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More Microsoft Blunders

On 06/17/2013 at 10:11 PM by Blake Turner

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 Well guys, you can forget every xbox game you saw at E3, because they weren't running on xbox's, nope, they were running on high end pc's with better graphics cards than the xbox had. Not only that, but they were running their competitors graphics cards!

 The Xbox is running AMD graphics cards, and they're sort of decent ones, although the one I'm about to buy is $350 and is about the same. So they're running a medium-high range graphics card, the kind needed to run The Witcher 2 at ultra. It's not bad by any stretch of the imagination, and some of the things they'll get out of it will be phenomenal, meaning that for a while, these things will be on par with pc. However, the PC they were using was running Windows 7 (Microsoft - not even confident in Windows 8), and running NVIDEA graphics cards, THE FUCKING COMPETITOR! Not only that, they were using either Titans or 700 series, which is pretty much top of the line stuff. The cards they used have AT LEAST double the graphical capabilities of the Xbox One.

 Well, look forward to bankruptcy microsoft, because you ain't making a fucking cent of this machine.




06/17/2013 at 10:21 PM

Don't be too hyperbolic, it nowWink

It's common for games at shows like these (e3 in particular) to run on often better PCs but It;s usually on the same specs and OS.

However apparently Devs have spoken out that only one game wasn't using XB1 devkits


Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/17/2013 at 10:30 PM

 Yeah, Battlefield showed a backspace key in their demo, and a windows error noise appeared in another video. I call bullshit on that.

 I wouldn't mind if the pc had the same specs, but this is more than double the performance. They're scared of Sony, who has the PR and the better machine.


06/17/2013 at 10:36 PM

and It keeps getting worse my friend see how they're defending their price point

back to...escapist

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/17/2013 at 10:57 PM

That cost is almost definititely from the Kinnect being mandatory.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/17/2013 at 10:40 PM

Yeah, but didn't the PS4 do so as well, most likely? I get that it's an industry practice we should call out, and I don't think companies should be allowed to do it (blatant false advertising), but I don't think this makes MS look worse, so much as everyone else look bad, and PC look like the obvious choice for graphical powerhouse. ... which still works out for MS, cause you're most likely getting their OS on a gaming PC.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/17/2013 at 10:51 PM

The PS4 devs said they used a dev kit. That includes Jonathon Blow, a man notorious for saying things he shouldn't. Sony has a better machine, and microsoft are scared. That's why this is happening.


 Also, Microsoft make nothing from games released on PC, which is why Windows 8 is trying to make it hard to game their. They want gamers on Xbox rather than pc, because they get a cut of every game released on there.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/17/2013 at 11:34 PM

Ah, I see. I guess with Sony, since Killzone 2 was the most notorious offender, I just guessed they did the same. And that's interesting about 8. If I bought a new laptop, I'd get 7, for sure, or a different OS, I'm just not informed about it as I should be, and I've noticed on Steam that Ubuntu and Apple OS are supported less than Windows.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/17/2013 at 11:42 PM

Yeah, but Gabe Newell wants to push against that. He wants to port most steam games over to linux, because he thinks Windows 8 is detrimental to gaming.


06/17/2013 at 10:42 PM

Should I be surprised at this point? I swear microsoft is the first suicidal company I've ever seen on this scale. I was already confident pcs could easily be tricked out to surpass the Xbone. This just confirms my hypothesis,really. (Of course MS has monopolized on operating systems so even if you get a pc you support them UNLESS you go linux.)

I really hate to be such a douche-bag towards MS but they haven't given me any reasons to defend them.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/17/2013 at 10:55 PM

 Not really. I mean the operating system they get money for, sure, but they don't get a cent off games released on PC. 

 Sony has the better machine - much better in fact - and Microsoft are scared.


06/17/2013 at 11:13 PM

But we're AMERICUH,Blake! We fear NOONE! (Actually we're pretty xenophobic towards everyone. lol.)

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/17/2013 at 11:44 PM

And homophobic. And scared of other religions. And scared of change. And scared of progress. And scared of... just about everything. However, that's dumb people everywhere. American dumb people just seem dumber than normal dumb people because you're the country with all the power lol.


