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On 06/26/2018 at 03:59 AM by Blake Turner

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I never have anything decent to say in these intros, so have a blog. Also, sorry for no pictures, it's really tedious to do on an iPad.

Horizon zero dawn

Man, I feel bad for sleeping on this game. When it first came out, I'd just played breath of the wild, and after that game redefined the open world genre, this felt like your average Ubisoft template game.

 I couldn't be more wrong.

 While it takes from Ubisoft's template, it also takes from the new Tomb Raider series, Monster Hunter, Bioware style RPGs, and adds its own unique flair to the proceedings. I'm 50 hours in, and I've completed 82% of the map. I never get completionist urges in open world games, but in Horizon, I want to see and do everything I can in this game.

 The story and characters are surprisingly strong too. The world is deep, the characters aren't all black and white, and Alloy is a fucking badass - if a little socially inept. Although almost everyone in this game flirts with you. I guess it makes more sense here than it does in the Witcher, where your very being is supposed to repulse people, but it was still kind of amusing.

Also, holy fuck is this game breathtaking to look at. I've spent almost as much time in the photo editor as I have the game. It looks borderline realistic at times, and some of the areas remind me of why I fell in love with Xenoblade Chronicles X's world. Seriously, I usually hate desert levels in this game, but the desert in this game makes my fucking Jaw drop.

I do have some minor nitpicks. Firstly, you get access to most of your arsenal pretty early on, so there doesn't feel like Theres a ton of progression that sense. There's still a lot of depth to the combat, but it does feel like the arsenal could have been built upon later.

Also, the difficulty curb is a bit backwards. At the start of the game, I was actually scared by some of the robos, but now the only enemy that gives me any problems are those asshole worm enemies.

I also would have liked more outfits. Firstly, they're all really awesome, and I like the mix of Asian, Tribal, and Germanic styles. Secondly, I wish they'd get a bit crazier with the elemental strengths and add some weaknesses to counterbalance them.

I actually really would have liked a bioware style romance in this game. I feel like this game would actually do this game justice, although Alloy seems to give zero shits about that sort of thing. Canonically, Alloy is in lesbians with Petra though. No one can tell me otherwise. Just like if you don't pick Tali or Garrus in Mass Effect you're playing it wrong.

These are all just nitpicks. I'd give this a 9.5. I really hope there's more to come in this series. And I really hope they call it Horizon: One Morning.



Man I was so hyped on this game when I played the alpha demo. It seemed so great! But...

Look, it's a good game. It just has too much fucking loot. Seriously, if they halved the loot, you'd maybe get the drop rate of a diablo style game. It feels like every enemy drops 20 items, and I spend half the game in a fucking menu. It's a shame, because this game has the intricate level design of a Souls game, but I don't want to explore because all it'll net me is more shitty loot I give zero fucks about.

 And the bosses. Some are quite fun, but I feel like most enemies kill You way too quickly, and have way too much health. Most attacks are a one or two hit kill unless you put heavy armour on and you can maybe survive one more hit. Pumping points into health seems to do fuck all. This is annoying, because you can nail an enemies attack pattern and do perfectly for what feels like an hour only to mess up once and have to start over again.

 Dark souls had one hit kills too, but they were the heavily telegraphed attacks. And the enemies went down quicker too.

 Also, the game is so repetitive. You see most of the enemies at the start of the game, and there's very little variety outside of bossfights. Same goes for levels - you're either in a cave, a village, or a forest. There are very few standout levels, and what's worse is you're expected to play the same levels over and over again with different enemy placements to level up and get more useless loot.

 That said, the combat system is pretty darn solid, and there is a lot of potential here. I am looking forward to the sequel, I just wish it were a bit less tedious.




Madoka Magica

It's like Sailor Moon, but really depressing. And bleak. And dark.

Basically it's a magical girl anime with a cutesy art style that weirdly reminds me of Nier Automata and Evangelion. I don't want to say more, as its best experienced yourself. It's 12 episodes. You can watch the entire series in under 5 hours. Just know you're not exactly going to have a happy time.

 Also, watch at least 3 episodes before judging.

E3 (super late I know)

I'm really looking forward to Resident Evil 2 remake. Resident Evil 2 is my second favourite resi game and it's being remade in the style of my favourite resi Game. How could I not be excited? Also, the gameplay footage looks genuinely creepy, and zombies look decently difficult to take down. So keen 

 Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is also on my radar because of fucking course it is. It's from software!  They're ditching the RPG elements, adding stealth, and apparently making it more Zelda like? I'm excited to see where this goes. It's apparently more open than Souls, but keeps the level design we know and love. We'll see, but I'm excited to see what's next 

Keeping in that vein, The Surge 2 actually looks good. Wasn't hugely fussed on the first one apart from the fact that you start the game in a wheelchAir, but it wasn't beyond saving. The setting was cool, and it had some neat ideas. It also maybe had better shortcuts than even Dark Souls, but don't tell anyone I said that. It just needed a bit of extra time to cook, a bit of extra refinement, and some less shit bosses and it might have been something special.

