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Twin-Stick Feburary

On 02/01/2025 at 12:55 PM by KnightDriver

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Yeah, not doing any more 70s games but I will just mention Space Invaders Extreme 2 as being awesome before moving onto my theme for this month, twin-stick shooters. 

It's a console generation 2 celebration for February. This is Atari 2600, Intellivision and Colecovision. Yeah there are others but these three are what I largely grew up on in the early 80s. I decided to refine the celebration even further to a genre I found myself enjoying last year, twin-stick shooters (also sometimes called multidirectional shooters). Here's my list so far. Tell me if I forgot any. 

The Deep Retro

1. Space Dungeon - This Taito 1981 arcade game is likely the first of its kind. It was ported to Atari 5200 and Taito Legends Power-Up for PSP. I don't have a PSP anymore so I'll likely not get to it. I did play it when I had a PSP and that Taito collection though. But it was years ago. 
2. Robotron 2084 - Oh yeah, this is where most people recognize the beginning of the twin-stick shooter from 1982. This is on many Midway collections for all sorts of systems. 
3. Black Widow - Also 1982 and an Atari game so on a lot of Atari collections. 
4. Smash TV - From 1990 and a banger. It's also on a lot of Midway collections. 
5. Total Carnage - 1992 and ported to SNES and Game Boy (looking for them) and many Midway collections. 
6. Geometry Wars - First as a bonus game within Project Gotham Racing 2 in 2003. I got PGR2 just for the fun of finding it. 
7. Geometry Wars Waves - This was a hidden game within Project Gotham Racing 4 for 360 which I'm trying to hunt down right now. 
8. Geometry Wars Galaxies - I just bought this for Wii but there is a DS version I'm looking for. 
9. Geometry Wars Retro Evolved - On Xbox 360 and as part of Galaxies. I can still download it on Xbox Series S and did so. 
10. Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2 - Also originally released on Xbox 360 digitally and still available on Xbox Series. 
11. Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 3 Dimensions - Downloadable on all current systems. 
12. Renegade Ops - This was on 360 and PS3 digitally. I bought years ago and is not available now that those online stores have closed. I'll have to break out the 360 to play it again. 
13. Halo Spartan Assault - A launch game for the Xbox One is still available on Xbox Series. Its sequel was PC only though, which is a shame. I really liked this game. 
14. Xeno Crisis - A cool homebrew game released for the older and newer systems in 2019. 
15. Berzerk Recharged - The original Berzerk is not really in this genre but this remake is. 
16. Black Widow Recharged - Available everywhere and I can't wait to play it. 

The Modern Take

I was very surprised to find so many games that are described as twin-stick or multidirectional shooters. I put all these on my wish lists. 

For My Xbox:

1. The Ascent
2. Assault Android Cactus
3. Archvale
4. Binding of Issac Rebirth
5. Colt Canyon
6. Enter The Gungeon
7. Hotline Miami Collection
8. Iron Crypticle
9. Legend of Cyber Cowboy
10. Nuclear Throne
11. Ruiner
12. Slaycation Paradise
13. Synthetik Ultimate
14. Tesla vs Lovecraft
15. Tesla Force
16. Vicious Attack Llama Apocalypse
17. Warhammer 40K: Shootas, Blood & Teef
18. West of Dead

For My PS4:
1. Alienation
2. Dead Nation
3. Helldivers
4. NeverAwake
5. Nex Machina
6. Rive

For my Switch:
1. Doomsday Hunters
3. Neurovoider

Man! That's a lot. I bought Rive on a sale and I might get the Ascent because it's on super sale right now. I'll see what I can get to this month. Should be fun. 



Cary Woodham

02/02/2025 at 09:17 PM

I think my favorite twin stick shooters are probably Robotron, Smash TV, and Black Widow.  There was a Ghostbusters twin stick shooter that came out I think at the end of the 360 life but I didin't get to play it.


02/07/2025 at 01:24 PM

Sanctum of Slime. I just looked it up. I put it on my list. It's still on the store for Xbox Series. I'll wish list it.


02/07/2025 at 01:04 PM

Last year I played Nano Assault EX for the 3DS, expecting it to be a scrolling shooter like the other games from its developer, but it turned out to be a twin stick shooter interspersed with Star Fox-like levels. It was kind of short but I enjoyed playing it.

Nice to see Renegade Ops getting a mention! It was a PS+ game on the PS3 the first month I subscribed and I played all the way through it. I don't remember a lot of specifics about the the game but hey, like I said, I did play all the way through!


02/07/2025 at 01:28 PM

Oh cool, one for the 3DS, Nano Assault. Thanks. It's on the list. 

I played Renegade Ops but don't remember if I finished it. I'm going to break out the 360 next week, so I'll play it again. 

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