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Sleepless nights,Binding Of Isaac, and male shame!

On 03/26/2013 at 02:21 AM by BrokenH

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I have a bad habit of getting insomnia before appointments. I had a basic blood test today just to be sure I’m not approaching diabetes or growing a cancerous sentient tumor whom likes to be addressed as “Billy”. Hopefully I will not get the forthcoming “Call Of Doom” to tell me just how screwed up I am!

Beyond that, I’ve been drawing more. Just finished a rough sketch of my Catholic werewolf marine guy Dwayne and I was impressed how well it turned out considering that I haven’t picked up a pencil to doodle in quite awhile.

My “land lady Gestapo union” likewise have decided to schedule my inspection for the end of this month instead of April. Luckily, I’ve been working on my New Year’s resolution of keeping my apartment cleaner. Aka, let them bring it on, I’m READY!

Oh,games? Well, I downloaded Binding Of Isaac. As much as I like the story, the art direction, and even the randomized dungeons, I totally blow chunks at it! In general I can beat the first bosses (Who are usually Larry Jr. or Widow) but the second floor tends to clean my clock. I also haven’t gotten the hang of shooting Isaac’s tears diagonally.

So what is binding of Isaac? It’s kind of  a morbid biblical take on Adventure Time mixed with Zelda and the horror movie “People under the stairs“. If any of that tickles your morose fancy, it’s dirt cheap on steam right now! Just be warned, it has that “old school challenge”. (Probably because it was brought to us by the same talented people who created Super Meat Boy!)

Topics are a bit dry in my well lately. However, I would like to discuss “sexuality” from a male gamer geek perspective as well as how the radical tug both from the political left and the political right makes “being that guy in the middle” a total nightmare!

It seems as if we live in an age of extremes and we’re expected to pick sides. Aka, if you decide you’re not a feminist then many people assume you’re a “misogynist”, willing sex slave of the patriarchy, or some sort of creepy otaku serial killer stalker who has a thing for basements and pedophilia!

I try to hammer home I’m an “equalist”. Rather than being only pro man or only pro woman I believe EVERYONE should get a fair shake and that we should invest time into becoming sympathetic towards people unique from ourselves. Most of you are intelligent enough to let that sink in but sadly there will always be a few idiots in the audience who will go brain-dead because they cannot comprehend a broad ideology that encompasses more than a single group of people.

A thing I’ve struggled with a lot is “sexual shame”. This type of propaganda is launched at both genders but being I’m a man, I’m more familiar with how it’s targeted at me directly. Put simply, these are some sweeping generalizations I could do without!

1# Japan is EVIL (Xenophobia tells me so!)

I still remember being at 1up and watching the skit called “This month in misogyny”. The very title made me cringe but I decided to watch the footage if only to give it a fair chance.

Most of it boiled down to how games like Hyper Dimension Neptunia and Devil survivor are “bad” because they include teen characters doing mildly suggestive things or have females present with an exaggerated bust size.

Though I’m no expert of Japanese culture I do know the age of consent there is around 13 and that Asian women tend to be lithe and thin even after they become adults.  I’m not saying there are no tall, buxom, and voluptuous Asian beauties out there but it’s safe to hypothesize most of them are not. (Though average Asian women are still stunningly beautiful in their own special way!)  

Such truths create three results. One is that teenaged characters will be portrayed in a more sexual and mature manner in anime and Japanese videogames (which coincides with puberty, the age of consent, and those kinds of hormonal cravings), Two, not all female characters in anime depicted with lithe physiques are actually children, and third, Asian men are often aroused by big breasts on account it’s a rare trait where they are from. (Aka, for many people the grass is always greener on the opposite side of the fence. We are attracted to the new and the exotic. Japanese people are no different)

Judging Japan by our own moral standards in the west is pretentious and short sighted. We’re dealing with two very unique cultures, after all.

Yet most importantly, these are women and girls made out of polygons and pixels. Though I personally find the content in such games disturbing on occasion, I have to remember these are not real people. I will not waste my time crusading against what is make believe and neither should you!

2# Objectification

Of all the fictional females in gaming, the sexy ones kick up the most controversy. Characters such as Bayonetta, Cat-woman, and  Juliet Starling create mixed reactions at best. Many gamers will argue they empower females because they’re fiercely independent combat capable vixens who kick ass and look stylish while doing it. However, an equally large number of gamers will decry they objectify women just because these femme fatales are comfortable with and flaunt their sexuality. By that logic do many feminists believe “sex is wrong”? I’m hesitant to answer as I might misrepresent the movement and I’m already aware there are pro-sex feminists out there. Regardless, this is a touchy subject.