Dying Light 2 is apparently being written by Chris Avelon. So it'll have a story that doesn't make me want to cringe? Sign me up, parkour zombie mayhem never sounded better.

My friend Pedro looks fucking awesome, like a 2D max Payne where you can ricochet bullets off of fucking frying pans to kill people. Sold

Rage 2 looks like Mad Max meets Doom. So it's the first one, but maybe actually fun this time.





Super Step Contributing Writer

06/26/2018 at 09:29 AM

Man, I'll never finish horizon zero dawn at this rate. Madoka Magika sounds interesting. I'm not as into some of the E3 games as everyone else and never played RE2, but Sekiro looks cool. Ghosts of Tsushima was probably still my favorite new game shown. I still need to play my Steam copy of RAGE.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/26/2018 at 09:57 AM

The first Rage isn't great. It's not bad by any means, but it was repetitive, and didn't really have a sense of identity. Rage 2 looks a lot more interesting.

Ghosts of Tsushima looks gorgeous and I love the setting, but the combat looked a little dull. I'm hoping gameplay feels better than it looked, or that the story at least is gripping.

Cary Woodham

06/26/2018 at 11:09 AM

If you want a different take on E3 coverage, may I suggest reading my E3 articles, please.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

06/26/2018 at 11:31 AM

Horizon was fine IMO, but I got bored with the gameplay about halfway through. Was the progression and difficulty curve like you said, and the times I was challenged it felt more annoying than fun. Combat just felt like it didn't mesh in a massive open world game. Fortunately the story picked up at that point and I was a huge fan of the backstory. Not Mass Effect obsessed, but I liked the reason why everything is the way it is.

Resident Evil 2 was my favorite game of E3, for your reasons as well as that I think it being a remake means they'll trim some fat or keep themselves from adding weird additions to it, like 4-6's QTE's or cramming in RPG elements. Another E3 game I'm looking forward to is Control. Quantic Break as a Metroidvania without the TV show? Yes please!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/27/2018 at 03:26 AM

I guess I felt differently, because this game is my first ever platinum. I usually give zero fucks about achievements, but after finishing the game I had 3 trophies left and thought "why the hell not?"

i also got super into the Lore. I do wish there was more to side the gameplay up after the halfway point as you said, but by that point I was so into the lore and characters I had to keep going. Definitely looking forward to a sequel. I think it's amazing that both Horizon and breath of the wild came out so close together, were both the first attempts at an open world game by their devs, and both found ways to do interesting things with it.  BoTW certainly more so, but it shows what happens when a team can get creative with the formula.

i haven't actually heard much about control... fuck, I need to look at stuff now if it's a metroidvania!

I weirdly doubt they won't put qtes In the game. The resi team can't seem to help themselves even in 7 (although that game used them sparingly and to surprisingly decent effect.) if they do use them, I hope they're Few and far between.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

06/27/2018 at 12:07 PM

I think there's definitely room for Horizon to improve on for a sequel, possibly even taking a few inspirational cues from BotW. And the world itself is fascinating, Faro had all the pieces in place to ensure humanity really was fucked with no way to fight back. I think there's a lot of potential in things like where the glitch originated from, what happened to Faro, what information was in Apollo that scared Faro, and why Sylens is after Apollo (you know that's why he teamed up with Hades).

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/28/2018 at 02:08 AM

Something they could definitely learn from Breath of The Wild: More ways to traverse vertically. I can't tell you how many tims I couldn't see where the designated climbing spots were, and there are fare to rappel spots. Alloy should totally have been able to make a glider from a glinthawk or stormbird. Im not saying they should go all out with being able to climb everything, because some of those platfroming challenges like getting the Banuk figures were quite fun to work out.

 Idk, Horizon kind of reminds me of Darksiders a bit, in that they took pretty much all the things that were popular when they started making the game and used it to craft their game. 

 Yeah, the ending did accomplished that rare feat of answering pretty much every question you had yet still setting up for a sequel. I think Sylens could be a pretty great villain, as Lance Reddick (I still want to call him Cedrick Daniels) absolutely nails a cold blooded sociopath with on singular goal.

It is possible that Faro just didn't want them to repeat humanities mistake. Well, his mistake. He wanted to give them a clean slate and not be burdened by how much we did to fuck things up. I think he just went insane with guilt mostly. I mean, he did quite literally wipe out the humanrace.

