing on her strengths. Not to say she never talked about them, but she still reeks of entitlement. It's shitty it led to this outcome, but not really a mystery.


11/15/2016 at 02:30 PM

Casey really nailed it.


11/08/2016 at 08:34 PM

I was compelled to repost your Trump as penis pic on FB because he is a big prick.

The whole world is anxious about this election because it's a world economy we're dealing with and nobody except the hillbillies, white supremists and other white trash want him in. Ever notice that his supporters spew back his own comments parrot fashion. It's fucking scary 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

11/08/2016 at 09:18 PM

It's terrifying, especially since Trump is dumb enough to repost conspiracy theories as fact, believes that Obama caused the Sandy Hook massacre to invoke gun control, used 9/11 as an excuse to brag that his tower is now the tallest and a whole heap of other insane bullshit that his followers seem absolutely fine with accepting and repeating.


11/09/2016 at 04:34 AM

Then you don't know about the thousands of educated Hispanics (29% according to CNN), blacks, whites, women, Asians and even gays who wanted him in.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

11/09/2016 at 07:57 PM

Okay, Hillbillies, White supremacists, white trash, and other idiots. That about covers it.


11/08/2016 at 09:16 PM

As an American who more often than not votes Democratic, I'm still not particularly happy about voting for Clinton, but Trump made it impossible not to. My state (North Carolina) is a battleground state which as of right now is still up for grabs, so I'm still pretty nervous. I'll stop there, because the majority of the commentors on this site seem pretty politically conservative. 

That Ys game was really fun. I started it a couple months ago, but for some reason put it down without finishin it. I need to start it up again. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

11/08/2016 at 09:21 PM

I  don't think anybody is particularly happy about voting for Clinton, but America's completely inept two party system means you kind of have to if you don't want your country to be run by Putin in Oompa Loompa cosplay.

 Yeah it is awesome. I did the same a little while ago and then started again yesterday and wondered why I ever stopped playing. Have you played any of the other Ys games?


11/08/2016 at 09:29 PM

Yeah, the two party system sucks. I'm also not really happy with the two major independent candidates either. I'm sure I'll be fine with a Clinton presidency.  I just don't like her much personally.

I own one other Ys game on the vita, but haven't played it yet. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

11/08/2016 at 09:44 PM

Well, when this is one of your third party candidates, it may be better to stick with the main ones.


11/09/2016 at 05:07 AM

Our system doesn't really allow third parties anyway. First politicians past the posts wins everything, which is the real defining feature of our voting system. The losing party doesn't get proportional representation, they get no representation at all. Technically, all you have to do to have one-party rule in a state is to have every district vote 50% + 1 person and you've disenfranchised 49.9% of the population (in real life, such a close contest requires an automatic recount and extensive investigation to ensure that voter fraud wasn't committed). Forget trying to have more than two parties under that system. I lived in such a state that was dominated by a single party, Oklahoma, for a good part of my life. There are two ruling organizations in Oklahoma: the Republican Party and the Southern Baptist Church, and they collude with each other closely. The governor has spent millions trying to get a monument of The Ten Commandments erected on the state capitol grounds in violation of the State Constitution's clause which forbids use of public monies to advance a single religion. She backed down when a Satanic group successfully sued to have a statue of Baphomet erected on the state capitol grounds. She also threaten to abolish marriage in Oklahoma altogether rather than allow gays the right to marry, citing "family values", when she destroyed her own marriage by having an affair with an Oklahoma Highway Patrol officer.

Voters are divided into arbitrary and heavily gerrymandered voting districts that in most states are redrawn by the dominant party after the census is taken and Representatives (and therefore electoral votes) are redistributed, always to dilute the opposition and ensure that their own party holds the majority in as many districts as possible. Arizona has taken steps to end gerrymandering and hopefully other states will follow suit.


11/08/2016 at 10:53 PM

I live in California which is typically a solid left-wing blue state election-wise, although there are some right-leaning pockets, but Republicans or Conservatism doesn't really have that much power or influence here--state-wise anyway. I took Donald Trump seriously when he first entered the race. I told everyone he would win, or at least make everything more volatile-- but the medias obsession with him is also to blame here. I follow politics closely, moreso than people around me, so I'm not surprised at what's happening at all. Digusted and disappointed, yes. Not surprised.  Most left-leaning or majority of the country probably share your sentiment. I think HC has the popular vote, but what counts is electoral votes, not majority vote which is bullshit!

Tales of Zestira is my first tales game, and it has a pretty light-hearted story and flashy combat. It was very pretty, and fun, but it dragged on a bit after a while. I wasn't that impressed with dungeon designs and aside from that you're mostly roaming open areas fighting all the things. It is very pretty though.

Is Brutal Doom 64 free? That looks like my kind of game. I need to play it.  

Blake Turner Staff Writer

11/08/2016 at 11:04 PM

If you own Doom II or have a doom II wad file it's free. If not you have to either buy doom 2 or get your hands on the wad file. Link is here if you want to download it. All you have to do is install, drag the .wad file into the folder and press play.

 I'm sort of surprised. I mean, realistically people, movies and literature have been prediciting something like this for a while. My brain just refuses to accept it though. He's a cartoon villain! 

 Also, just reading up about your electoral voting system. Wtf. That is fucking backwards. It should be majority vote or it's not a true democracy. Land of the free my ass.


11/08/2016 at 11:24 PM

One thing about this particular election is that the percentage of white voter turn-out is much higher than expected, and more than previous years, meaning they were either lying to pollsters and fucked up all the early polling data, or pollsters didn't account for this. The narrative we were fed by media (liberal media anyway) is that Trumps vitriol would turn away Republican Conservative, Religious and centrist who would either stay home in protest or vote for HC. It looks like they turned out in large numbers and gave weight DT in the end. We were fed this narrative that women and POC would have a high turn out and elect HC in response to DT rhetoric. In short, turn out is high from both POC and whites so it's very tight race.


11/09/2016 at 02:23 AM

Looks like Trump might win. What the heck?! I think I must still have a VR headset on playing a game like We Happy Few,and I CAN'T TAKE IT OFF!

Why couldn't they've put Brutal Doom in with Doom 2016. I need it on console.

Nick DiMola Director

11/09/2016 at 08:45 AM

So Trump won. I just want to go on the record stating that I did not vote for that "pile of orange shit," as Tami put it quite well. I'm terrified for what happens next.


11/09/2016 at 11:34 AM

The whole world shares your terror. Given that the Republicans now have total control of the country including the House and Senate, there's no one to gainsay any idiotic idea that come into his head. Not to say that he's ever had an idea that wasn't idiotic.


11/09/2016 at 10:28 PM

Apparently no undecided voting for DT admitted they were doing so, so everyone was surprised in the end, even Reps I guess. Also, this neverending reality tv coverage and poll number prediction modeling and horse race just fucked with everybody in the end since it was all pointless. No real issues were ever addressed thoroughly on TV as much as the mudslinging, except for a few newspapers. Also Russia and the FBI butting in? What the actual fuck just happened?


11/10/2016 at 02:15 AM

This has been rough to digest especially as a woman who is also bisexual. Im pretty much terrified of what these fuck heads might do. Like I told my sister though, if they even try to take our rights we have to fight. We have to fight and raise fucking hell if need be. There are already protest going on. Im tempted to build a vault because I see fallout as the future too. This shit I wish was a big fucking prank.

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