I will say as a guy this is a potential guillotine to my reputation constantly looming just above my head. In this age of political correctness we live in a time where telling a dirty sex joke can get someone fired or drawing a female character in a sexually suggestive way can get an illustrator labeled as a sexist, a pervert, a womanizer, and a chauvinist.

There seems to be the one sided myth that only men objectify women but in truth human beings in general objectify other human beings constantly. From a pizza delivery guy I want my pizza. From a police officer I want protection. From a comedian I want to laugh. From a bank teller I want my withdrawal money. Put simply, I want these people to fulfill a task or a purpose. In passing I’m not going to worry about their feelings or their general well being. (However, given the right circumstances this aloof apathy becomes genuine compassion. This happens when we get to know and acknowledge someone beyond their outer appearance and their profession.)

Lastly, there are smutty romance novels, yaoi pretty boy/pretty girl coupling fan fictions, and those lovely 50 shades of gray! Are females looked down upon for indulging in all these fantasies? Not to my immediate knowledge. As a comparison, watch how quickly a guy gets trash talked for having hentai, watching porn, or commenting lewdly about his favorite fictional female character. (It’s as common place as a gamer being chewed out merely for being female on a disreputable Halo or COD server, no lie.)   

Calling a guy a “pervert” “chauvinist pig” or “sexist” for such trivial biological self expression is the same as calling a woman a “slut” “man hating dyke” or a “whore”.  Before we let fly with such hurtful slander we should really contemplate if the person deserves it or if we know them well enough to judge them so harshly in the first place.

3# Misogyny, the catchphrase for all disapproval!

Sure, you may not feel comfortable with Fred’s open love of pornography. You may think Steve from accounting really needs to get over his “fine asses ” fetish. Then there’s Al who reverts back to drawing tits after he’s done filing his tax returns! Sam? I totally saw that dude masturbating in a closet to a bunch of Hustler magazines! The thing is, none of these quirks makes a man a woman-hater.

A woman hater is someone who stalks women, insists on “his way”,  and uses bully tactics to belittle and break down a female’s self esteem so he can feel as if he’s in complete control. Simultaneously, jovial uncle Kevin who has been happily married 15 years tells the occasional dick, three way, anal, or fart joke at social parties. Does that put him in the same league as “Mr. Psychopathic control freak?” Not by a long shot!

“Misogyny” is used out of context in so many instances it’s beginning to lose its’ meaning and impact. Anytime someone “disagrees” with someone else the word is ready to be slung at some hapless guy who just so happened to not entirely agree with Anita Sarkeesian or who wasn’t offended by Cat-woman’s “skintight cat suit” in Arkham City.

As a male I confess my relationship with women as a whole is 50/50. I know dear female friends close to my heart and I also know women I utterly loathe. I do not actively dislike anyone of either gender unless they give me a good reason to.  

There’s no denying misogyny exists but there are many people who have been called “misogynistic” who do not actually deserve the label.

Furthermore ladies, the lonely shy guy whacking his meat to comic book heroines, anime school girl bondage, and comic book villainesses probably isn’t as much of an immediate threat as the Jersey-shore looking douche-bag at the bar trying to get in your pants by buying you drinks! Just saying! (Not there’s anything wrong with playing the field so long as it’s consensual both ways!)


4# Create a character……in retrospect did you make your character “ugly” or “mundane“?

In games where we have the opportunity to create our own characters we tend to make our avatars attractive, cute, or grandiose. Okay, maybe you’ll make a joke character who’s “utterly hideous” but it probably isn’t the one you use to embody your ideal self!

Both men and women are governed by the rules of attraction and there’s no shame in a bit of self indulgent fantasy escapism!

Should either gender be punished for enjoying nice eye candy once in awhile?



Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/26/2013 at 02:54 AM

nothing wrong with eye candy!  

I think I've a bit of insomnia myself tonight.  I slept for a couple hours, but now I'm pretty awake and feel like staying that way. I'm working on my own bloggity blog.  

yeah the issues you talk about are complicated.  words can barely define them. I think now of that lame Den of Trolls that was talking about your blogs because "Bob's" girlfriend tweeted whatever the fuck.  So goddamn lame.  

Anyway, I like your drawing, and I just might check out Binding of Isaac.  The indie scene really give me hope. I hope you've been working on your game as well.  


03/26/2013 at 03:03 AM

Bob really did "cross that line". I doubt I was his first "victim" so to speak. It seems as if he wants to style himself as "The Howard Stern" of gamers. (Aka,troll other gamers and generate the controversy just to get more traffic.)

That's kind of why I have mixed feelings about joining Retronauts when it becomes its' own site. Jeremy, Marty, and co. seem really nice for the most part but I rather not put up with Mackey's shenanigans. To each their own!

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/26/2013 at 02:54 AM

That werewolf looks a lot like Matt's Digimon from that show when I was a kid. I forget its name; knowing that show, it was probably Wolfmon. Nice drawing.


