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PSN+ April Preview

On 03/28/2014 at 12:32 PM by mothman

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April's PS3 PSN+ main event is Batman Arkham City. PS4 owners get Mercenary Kings and there's another couple of Vita games for me to add to the already huge list of titles I can play if I ever get my hands on one of those.

Here's the list and a link to the details:

Mercenary Kings (PS4)

Batman: Arkham City (PS3)

Stealth Inc. A Clone in the Dark (PS3)

Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (PS3)

Velocity Ultra (PS Vita)

Pixeljunk Monsters Ultimate HD (PS Vita)

Link To Details




03/28/2014 at 12:54 PM

I am beginning to wonder why I purchased a single indie game for the Vita.  In the past couple of months I have seen the majority of them released as a PS+ freebie.  


03/28/2014 at 01:06 PM

My bf will be happy to see Mercenary Kings free for the PS4 in April. He has been wanting that game like crazy on it. Ill prolly grab it as well.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/28/2014 at 03:26 PM

dammit, I want Mercenary KIngs!


03/28/2014 at 03:52 PM

So "reserve" it so that when you get a PS4 it will be there.

You have to access your PSN account through the internet if you don't have a PS4 but it's pretty easy to do. Bullet656 broke that piece of news a while back.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/28/2014 at 03:58 PM

oh yeah....  thanks!


03/28/2014 at 03:48 PM

I've been wanting Pixeljunk Monsters for Vita more and more lately. I'll put it in my wishlist.


03/28/2014 at 07:40 PM

Oooh, Castl of Illusion! That's what I'm excited for Smile


03/31/2014 at 01:28 PM

I bought that one last time is was on sale. I also bought Epic Mickey 2 but I can't figure out how to get past a jump near the beginning so it was a waste of 10 bucks.


03/31/2014 at 09:06 PM

I tried the first Epic Mickey and had enough, though I recently picked up the 3DS game because it was super cheap.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/28/2014 at 08:05 PM

If only I had a PS3 with PSN+ ... oh wait! Check this out:


^ What I have as of today. A space. 


03/28/2014 at 08:59 PM

Space is good. :)


03/30/2014 at 04:55 PM

looking forward to finishing up Arkham City.  I've been beating the Batman games in reverse, starting with Origins.  

Also, Stealth Inc!  good times.


03/31/2014 at 01:26 PM

What did you think of Origins? I've heard people say it's just OK


04/03/2014 at 12:41 PM

It was ok, but easily the weakest of the Arkham games released thus far, imo.  I gave it a single  playthrough on easy, and was pissed at all the QTEs during boss fights...espcially (SPOILER?) during the Deathstroke fight.

Worth a playthrough..but don't give more than 20 bucks on it if you wanna buy.  Just my 2 cents!


04/03/2014 at 01:01 PM

Then 10 bucks on Steam was probably a good price for it.


03/31/2014 at 01:23 PM

Kind of funny I'm excited for the Vita games (I'm in a Vita kick right now). I really should past Batman AC, and I need to get back into the Mickey games.


03/31/2014 at 01:31 PM

I might be excited for the Vita games if I actually had a Vita. I certainly have enough waiting for me.

I need to start a charity campaign. 

Wouldn't you like to buy a Vita for a panda like me. 


03/31/2014 at 02:26 PM

Haha you should do a donate a $1 get a panda pic campaign here on Pixlbit. You'd probably have enough for a Vita, and a PS4.


05/14/2014 at 02:08 PM

Still no dice for me. I want moar sales on digital games that don't have physical media. Like PSN titles themsevles!

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