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KnightDriver's Comments - Page 1863

Man of Steel Angry Rant

Posted on 07/01/2013 at 01:48 AM | Filed Under Blogs

The comparison I like to make is to Watchmen. Superman had a similar pacing and mood to it I thought.

I'm not a huge Superman fan. My friends basically dragged me to it (although I did want to see Superman on fire like in the trailer), but I thought it was very good. Action, acting, casting, etc... all seemed just right. Everyone has their own version of Superman they like though, so I can see some superfans thinking this wasn't their thing, but film making wise, I would say it's excellent. 55 on metacritic baffles me. I would've thought the critics at least would have liked it.

Saints Row's "Implied Sexual Violence..."

Posted on 07/01/2013 at 01:43 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Weird, isn't it, but the adults never did make much sense.

Community Poll

Posted on 07/01/2013 at 01:40 AM | Filed Under Blogs

He apparently carries an Xbox One controller around with him at all times.

Community Poll

Posted on 06/30/2013 at 03:32 AM | Filed Under Blogs

A very long one. Started out seeing Man of Steel. It was really good. Then had some Froyo. Played some Ghost Recon Shadow Wars on 3DS. Went to work and listened to Major Nelson interview Bungie's community director for Destiny and RadioRadar talk about Micheal Jackson games to hilarious and cringe worthy effect. Got home. Opened up Pixlbit. And now I'm eating Cashews and Milk and about to watch Peter Cushing play Doctor Who. Yea... I should go to bed soon.

What Have I Been Up To

Posted on 06/30/2013 at 03:16 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm a total movie nerd and actually look through the credits for interesting trivia. Monsters University had lots of side bar graphics that were funny. One was an request for a roomate with these three requirements: No Shedding, No Sloughing, and No Slime. That pretty much covers most monster types. It's smart and funny. Just what I expect from Pixar.

Saints Row's "Implied Sexual Violence..."

Posted on 06/30/2013 at 03:10 AM | Filed Under Blogs

It means Trey and Matt are going to make a special edition for Australia only about Lemmiwinks and Mr. Slave [see Season 6, Episode 14]

Saints Row's "Implied Sexual Violence..."

Posted on 06/29/2013 at 03:53 AM | Filed Under Blogs

They must've banned all the Destroy All Humans games which were developed by Australian developer Pandemic. You can make alien Crypto go crazy with the Anal Probe gun. Actually you had to use it to get brain stems to pop out of people so you could collect them. So you use it most of the time. Sick right?

 Destroy All Humans

It was a good day!

Posted on 06/29/2013 at 03:41 AM | Filed Under Blogs

No problems here after installing it yesterday.

Last of Us, Massive Chalice, and Remember Me

Posted on 06/29/2013 at 03:39 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yep. it's on iTunes as Double Fine Action Cast. It's not very regular but lately there's been several about Massive Chalice.

A few cool items I found today.

Posted on 06/29/2013 at 03:37 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I've been on a 60s tv kick lately, so I'm finally going to check out a few episodes.

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