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Comics: Bloodborne: Lady of the Lanterns

On 03/10/2023 at 09:31 AM by KnightDriver

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One free comic book day, I spied a fantastic cover for an upcoming Bloodborne comic, Lady of the Lanterns, and had to follow it being a fan of Bloodborne and the souls games in general. I finally read the fourth and last issue in this story in February. 


The story takes place in the plague ridden city of Yharnam, just like the game. The new threat is the Lady of the Lanterns, a siren that sings whatever you most want to lure you into a trap that will turn you into a plague ridden beast. The story is told from the point of view of a child whose family is destroyed by the plague. He meets a hunter and soon you are following them in their quest to find the Lady of the Lanterns. More hunters are met until they form a team of four to take on the siren. It's like a visual DLC mission for the game. Ha ha. 

In Bloodborne, lanterns give you health but at the cost of respawning all but the boss monsters on a level. This makes it an apt choice as a symbol of temptation in the comic. Also, The Lady of the Lanterns creature seems like a take on the game's Chime Madiens which announce the arrival of potentially devious players into your game. 

I love the covers, each issue getting a least three different ones to choose from. I got the one I thought most interesting for each issue. I'm not so crazy as to get every variant. I wish there was just one artist for the covers so I could follow him or her, but there is a different one for each and sometimes two. 

I wasn't a huge fan of the interior art. It used a lot of browns and seemed inspired by woodcuts. The story was a bit shallow, but it got better towards the end when more hunters got involved. It was best during action sequences with the creatures. You got better detail in the art in those scenes. Those covers were killer though.  

