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Fudge For Saturday

On 08/08/2021 at 09:24 PM by KnightDriver

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Had me some fudge mint cookies not unlike the girl scout cookies Thin Mints. Then been played some games. (Suck it Grammarly. I love red underlines)

Star Wars Battlefront II: I played this for a Game Pass reward. I'm not really into this MMO style Star Wars shooter but the graphics look so darn good. I played one mission with a load of other people, got my points and the rewards and was done.  

Minecraft: I've finally given up on locating the Fortress and Stronghold in creative so that when my friend and I play co-op survival we can not waste a ton of time looking for them. Even in creative mode, the Fortress has been very far from the spawn point (like 6000 blocks) and the Stronghold far from the Fortress. I need a Fortress and Stronghold around 1500 blocks from each other, no more. Traveling 6000 blocks in survival is not an option. It takes forever. So I have a new plan: create a box in creative that has the four items I need from these two places. That would be 64 bookcases, blaze rods, nether wort and some soul sand. With that there is no need to find either the Fortress or the Stronghold. Done. 

Last Stop: Played a few more chapters. You return to the three characters over and over one at a time to continue their stories. It reminds me of recent trends in fiction writing. Short chapters each with a cliffhanger at the end and subsequent chapters switching perspective to other characters before returning. Repeat this until dizzy. I'm not a fan of this style of writing but it's ok in a game. 

Peggle 2: At the very end of my session and jumped into this to see if I could knock off an achievement super quick. I did. I only had one trial left of a character and did it in one go. Bazinga! Dropped the controller and left for the day. 

I deleted a lot of games off my hard drive that day because I have a new plan. I'm keeping Game Pass challenge games (because they are used frequently) and only adding games off a list I made of the most recent 12 games I'm interested in trying. Here's my list at the moment:

1. Age of Empires III Definitive Edition (PC)
2. Fuga Melodies of Steel (Xbox One but not on Game Pass - means money - turn-based rpg)
3. Microsoft Flight Simulator (Xbox Series X. I'm looking to upgrade to the new system to play this but it's still not available on the Xbox store)
4. Neo World Ends with You (PS4 - downloaded the demo and will play it soon)
5. Orcs Must Die 3 (Xbox One - money)
6. Last Stop (Xbox One Game Pass - playing now)
7. Death's Door (Xbox One - top-down action-adventure game. money.)
8. Cris Tales (Xbox One Game Pass - .downloaded and will play this turn-based rpg with time elements)
9.  Zombies Ate My Neighbors/Ghoul Patrol - (Xbox One, money, retro rerelease)
10. Ender Lilies -  (Xbox One - 2D action rpg, money)
11. Scarlet Nexus - (Xbox One - action rpg, downloaded the demo and will play soon)
12. Black Book (Xbox One - adventure rpg out this coming weekend)
13. Hades - (Xbox One Game Pass - rogue-like action dungeon crawler out this weekend)

I know that's 13 so I'll have to eliminate one. I think it will be Age of Empries because I've pretty much decided to not upgrade my laptop just yet. 




Cary Woodham

08/10/2021 at 09:30 PM

I just finished writing my review of CrisTales.  It's a good game, but has too many problems to keep me glued to it.  Also the new Ace Attorney game came out, so that may have something to do with it. :)


08/10/2021 at 09:34 PM

I got Crist Tales on Game Pass, so why no check it out. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

08/12/2021 at 01:24 AM

Yeah man. Grammarly can eat it. Laughing


08/14/2021 at 09:44 PM

It's usually pretty good but sometimes I find it changing things on me. I don't mind the highlighting but do not change something on the fly. I've found some weird changes I didn't approve of sometimes. 


08/14/2021 at 02:46 PM

Is Gamepass streaming, or do you dl the games to your drive? How is your internet? Mine is 50 mbps, and I have trouble with action games on PSNow because of input lag.


08/14/2021 at 09:49 PM

I download everything on Xbox. Sometimes I try game pass games streaming on my phone (not all but a lot are optimized for streaming) but they are usually so laggy they're unplayable. I just got a new phone though, so I'm going to try streaming again sometime and see what happens. Problem is though, my data useage goes through the roof,and going through my wifi (nowhere close to 50 mbps) is even worse for lag. 

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