03/26/2013 at 02:56 AM

Digimon was great but back in the day I was more knowledgable with Pokemon. lol. It probably was "Wolfmon" "Fenirmon" "Ferialmon" or something along those lines,Joe. Call it "my hunch"!

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/26/2013 at 02:57 AM

Nope, Gururumon, just looked it up on Bing. lol


03/26/2013 at 03:05 AM

Well, ain't that furry critter just adorable. lol.

Patrick Kijek Contributing Writer

03/26/2013 at 02:59 AM

Everybody on the site gettin' sleepless. (Sung as if you were singing everybody in the club getting tipsy.)

Cheers and hope it goes away. At least you're with a good club where we all have it sometimes. We'll get through it. (I'm reassuring myself.)


03/26/2013 at 03:06 AM

Makes me think of movie titles like "Sleepless in Seattle". lol. Minus the Seattle part. I'm in Asheville,NC. lol.


03/26/2013 at 03:37 AM

Ah...I feel kinda depressed sometimes as I try and talk about 'serious' stuff 'openly'...I feel like I am also kinda the 'middle guy' in it all...But I also can't seem to explain myself as fast as I might be being misunderstood and or poorly phrasing something in a situation where most are pretty worked up..Maybe..That's why I sometimes start to feel like a sort of hermit of the net..Just passing by..Haha I remember seeing the word 'Bias' thrown at people who had an opposing or disagreeable opinion to that of the person accusing them of being such..Sadly I fear it's evolved to that word featured in this post..On a lighter note Spring should be decending..~


03/26/2013 at 03:49 AM

It's snowing here. lol. I love snow but it's a tad late for it. Spring will be welcomed when it actually arrives.

 As for "bias" we all are to a degree. It's not really wrong unless you take it to the point of blind fanaticism.

   When it comes to the battle of the sexes, I am indeed the middle guy. The radicals on both sides do nothing but confuse me and frustrate me.

   Society has also made me kind of ashamed of my own sexuality. Never thought it would happen yet all the nasty puritan propaganda began collecting on my mental hard drive until I cracked ever so slightly under the pressure.


03/26/2013 at 06:05 AM

You fight a better battle than I do Ben my good fellow, Luckily my porn collection has never been discovered........ yet. Love the art work mate, really looking forward to seeing this one coloured! I can also see the faint outline of another wolf in the picture, could this be a duel psyche in his alter ego, or am I just reading far too much into a mistake of the pencil?


03/26/2013 at 10:52 AM

It's probably just a mistake I didn't erase that well,Adam. Luckily it should be remedied in the final copy. lol.

As for porn, I don't collect it (I'd be too embarassed to walk into a porn store) but I'd be lying if I said I didn't visit sites like xhamster once in awhile.

Not wanting to oppress women or anything, I'm just single and sometimes "the urge" hits me,y'know?


03/26/2013 at 09:56 AM

I have not played binding of isaac in a while.  I never could get to mother, eventhough i put 20+ hours into the game.  


03/26/2013 at 10:54 AM

It's tough. It's also a bit of a luck game. Aka, sometimes you get a really sweet power up and sometimes you don't get anything at all!

I kinda wish we could actually have passwords for each floor at the very least.

Still, pretty neat little title!


03/26/2013 at 05:50 PM

Highly interesting blog with some great points. You're right about the word being thrown about much like the word racist. It's a way of shutting down any chance of your being right in an argument. You will always be the bad guy,literally! I think women objectify men at times as well. I would use as an example the covers of most romance novels. Nothing wrong with it,that's just marketing to your core audience. I don't think any man finds it offensive. But what if dudes were into reading romance novels from the other perspective. And they had buxom young lasses having their way with men on the cover. I think some women would have an issue with that. When it comes to Japan and it's values I will say this. I love anime and manga. But some of it makes me feel guilty to even look at it. I feel so pervy it's unreal! Then I realize that grown men in Japan are into it. In a big way,too. I don't judge men who like hentai,I feel it's sort of silly to. Just not my thing. Like you said,just a bunch of pixels or lines. I do think it has an adverse effect on how those men interact with women,though.By the way,nice job on the drawing. You have some skills in that department.


03/26/2013 at 07:17 PM

I'm with you on manga and anime. I like most of it but some of it is really creepy! (At least based on my values and personal bias) Ah well, at least drawings and animation frames cannot truly be hurt. Still,things like violent rape hentai or loli/moe pandering probably do symbolize a darker under-current of Japanese culture.(Not that all hentai is in fact violent, has child looking characters, or is based around forced sex. Just  very specific niches.) Be that as it may, Europe and the Americas have their own unpleasant cultural under-currents  so I try not to judge. (There are skeletons in my closet too!)

