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On 06/20/2020 at 05:55 AM by Matt Snee

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I'll be the first to admit that I never beat the original Crash Bandicoot for PSONE back when it came out, and though I bought and played the remaster that came out for PS4, that shit is hard, and I didn't get far in it. I haven't played the other two installments either, which I've heard are better. (I gotta get to that). But, I got excited when I saw this leak/announcement. 

A proper announcement is coming Monday, and I'm looking forward to it. I have sentimental feelings for the franchise, despite the difficulty of the first game, and I would totally be into getting this when it comes out. 



Cary Woodham

06/21/2020 at 08:20 AM

I never could get into Crash games.  I'm not a big fan of 'one hit and you die' games, especially in 3-D, and it didn't really do anything better than Donkey Kong Country or Super Mario 64 did.  Only Crash game I really liked was Crash Team Racing.  It rivaled Mario Kart in some aspects.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/23/2020 at 11:17 AM

I've never played that racing game, but I keep telling myself to get the remaster. Heard it's great. 

Cary Woodham

06/24/2020 at 09:27 AM

The remaster is very good.  I got it for Christmas last year.  The graphics on it are incredible.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/21/2020 at 01:47 PM

I beat the first two games in the PS4 collection and got a good bit of the way through 3. Ironically, I got stuck in the first Spyro game on PS4, which is funny since I've always heard Spyro is the easier franchise (granted, it's because I wasn't sure where to go, not cause I died). 

I'm excited for this, too and I'm kind of hoping GameFly gives me Nitro Fueled in the mail soon. I think I have Control above it in my que for now, but I might change that. I could go for some pick-up-and-play stuff.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/23/2020 at 11:18 AM

it's pretty impressive you've beaten the first two Crash's. The first one is really hard sometimes, and the controls can be a bit iffy. I've always wanted to check out those Spyro games. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/24/2020 at 12:15 AM

The first one has a different hit box than 2 or 3 for some reason, but they're all pretty tough. I got stuck on the tiger level in 3, unless I beat that one, in which case I got stuck on the next stage probably. Even though I have zero nostalgia for the actual series, it definitely reminded me how challenging platformers could be in good and bad ways (often simultaneously with the good and badness). 

Spyro might actually be what I'm needing to play right now. Seems like a good distraction. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/24/2020 at 08:49 AM

yeah, I really should try playing the other two Crash games. I heard they're much better. 


06/22/2020 at 06:39 PM

About as close as I've played to this series was using the Crash figure in one of the Skylanders games. He talks like an Australian. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/23/2020 at 11:19 AM

yeah, I think bandicoots are australian animals. 


06/24/2020 at 04:00 PM

I have to admit that, like Cary, the only Crash game I've ever really put any time into is Crash Team Racing. It was the first game I bought when we got Jason's little brother's hand-me-down PS1, because I'd played it at my brother's and had such a fun time with it. I have the remasters for the PS4, but I haven't gotten very far into the first one. Like Cary, I have issues with one hit and die games.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/24/2020 at 04:50 PM

Yeah the first game can be merciless. But I've heard the other two are a bit more fun. 

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