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3rd Birthday: Impressions

On 06/07/2013 at 06:37 PM by BrokenH

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Bad Silky,bad! No treat for you!

So let me just take a moment and say I'm addicted to 3rd Birthday! Between farming for bonus points to get new attachments for Aya’s guns and improving her performance via alterations to her DNA board I’ve been having a blast. Considering this is a 3rd person shooter on the psp, the controls and ability to adjust the camera are both handled smoothly.

Of course what’s best about 3rd Birthday is it’s more than a generic shooter. Aya’s ability to over-dive into various soldiers on the battlefield adds another pleasant layer of strategy.  The monstrous “Twisted” are often lethal nuisances so you have to find the best vantage points available to successfully take them out. For example when the hornet-like “stinkers” were pumping out poisonous gas into the air I had to possess snipers on the roof to take them out. When the centipede looking “roller” was charging me head on it helped to over-dive back & forth into the soldiers on either side of it to keep it confused. When dealing with the spherical “wads” you’ll want good cover so you can protect yourself from their projectiles. Additionally taking out the long armed “slackers” requires ample use of the roll dodge and some fast foot-work in addition to the usual fanciful sharp shooting.

When Aya overdives into enemies instead of allies she causes their insides to rupture thus doing internal damage to them. Additionally this allows her to collect “genetic marker orbs” which when assigned to her DNA grid help in boosting her defense, increasing her regeneration, replenishing her ammunition, and upping the chance of critical shots. However, you have to be careful on what orbs to assign. Be sure to pay attention to their level & make sure there are no “red dots” within their configurations. Red dots are negative weaknesses and deductions you do not want to deal with as this game is already very difficult as it is.

Though the mission structure in 3rd birthday is linear the areas are surprisingly open and multi-tiered. Staying on the ground level and engaging tough enemies directly will often get you killed. Sometimes it’s better to over dive into a soldier manning a gun turret or over dive into the guy above you in the balcony who just so happens to have a rocket launcher. Paying attention to your surroundings in 3rd Birthday is essential for survival, especially during boss fights.

I really haven’t commented on the clothes damage feature have I? Frankly, it’s not a big issue for me. When I’m a gamer I’m not an activist. (I rather have fun as opposed to meticulously uncovering grandiose patriarchal conspiracies that exist only within the fevered delusions of radical feminists & white knight journalists.) The truth is it’s better to repair Aya’s damaged clothes at check points on account they do offer her some protection. Running around almost naked ups the amount of damage per hit Aya takes from her adversaries. Aka, there’s no advantage to “perving out” over Aya’s hawt body. The condition of Aya’s outfits is there to indicate if she still has good defense or if her defense has been lowered. Aka, this feature isn’t there just for titillation. It has a rational purpose. Yes, it’s still “fan-service” but at least it’s fan-service with meaning!

I’m not going to divulge too much about the story. I don’t want to give anything away on account there are quite a few unexpected twists. Rest assured the narrative and plot are not as “terrible” as the various “professional game critics” made them out to be. 3rd Birthday had the misfortune of releasing at the beginning of the snoot era of game reviewing. Aka, it seemed to be a time when every paid analyst expected games to have “flawless dialogue” and “flawless  writing”. Not to mention, every game was expected to be “politically correct”. (Er, at least games from Japan. Kratos was still allowed to have his bathhouse orgies, Shepherd was still allowed to pursue blue alien booty, and Saints row passed through customs with its’ purple dildo in hand! Aya Brea?  Well, she had holes in her jeans so that’s a criminal offense!)

This image incited "rage" in some folks. The rest of us merely shrugged it off and returned to our daily routines!

Okay, let me be perfectly honest. PE1 had a better storyline & better overall premise than 3rd Birthday. Melissa Pearce is one of the very best creepy yet sexy game villainesses to ever grace a game console. It’s impossible to compete with a whole audience within an opera house bursting into flames or watching a parrot flip out as it mutates into a hellish winged mutant. Additionally Aya Brea had a much more likable supporting cast in the first game. I’m not saying Blank, Hyde, Gabriel, and Cray are “terrible”. On the contrary, they offer up some very touching moments and you will eventually care about them. Thing is, I feel more of a sympathetic connection with  Daniel, Ben, Maeda, Lorraine, and Douglas. Maybe it’s just nostalgia though. (Oh, and Maeda is back in 3rd Birthday but he’s so different from his original self it’s difficult to acknowledge him as the same person)  

I admit, Gabriel is awesome!

However, so far I prefer 3rd Birthday marginally over PE 2. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoyed Parasite Eve 2 but I thought it tried a bit too hard to be Resident Evil. At least 3rd Birthday tries to innovate in some ways. Being able to “soul jump” into random soldiers really is a great mechanic and I wouldn’t mind seeing it explored more in the future.

Lastly there’s been a huge hoopla over Aya Brea being much more meek, aloof, and soft spoken in this game. Here I can understand where the fans are coming from but there’s a very good reason for why Aya is acting so strangely and it’s not just because of the convenient amnesia excuse. Again, I don’t want to spoil this for people who haven’t  beat the game. Just rest assured eventually it will all click together.

Considering S/E lost partial rights to the Parasite Eve license I believe they did the very best they could with this reboot. It’s obvious they couldn’t throw around terms like “mitochondria” anymore so they had to hint at a very similar threat which nonetheless retained its’ own distinctive differences. On that level “The Twisted” succeed. Though I get a perverse pleasure out of picking on S/E as much as the next guy, this is an instance where they did very well. (Props to Hexadrive too of course!) If you can dismiss your inner game-snob and enter 3rd Birthday with an opened mind there’s certainly a lot to like here!