 PS: I liked the fighting game Arcana Hearts and it was very "moe". Still, I thought it was very innocuous and it never suddenly turned into hardcore XXX shenanigans. lol.



03/26/2013 at 05:54 PM

I watched Jimquizition lately and the current vid is about how hard it is for Females to appear on a cover let alone in a game.Frown


Uh! was like a horror story, as a long time Bat-fan i was offended only by Catwoman suit because excluding her 90s sockboob suit her usual one was both practicle and covered her chest. I just thought it was silly, similar to how Female characters in rpgs (or comics) lose clothing the more powerful they are (geez could you imagine that logic in the work place SurprisedWinkTongue Out). Embarassed




03/26/2013 at 07:20 PM

I didn't have much of a problem with Catwoman personally but at that moment I was probably too busy enjoying the exploration and combat to focus on the fact her cat-suit zipper was a bit "open" towards the top. From a realistic stand-point it is silly so I concur! Aka, it leaves the heart & lungs wide open for damage. On the other hand, when have comics been entirely "down to earth"? Besides, is cat-woman's suit even bullet proof to begin with?

 I do find "female armor rpg physics" to be ridiculous but sometimes it is nice looking at nice curves minus the metallic bulk!

Maybe balance this out with sexy man armor? Metal bro thongs for the win!


03/27/2013 at 01:09 PM

Nice drawing Ben. I didn't know that Binding of Issac was done by Team Meat. Must download it soon! It looked weird from the footage that I saw. I have a lot of respect for those dudes after I saw Indie Game: The Movie. Who would have thought that only two people made Super Meat Boy?!

I guess you had stocked up on flamethrower fuel lol. I hope my new landlady isn't of the Gestapo variety. I guess I'll know in a few days. Undecided


03/27/2013 at 04:17 PM

It'll challenge you,Aaron! Binding Of Isaac be hard,yo! However it has an addictive quality to it. I'll orgasm after I make it passed the second floor. lol.

My "local land lady" Nina is very nice. It's the regional manager that's kind of neurotic,rude, and obsessive compulsive. I really wish she wouldn't tag along for inspections.


03/27/2013 at 06:59 PM

First off: good luck with the inspection. Second: get some sleep! Like I have room to talk, lol!

As for the bulk of your blog: Japenese culture is sexist. It's better than it was, but it's still an issue. As for the rest, you know pretty much where I stand on most of it already. There are problems in the gaming industry, but a lot of it is just growing pains and will eventually sort itself out. I say this as a woman working in a male-dominated field. It starts out pretty rough, but once enough women get their feet in the door, the changes that need to happen will. The place where I notice it most is the themes and wallpaper for the 360 and PS3. There are tons of provocative images of woman and few to none of men.  I don't know as I'd really want beefcake as the backdrop of my dashboard, but it would be nice to have the option when guys have all the scantily-clad chicks they could ask for. And yes, we do objectify men.


03/27/2013 at 07:42 PM

I've been clamoring for more "beefcake" for years. If fictional women are gonna be shown that way guy characters should get the same treatment. Heck, it would make male gay gamers a lot happier too!

I agree Japan is a more sexist culture. I'm not saying they're filthy sinners beyond salvation but their history and modern culture are kind of lacking in the progressive civil rights department. Still, I'd put them on a higher pedestal than many other places around the world.

Beyond that, 13 being the age of consent there freaks me out just a little bit. I'd probably be more cool with Japan if the age of consent was at the very least 15.

However, maybe people intellectually and physically mature faster over there? I have no clue! (I don't exactly have the funds to take a vacation there,Tami. lol.)


03/30/2013 at 01:22 PM

I must be one of the last sane people around because I don't identify myself as doing any of those things.


03/30/2013 at 01:25 PM

You mean you play games just to have fun and not to engage in pseudo intellectual debates? What's wrong with you,Setz!? Just kidding,bro. lol.


03/30/2013 at 01:33 PM

Heh. Life is too crazy as it is to be concerned about social issues in my hobby. I'll leave that to the younger generation and nod my head knowingly to their plight. I'll just be thinking to myself that they're missing out on just having fun. Sealed


03/30/2013 at 01:46 PM

It is less stressful to worry about all this "stuff". It's odd because as a kid none of my friends or I cared about what was sexist to fictional characters or what was otherwise "wrong" within the games we played. We just wanted to escape a few hours and have a good time.

 When I started getting online it was as if gaming suddenly became an academic and political VIP self anointed "gentleman's club". All I could think was "Hey, stop trying to turn my hobby into work & personal agendas,yo!"

 Don't get me wrong. I'm all for games evolving and characters becoming more multifaceted and deep. However, I don't believe the absence of sexual content and violence will automatically make all games better across the board.

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