 The glitch is interesting, it could be that the odyssey mission succeeded and actual humans want to retake earth.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

06/28/2018 at 11:18 AM

I actually think Elizabeth could have been responsible for the glitch. Obviously she wouldn't have wanted it to react the way it did, but she seemed very anti-war and I could see her putting it in to steer humanity away from militarized robots. Maybe I'm just thinking that because I love the idea that the end came from a lack of foresight rather than malice.

As for Faro, I just think it's too convenient there wasn't a body found and feel he'll either be in stasis or have his mind uploaded onto a computer for a sequel. And if that's the direction they go in, they have to have some kind of twist when you meet him, like Apollo contained information about the glitch he didn't want passed down. It's all speculation, just feel that's where Guerilla's going.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/27/2018 at 09:45 AM

Garrus rules.  That is all.  

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/27/2018 at 11:30 AM

Space Batman is best batman.


06/27/2018 at 10:32 PM

I have to get back to Horizon Zero Dawn and a bunch of other PS4 games.

I'm going to play the first Rage tomorrow. Been wanting to for years.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/28/2018 at 01:46 AM

I'll be interested to hear what you thinK of Rage. I wasnt a huge fan, but it definitely has its merits.


06/28/2018 at 12:17 PM

I was always interested in it since John Carmack created the game engine. What was it, IDTech5 or something?

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/29/2018 at 06:41 AM

Yeah he did. That engine was also used in the first wolfenstein game as well dishonored 2 and both evil within games, and it's been used to better effect since I think. It's still pretty impressive for a 2011 title though.

Cormack also had a fair bit of control in the making of the game, and I'm pretty sure it was his last big release. I don't think he had a huge amount of involvement in the new doom as he'd moved on to Vr and other software improvements, so it's interesting for that reason too.


06/28/2018 at 07:39 PM

So is Nioh skill based or gear based? I didn't like the demo and haven't played it for the reasons you gave about the full game. I've heard those exact complaints before and it doesn't seem like I'd enjoy playing it. When it comes to 'souls' games, I like the atmosphere and exploration along with combat but I don't necessarily like cheap difficulty like padding enemy health. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/29/2018 at 06:37 AM

Um... both. Sort of like Dragons Dogma I guess. I don't think you could do the entire game like with your fists ala dark souls, but it still takes a lot of skill to master and there's a lot of depth outside of loot.

im the same, and this is why I gave up on nioh. The first few areas were great, but then it started getting really repetitive, and it does lack that atmosphere Souls games excel in. If you can get it cheap it's worth a shot. It's not even necessarily harder than a Souls game, it's just more tedious, and there are fewer ways to dampen the tedium.


06/29/2018 at 04:54 PM

When you say give up does that mean you didn't finish the game or just stopped caring about it? In the demo it felt like there were a lot of trash enemies between bosses that I couldnt avoid unlike in souls where I can just marathon to boss and do boss rush. 

Also, what was your final verdict on Dark Souls 3 in comparison to all the previous games story wise and mechanically? Did you play Monster Hunter World by the way?

Nice hearing from you again by the way!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/30/2018 at 04:33 AM

I didnt finish it and I stopped caring about it. The demo was a lot harder than the full release, and the main enemies seem A lot easier. Which is probably why it feels so weird. I rarely die outside of bosses unless I fall to my death, and then I die 30 times to a boss. I feel like mobs could stand to be a bit tougher or have more variety because you learn what they can do and there's very few enemies added after the first few hours. The bosses are such a a mixed bag. Some are really cool and it felt great learning how to conquer them, and others are so tedious that it's a chore to get through them.

Dark Souls 3 is a mixed bag for me, as it strips away a lot of what I loved about the original. There are so few surprises or moments of beauty. Theres nothing that matches the majesty of sif, or the fear inducing design of the gaping dragon. There's nothing that I stopped and Wentworth "oh shit that's cool". With Dark and Demons it felt like they threw out the video game rule book. It felt like the stuff your friends would make up inschool. There's bosses that can level you down, or kill a seemingly innocent Npc, or fight an actual player as the boss. There were secrets that could blot out the sun, save doomed friends, or open up entirely new areas. 

Dark Souls 3 feels safe. It feels like a studio just cashing in a cheque before their next big thing. That said, I still like it. Lorewise, its interesting if super fan servicey. I like a lot of the implication. And gameplay is technically the best the series has ever been.  But there's so little variety. Strength builds don't work as well because every enemy moves with the speed of a Bloodborne enemy now, so it basically forces you to roll a Dex build and two hand. Magic is useless because the lock on breaks if their not close enough to sneeze on, and the game is so linear that you really can't sequence break at all. 

Also, I haven't played Monster Hunter World yet. Just don't have the money now, and I'd rather spend it on the new god of war, just because I grew up with the series.

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