06/18/2013 at 12:48 PM

My God Ben! I was unaware that Americans feared the lead singer for Herman's Hermits.


peter noone


06/17/2013 at 11:01 PM

Its way to early to say what will happen with Microsoft because A. Most of the people who will be buying the Xbone will be less iinformed on the system then us and therefore will be buying it thinking there getting the next great Xbox, and B. Microsoft may realize there making a mistake with all the negative feedback there getting from this on 24 hour debacle.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/17/2013 at 11:45 PM

They could absolutely bounce back. I just doubt they will, after continually fucking everything up.


06/17/2013 at 11:06 PM

There's no way in hell I'll be buying this garbage. The PS4 and even a new PC are way more appealing at this point. I know PC has issues with DRM and what not, but at least it's not so black and white. PCs can do a lot more than the Xbone anyway. I can handle DRM bullshit to a point. I don't mind Steam, but a whole console based off DRM can kiss my ass lol. Tongue Out

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/17/2013 at 11:47 PM

The thing with PC is that yes, we have to put up with some stupid shit, but we have options. Buy from GoG or humblebundle and you have NO DRM! Steam is convenient, because it's cheap and it's an easy way to library our games, but it's not the only option.

 Xbox one is "Do it our way or die"


06/17/2013 at 11:24 PM

And the sauce gets thicker! seriously next Microsoft will be putting rohipnol in everyones drinks at their next conference and when they wake start being all jovial about 'how amazing last night was' out of embarrasement of drug induced anmesia  everyone will agree. Sad times my friend.... sad times 

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/17/2013 at 11:36 PM

High five on the Human Centipede/Tosh.O/rohypnol drug reference. For whatever reason, the way that guy says it in the movie cracks my friend up.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/17/2013 at 11:49 PM

 Microsoft would have to drug me if they expect me to buy their console.

Captain N

06/17/2013 at 11:35 PM

Even more blunders, have you read that Microsoft are trying to sway people at Nintendo events held at Best Buy to get an XBox 1? I actually feel sorry for the employees

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/17/2013 at 11:49 PM

Yeah I read that. That's just low. Seriously, the Wii-U is having troubles selling as if, it's not like they're the big competitor here. 


06/18/2013 at 12:15 AM

I watched a bunch of trailers for games shown at E3 on Xbox 360 today. Maybe it's my TV, but none of the graphics of any of the games impressed me a bit. The COD trailer at the Xbox One Reveal event impressed me though. i guess I just proved your point.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/18/2013 at 02:10 AM

Fair enough. The graphics on Infamous: Second Son for PS4 looked fantastic though.


06/18/2013 at 03:01 PM

I have to look at all the PS4 and Wii-U trailers still.

Justin Matkowski Staff Alumnus

06/18/2013 at 01:57 AM

What Captain N said above is pretty damn disgusting - companies need to learn that "marketing" techniques like that makes you look like the desperate person at the bar, and no one wants to go home with the desperate person. Have a class for F's stake and stand on your merit and what you bring to the table, which, going by E3 (and everything else I've read/seen on the XBONE) isn't very much. Microsoft royally boned themselves this time.

This coming gen, I'll gladly vote with my money by getting a PS4 or a PC.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/18/2013 at 02:09 AM

Yeah. The wrst thing is that the Wii-U is struggling atm. It's barely in competition!

Justin Matkowski Staff Alumnus

06/18/2013 at 02:25 AM

No doubt, incredibly bad form from M$. It makes you feel bad for Nintendo; I already sure as hell am not get an XBone, but that stunt may have been what sealed the deal if my mind wasn't already made up. They have already made themselves look like a huge penis to the gaming world - I'm almost convinced they are trying to commit financial and PR suicide at this point.


06/18/2013 at 02:02 AM

Not really surprised at this point. Microsoft just keeps digging that hole for Xbox.

To be fair though, Microsoft will never go bankrupt because of Xbox One (though their Xbox division might). Even titanic blunders like these couldn't sink the giant that is the Windows platform!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/18/2013 at 02:08 AM

True. Very true.


06/18/2013 at 01:21 PM

Yeah, I read and saw that. Pretty pathetic. These guys aren't even ready for next-generation.

Doubt Microsoft will ever go bankrupt but I'm sure many of us would love to see it happen. Microsoft has never cared for their customers, only for making profits and cutting corners when they don't even have to. I love India, the country is beautiful as are the women but I don't want them answering the phone when I call customer support.


06/18/2013 at 08:53 PM

LOL.  That's funny. Laughing


06/18/2013 at 11:56 PM

Saw the news days yesterday at a blog I visit. Yeah, they just make stay even further from the Xbone.

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