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Travis Hawks's Comments - Page 2

E-Sports the rise of the titans

Posted on 03/21/2016 at 11:02 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, I love old and new! 

FYI - I had a cup-and-ball in college and it entertained me for hours. (I am not joking about this.)

The Mini-Games of Super Monkey Ball: Banana Splitz (Vita)

Posted on 03/16/2016 at 10:58 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I loved the first two games and avoided the rest based on reviews and the fact that I figured I could just keep struggling with all the levels I had never completed.

That said, my wife and I, and then my wife, son, and I played Monkey Target and Monkey Target 2 for years. We loved both versions in their own ways and it got really competitive -- even with a 5-8 year old!

Some of the new mini-games you wrote about sound pretty good... some, not so much. Thanks for the blog!

NOA Lotcheck - Completed!

Posted on 03/10/2016 at 10:51 PM | Filed Under Blogs

This is great news, Nick! I can't wait to download this product to my Nintendo Wii U video game console!

March of Reviews

Posted on 03/10/2016 at 10:50 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Are you going to the festival? We are still trying to figure out which days and who in my family will be going and when. Don't think the 5 year old is interested, but the rest of us love it. If you're there, maybe I'll see you.

Thanks for the ticket tip!

March of Reviews

Posted on 03/09/2016 at 10:12 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Good luck getting a job at the new museum! I am excited for it to open. Right next door in a little over a week is the Pinball Festival too! I am stoked for all of our DFW video game coolness!

You could just be at the Pac-Man info desk all day. Nobody would be better suited.

Score from Staples - 97 Cent Games

Posted on 03/09/2016 at 10:10 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I bid 98c for Dark Void. PROFIT!!

Why Are Gamers Idiots? (Vague Firewatch spoilers)

Posted on 02/22/2016 at 11:30 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I agree 100%! 

Why Are Gamers Idiots? (Vague Firewatch spoilers)

Posted on 02/22/2016 at 09:52 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I didn't "enjoy" the ending, but I don't think it was a bad choice. As a story and an ending, I think it was a good move and a different twist -- which I appreciated. My main issue with Firewatch and other similar games is the illusion of choice. I feel like I'm thrust into some character's body and then told to somehow form his personality. Problem is, the character is too much of a character for me to make him into a representation of myself, or some other random personality I would like. So I am left just nudging some person I don't know in slight directions with conversational choices... It's just unsatisfying to me from both a narrative and interactive perspective.

The story in Firewatch has a lot of good elements, interesting characters, etc. I just don't care for this type of game, apparently.

BaD day 9: a quick bit of advice.

Posted on 02/10/2016 at 03:01 PM | Filed Under Blogs

And you live in Texas where the probate laws are supposed to be simple and straightforward. Good advice!

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