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Wii, Switch, Xbox, Oh My

On 01/25/2025 at 11:22 AM by KnightDriver

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I dug into any Nintendo stuff that fits my brick-breaker/fixed screen shooter theme. Then I started a new game list and played what I could without spending anything. Then the usual backups. 


On Namco Museum Remix and Megamix I played Cutie-Q and Galaxian. Cutie-Q is an interesting mashup of Pinball and Breakout. You're basically playing Breakout but on top of a pinball table that has bumpers and spinners. Kind of neat, but I wasn't very good at it. I played it on both collections even though its the same port. Galaxian is always a fun quick play. I'm also not good at that either. The rest of the games on these two collections are interesting but didn't fit my theme.
Then I played all the pre-80s tables on Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection. This would be Jive Time and Gorgar. This collection is different depending on the system you have it for. The best with the most tables is the 360 and PS3 versions (three more tables than Wii and five more than PS2). I have the 360 version thankfully but without the box. Also, weirdly, the Wii version of PHF: Gottlieb Collection has the most tables over PS2/Xbox. Luckily I have that too. 


I bought Namco Museum Archives Vol. 1 for very cheap and played Galaxian again. Then I found Alleyway on the Game Boy selection of games within the Switch subscription service. My Game Boy cart of Alleyway didn't work. I opened it up and saw the board is very corroded with broken traces and probably not fixable execpt by long arduous solder work, which I am not skilled in. But I played it on Switch and it was great. It's simply Breakout but with some side-scrolling and vertically progressing bricks. I like it because I think the ball speed is slightly slower than other versions of Breakout I've played. So I was able to get a lot farther in the game. Or maybe it was the controls or sensitivity of the paddle that made it better. I'm not sure. I just know I did better at it than other versions for whatever reason. I liked it enough that I think I'll keep looking for a working cart for my GBA SP (which I use for GB games). 


I made up a list of games from the last few months I'd like to play. I had Game Pass access to two of them (I've spent enough for this month already): For The King II and Metal Slug Tactics. For The King II is a turn-based RPG that has the look of a miniatures board game. I really enjoyed customizing my team and then exploring the world set up like a grid-based war board game. Battles are fun and complex. I played until my favorite character got killed. You can revive but it irked me so I stopped playing. I feel I am not in the mood for this sort of game right now, but it is very good. Metal Slug Tactics is a turn-based tactics game in the Metal Slug world with like graphics. It's really good and has some mechanics that keep the game feel faster paced than most tactics games. The more you move around, the more points you get for dodging, so it rewards you for active play. I tend to play defensively in these games though, and so I stubbled a bit at first. Then I stubbled over a few of the line-of-sight rules and that frustrated me and I stopped playing. It is very good though. I'm just impatient with gaming rules right now.
I returned to Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga and relaxed a bit. I finished the Gunk robot quests and unlocked a bunch more ships to try out. I wonder if I'll 100% the game though as there is no hint as to what the challenges are on story-based levels. I might eventually look up the ones I don't have though if I'm very close to completion. 


I'm still slowly gaining points to unlock the Fable deck in Microsoft Solitaire. I'm getting very close to it though and so I've been thinking of what to play next on Droid. I've seen some interesting games on the wiki lists for this and last year. I prefer more casual experiences, short play type games though for my phone. Or I'll see what more I can unlock in Microsofts other mobile games, Suduko, Mahjong and Wordament. Well, not Wordament because I 100% completed that game. 

And that's a week. Next week I though I'd break out the PS4 and see what I can play within this month's theme. 




Cary Woodham

01/28/2025 at 10:21 AM

Cutie Q is the third in a 'series' of Namco made pinball/Breakout hybrids, the first two being Gee Bee and Bomb Bee.  All three games were programmed by Toru Iwatani, who would go on to help create Pac-Man.  Toru Iwatani once siad an old Japanese manga called Q-Taro was an inspiration to Pac-Man, especially the ghosts.  You can see it also in Cutie Q since Q is in the name and if you look at the pink ghosts in the top middle of the screen, when you hit them with the ball, they just turn into eyes just like Pac-Man!

I tried to get a review code for Metal Slug Tactics when it first came out, but wasn't able to.  Oh well.  


01/31/2025 at 12:25 PM

Yeah, I couldn't find a way to play Gee Bee or Bomb Bee otherwise I would have. I noticed that ghost at the top of Cutie Q. Interesting connection to Pac-man.

I'm finding that i love the idea of tactics games but that they often frustrate the heck out of me. Maybe I just love the look of those gridded out maps. 

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