06/07/2013 at 06:46 PM

I wanted to pick this game up but never have. So next time I go to GS or other game store and they have it I am getting it. Granted if it is not 20 bucks or more.


06/07/2013 at 06:55 PM

It's a great game for the psp,Larry. Just be warned it's very difficult. I'm revisiting missions to grind a bit because one boss battle in particular was handing my ass back to me. lol.


06/07/2013 at 07:01 PM

Thanks for the heads up. I find myself picking up more PSP games lately. Since some of them are getting dirt cheap.


06/07/2013 at 07:07 PM

Same here. I want to buy up psp games before they get rare and expensive. Afterall, so far there's no point in me entering "the next gen of gaming". I'm a consumer yet I get treated like a petty criminal? No thanks.


06/07/2013 at 07:09 PM

you want to talk expensive... I want the rest of the Summon Night games. They on the PSP and only avalible in Japan. They run 80 to 100 bucks a peice.


06/07/2013 at 07:10 PM

Damn,bro! That is rather steep. I take it the Summon Night games are really good?


06/07/2013 at 07:13 PM

I have the first two on GBA, and Twin ages on the DS. 3-5 are the ones in Japan. I love the game.


06/07/2013 at 07:20 PM

You've gotten me to look them up. I am intrigued!


06/07/2013 at 07:17 PM

I'm glad your enjoying it Ben. I hope to give it another shot someday. I didn't know that you could actually restore Aya's clothes. Man I feel like an idiot lol. Embarassed


06/07/2013 at 07:24 PM

Yeah, you can spend 300 BP to repair her threads,Aaron. I just wish I could get Aya a military kevlar flak jacket. lol.


06/07/2013 at 07:58 PM

It does mi heart good t'see ya enjoyin' yer PSP so it does. Now who was it that told you that you needed to get one? :)


06/07/2013 at 08:03 PM

Yeah, who was that guy that suggested I get a psp? (Kidding,Peter. lol.) But yeah, I'd say it's a great handheld with a very impressive library of games!


06/07/2013 at 08:17 PM

The thing was built with you in mind. So many great RPGs for you to play. I haven't played 3rd Birthday yet but I have PE1 and 2 on my Pro Duo. I'm just happy you now have something you should have had all aloing. The universe is unfolding as it should Ben. :)


06/07/2013 at 08:22 PM

Me & the psp are a match made in heaven. Dave was generous to fork his psp over to me. I was surprised in a good way!


06/09/2013 at 11:26 PM

Loving all of the PSP love you ve been giving us lately Ben! It just goes to show how much life is left in this little handheld, I shall certainly have alook around for this one, keep em coming!


06/10/2013 at 06:41 PM

I will,Adam! Gonna milk the psp nostalgia train as long as I can,oh yeah!


06/10/2013 at 11:37 AM

I've been thinking about getting this game for a while now, but the controls have been a major issue for me.  Now that you've put a significant amount of time into both this and God Eater, how would you rate the gunplay controls between the two games?  Is 3rd Birthday better or worse?  I'm only asking because I remember watching some videos months ago of some hectic gunfights.  The controls looked cumbersome (of course, the possibility of player error exists) and I was wondering if the game balances the player's health/defense to make up for this.


06/10/2013 at 06:40 PM

GodEater and 3rd Birthday are very different. However, at least control wise it was easy for me to master the button set-ups of both games. I beat 3rd Birthday on "normal' and I don't consider myself that great at games with gun play & cover. In other words, the game doesn't seem unreasonable. (If you're unsure you can also play it on easy)

However, there were parts I died often simply because in some instances if you do not destroy certain walls and continue to advance, enemies will keep respawning.

Additionally the DNA board used to level up Aya's powers is confusing but no more so than God Eater's super complex bullet creation system. (And luckily there are tutorials for both)


06/11/2013 at 06:04 PM

That's good to know.  The game's balance was my biggest concern, because I don't want to be severly penalized if I can't aim fast enough.  I've already been there with the PSP's Battlefront games, where they expect you to play a twin-stick shooter - perfectly - without the second stick.  So, if the game has multiple difficulty levels I should be fine with it.  Thanks for the info!


06/12/2013 at 02:59 AM

Roll dodging and over-diving are your two best friends. lol. Most guns also "auto target" but a few of them like the grenade launcher and laser rifle require actual manual aiming. A trick I used for that was selecting  an "auto aim" gun to swivel the camera in the proper direction before switching to a firearm that doesn't auto aim. That way Aya's already turned towards the target when you select your new weapon. 


06/26/2013 at 03:00 PM

Finally reading some of these posts I missed. Glad to hear you like The 3rd Birthday so much! I picked it up new for $10 at a Best Buy back in December but haven't played it yet. I'd been wondering if I needed to play the other two games first though. I've always wanted to play Parasite Eve but just have never had the opportunity (though I think the first one is on PSN now...but not the second...don't remember). Judging by what you said, sounds like I should play at least PE if not both of them before tackling 3rd Birthday. Is that what you'd suggest?


06/26/2013 at 03:57 PM

I heartily recommend PE 1 and PE2 but you don't need to play them to understand this one,daftman. (However, you will appreciate 3rd Birthday more with knowledge of the other games and their characterrs) PE 1 is more like an isometric urban rpg with guns & upgrading whereas PE 2 is a lot like the older RE games. Both are good!


06/29/2013 at 03:16 AM

I have to say I didn't give this game much thought. I guess I was scared off with the reveiws on how it's so different from the original PE formula. I did enjoy the first game but never got around to the second one. perhaps one day I'll give it a try if I happen upon it. I do need to beef up my PSP collection.

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